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  • Guns
    Tippmann M4 Commando<br />
    TM Mk23<br />
    Cyma AK47S<br />
    WELL MB-06
  • Loadouts
    DPM & PMC
  • Sites
    Bush Valley Airsoft, , Cool Under Fire, Invicta Battlefield

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  1. Hey fellas, Just wanted to reach out here to say thanks to those who got in touch and say sorry to anyone here if they were baited into this dirty scammer. His account has been marked, which means he cannot re-use the email, I've also followed up with 3 other accounts he has created and i'll continue to monitor over the coming days. The adverts are gone and I've reached out to all his recent private conversations to let them know to stop any further communication and contact PayPal if they'd recently paid. Unfortunately it's not possible for me to monitor every private message and advert; it's one of the reasons I have no interest in handling the transaction within the platform. Keep your due-diligence whether on AN, this forum or anywhere else when it comes to sales. Offering to meet in person usually puts off the scammers. Anyway, thanks again. Be safe and I hope to see some of you on a game day in the near future.
  2. Been crazy busy since New Years but I'm back here! Facebook has been hammering groups again (Uh-Oh!)

    On better news, UKAPU just had their annual game at Bravo1, such an awesome site. Worth the 4 hour trip each way for sure.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Druid799


      To be fair a lot of sales groups got shut down due to utter bell ends trying to sell RIFs and making a fecking derisible attempt if any at hiding it , you know the ones “gun sales aren’t allowed but does anyone know where’s the best place I can sell my puss green combat machine with 3 mags and a battery for 4 shillings and sixpence ? “ type posts ? 🤦‍♂️

    3. Gtech


      It's sure a distance Bibbs, but just like playing with the AFUK at the Mall, it's full of the players with the right mindset.

      No complaining, happy to shoot each other up close and a lot of banter. You can tell most the players in the room had been playing several years, the egos weren't there and it was back to games of honour.

      Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm now the South East rep! Woop! Plenty of work to happen in UKAPU 2019, it's going to be a busy one! 

    4. BibbsOnTour


      Sounds good, might have to make the trek next year then!


      And congrats on representing us South Easteners! :D

  3. Been writing a script for a collaboration Airsoft Awards video - it's going to be really funny...

    ...Most Controversial Player, Overhyped Product and Worst Event of the Year.

    Some peeps going to be triggered! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robert James
    3. Jedi_Master


      That was someone who definitely was easily triggered


    4. Druid799


      Eh hem ? 😂😂👍


  4. I should probably get back to work but the forums keep popping up on my notifications 😁

    1. Lozart
    2. Duff


      God, that is like, SO annoying!

  5. A friend recently recommended this rapper to me and now I'm hooked
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