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Jacob Wright

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Everything posted by Jacob Wright

  1. Sounds like you've fixed it, but yes undo the body pins and there's an Allen bolt in the rear of the receiver. Took me a while to figure out as well, I think it's a common thing across Classic Army/ASG branded platforms as well.
  2. I just had the exact same thought 😂 back when the Magpul gear was all the rage, along with those 'Art of the Tactical x' videos they made!
  3. Bought myself a new holster for when I’m not running a battle belt. Picked up an IMI one for £20 at UK Tactical. Was delivered pretty quick, my Glock 19 Gen 3 fits perfectly with good retention - but the Glock 17 Gen 5 doesn’t. It seems the ambi slide release is catching on the inside of the holster, so I’ll have to dremel it down slightly.
  4. Played my first game of 2025 with a mate at Combat Airsoft Thetford today, we both agreed it was a great day. The owners have done a bit of work in some of the game areas which helped to change things up a bit, and everyone seemed to get involved in the games which was nice. One repeat non-hit taking offender which was a bit annoying but they left early anyway. Really happy with the L119A1 today, did take the Glock 17 along but never had a chance to use it. If the rest of the years airsoft is like today, then it'll be a good year.
  5. Yes, definitely. I've always found the Marshals friendly and fair, and as a group we enjoy the different types of games they run there. Pragmatically - you could probably apply the approach to anywhere: it comes down to personal preference and experience on the day. I went to the RIFT Battery at the beginning of 2024, really well run and good fun - but I'm not the biggest fan of CQB so wouldn't go back. It's funny you should mention AWA, I haven't played there in about 12-13 years and although I'm sure its improved, those few bad experiences from many years ago mean I probably won't go back. So overall I'm not saying that deciding whether to go or not based upon other players reviews of sites is a waste of time, in fact some reviews are really handy (Asomodai review series) - but sometimes its probably worth going and having a look for yourself.
  6. Emergencychimps - I think you’ve put it far better than I could. I’ve only been playing at Tuddenham on and off for the past 3 years, had some really good days and a couple less so - but on the whole myself and the team keep going back as it’s close by and overall not a bad site. To highlight the matter of perspective, I’m pretty sure I was at that September games and only noted one episode of non hit-taking all day - yet you clearly had a completely different experience. Completely understand why the OP may be reluctant to return, I think 3 opportunities would be my limit as well.
  7. Sounds a bit like what happened with Rivus Fleet, or Babcocks. Can’t remember now he kept the Met servicing contract.
  8. Just spotted this thread at a rather timely moment, as I’m currently pondering a battle belt. I currently run either a Platatac Peackeeper or Arktis chest rig, and sidearm just on my trouser belt. The chest rigs are great but at the last few games I played I could have done with just a battle belt. In the past I’ve used a Blackhawk Molle belt with Esstac Kywi’s and various other pouches, but the Blackhawk belt isn’t the most comfortable and shifts around a lot due to the lack of an ‘inner’ belt like you see on a lot of modern shooters belts, especially once you’ve added a couple of magazines onto it. I’ve stumbled across the Light Ops Belts from Dragon Supplies, and apart for being in MTP they look pretty spot on. The pouches are stitched to the outer belt, but would allow me to carry 3 primary magazines, 3 secondary magazines and a couple of small utility pouches for anything else. Currently got some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket, so I’ll let you know how I get on!
  9. I saw that post on X this morning, and I wondered the same!
  10. That is absolutely wild, where do you even start with that? 😂
  11. This is the reason I now only have 2 Glock’s, no need to buy loads of different holsters. I’ve got a Safariland for if I’m using a light, and a Kydex Customs one for when I’m not and both have QLS mounts.
  12. Might put mine back in the box 😂
  13. Went to the Defiant Battlesim on Saturday at Longmoor UTC. Had a really good day, only hampered by poor comms and a couple of autumn showers. The teams seemed well balanced and the marshals/organisers were able to provide advice and deal with issues (not that I saw any) quickly and positively.
  14. How long before I can stand in the safe zone and say “back in my day we had to load our magazines with a manual speed loader, no auto loaders” 😂
  15. But we don’t want an auto loader .. we want a GBB Hi-Power!
  16. @Marf83@Cyy8883 check out this thread, seems someone managed to...
  17. Letting a mate borrow the A1 for a battlesim this weekend, have dropped it back to the short barrel to make it a bit easier for CQB and swapped the stock as the old school one is getting loose. Would love to have just an interchangeable set of upper receivers for this but it’s a nightmare because I’ve had it front wired.
  18. I've always used this video to help me when it's been a while since I haven't programmed a UV-5R. Keep it simple, write down the settings and do them one at a time 👍🏼
  19. I honestly didn't see any of that Saturday, maybe I was just lucky with the players around me!
  20. @Emergencychimps yes I was there Saturday! That's a real shame to hear, like you say that sounds completely out of character from what I expect of the site. I wonder what caused it, there was a big group of players who had travelled up for the weekend from the South Coast, I had a good chat with them throughout the day but didn't experience any issues. Normally I stick to their filmsim weekends, maybe I'll continue that way in the future!
  21. Popped along to Gunman Tuddenham for the first outing since April, mostly to test kit for the upcoming Defiant Battlesim in October. A good day to be fair, much warmer and drier than I expected, gameplay really good from both sides and not sure I heard of any hit-taking/cheat calling issues. Marshals were professional and helped to keep the gameplay going.
  22. A fair point - I'm not sure 'need' is at all applicable to airsoft 😂
  23. I was tempted to buy another, but then realised that only once in the last few years of airsoft have I actually needed 3 pistol magazines at a game... 😂
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