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magaz last won the day on October 15 2022

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  1. I hear there’s something happening in Bradford soon, I don’t have any details though. There’s Kill House somewhere in/around Leeds if you fancy a trip to the correct side of the Pennines Level 2 in Atherton is the definitive CQB site these days.
  2. Despite everything that went on, I had a great time that weekend. I went out to a mall to shoot at people and get shot at. Hang out with some friends and make some memories. I ticked all of those off the list. And that's what I set out to show in this video, that despite the craziness that went on with the constant waiting around, stopping and starting, injuries, miss communication of rules and all the other stuff, at it's core it's a bunch of nerds knocking about in a mall with toy guns having a laugh. Thanks for hitting that sub button yo! I've got the actual gameplay videos from the weekend in the works which should be hitting the channel soon!
  3. For those of you wanting to see what it was like, here's a tongue in cheek "mini documentary" about all the waiting around, rule changes, dark CP's and other miss-haps that went on over the event.
  4. It's OEM by TMC. I've got a set of the G3 clones from them. I do agree on the quality of Invader gear though. I've got a good few UBACS shirts from them! I don't know what everyone's doing to have their TMC/Emerson gear fade so much in the wash. I've got several sets of TMC/Viper/Emerson/Invader and they've been washed dozens of times with no visible fading (the invader m81 has faded a little to a nice "issued kit" aesthetic though). Lots of talk about kryptek camo in here. I need to go take a shower after even thinking about that horrendously unfashionable set of patterns!
  5. I was chronoed and didn't receive a sticker. Chrono had my MP5 at 185 with .25s (Chronos at 295-300 on my chrono and every other chrono i've run it through.) I don't believe the two guys I was rolling with received stickers either. That game on call on the second day... We had a solid plan and we were all hyped to execute it. As soon as we heard game on we went full send. Then got sent schlomping back to the CP with our tails between our legs. Didn't take the wind out of our sails though. After another ten minutes of standing in the pitch black CP stacked up on the door waiting for the real game on call we went full send again. It was a great start to the game. And a great start to a much better day!
  6. I was standing next to you guys in that second day safety brief! I thought you'd come on a stag do or something!
  7. I remember a group of us buying about 8 guns and a tonne of parts from RSOV and it arrived in two boxes that where the size of coffins. Best day ever!
  8. Level 2 has been my main squeeze these days. But I play all around the North West and a little further afield when I do actually get the chance to get out and play. Became a regular at SWAT for many years after Ambush closed.
  9. Hudson! Still running that noisy MC51 with a C-Mag? I was! Still look back on that game with fond memories
  10. Don't forget those Excel 0.23's the cool kids used to run! #airsoft on IRC? Spent many nights on there with the "Insomniac army" Sorry to drag up an old thread btw. I was giving "Academy XM177 vintage airsoft" a googs and this thread came up in the results. (Trying to get hold of another of my first ever AEG for the nostalgia) I played my first proper game in September 2000. (Had springers and gas pistols for a few years before that) I often look back at the old days with how simple the game was, less rules, less stress, less arguments. If I was given the option to time travel somewhere I'd definitely go visit some of my old haunts again with a modern AEG...
  11. Chemical Airsoft - Oldham Level 2 - Atherton (highly rated) The Mill - Wigan Vaults - Bury
  12. I seem to recall in the safety brief a statement along the lines of "If you are going to go on the roof of a building, please be careful" (cut to 2021 safety briefs "please try not to run, you might fall over") I didn't realise the furniture was there to cover holes. That's quite amazing. I found some photos from the event recently, I don't think there was anyone with a comedically large moustache or a beret though. Also, you are one post away from the perfect number of posts, which means of course, you'll have to stop posting. But it'll be a beautiful number.
  13. The top of my list is Dragon Valley. (I know, I can hear someone in the back shouting "But they are still open!") I'm talking the old school Boys village site in West Aberthaw. By todays standards, it is a fairly tiny site. But back around 2000-2002 when you saw photos of players walking through what looked like streets playing airsoft, when all you had was a woodland site that was predominantly paintball, so all of the wooden structures where constantly covered in orange and green goop. It seemed like airsoft heaven. At the time, on the "Ol' blue" forums it was the site that everyone talked about. I made two trips down there, once for a normal walk on game (A good few of the #airsoft mIRC crew where present) and once for a weekender event which was dominated by the WASP team (It was the event where for some reason Silvafox wanted his boot prints on the ceiling of the safe zone above the stair well, so some guys lifted him up and stuck his feet to the ceiling.) I was between 17 and 18 when we went down and it felt like the wild West. Super laid back, the general consensus was "don't be a dick" and "take your hits and everything will be fine" and the atmosphere was amazing. Part of me thinks it's just nostalgia that makes it seem so amazing, but it was a great little site and it stood out in the community. On a side note. The first time I was there, I knocked myself out in the empty swimming pool, the second time I broke my kneecap. Bloody good times! A site that gave me a similar vibe to DV was SWAT Saighton camp. "Ol Satan" was a site that a lot of us sort of took for granted. We didn't really know what we had until it was gone. Massive site, with huge indoor areas, lots of buildings and roads. Plenty of weird spots to hide and a great community. The filmsim games they used to run where loads of fun. The Terminator game stands out, I was on the Skynet team and relived the police station scene from the first movie by just casually AF walking into the resistance CP with a SAW and wiping the whole place clean. If time travel holidays ever become a thing, or if somebody makes total immersion video games that are indistinguishable from reality. I'm re living the super happy fun times at those two sites. other sites that are gone but not forgotten: Ambush Strines (where I lost my virginity, not "that" virginity... The one with the balls being fired at you) SWAT Area 51 SWAT Fortress Wentworth CQB Labyrinth CQB (I know F&O have it now, but it's just not the same) The Stan was always a good laugh
  14. Wire, plastic or wood? (asking for a friend) Just picked up a shipment of these Snake Eyes helmets, I've got a bunch of ARC rails and NVG mounts coming from wish this weekend... Anyone want a totes operator AF helmet? I've got some paperwork that says it's totes legit and will stop a bb (tested very scientifically with a .12 fired from a mcdonalds straw) prices between £69 and £420 depending on if I like you and how much glue I've had to use to stick crap onto it...
  15. I’ve been running JT Elite goggles since the very early 2000’s. They are a mixture of cost effective and solid as a nori brick. That being said. If I take a serious hit to the lens I’ll swap it out for a fresh one. Even if I don’t, it gets changed after about six months of use.
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