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Everything posted by lafta

  1. Honestly I am happy with the blasters. Was just checking forum opinion but also looking for better deals. Can anywhere else challenge airsoftzone on price?
  2. So far I have been using ASG blaster 0.25 tracer rounds. AirsoftZone do them at £11 for 3k if you buy at least 3 bottles. Any other recommendations? Bulk deals, better quality? Thanks
  3. FYI the Mall is one glass door down after a BFG incident on Sunday.
  4. I wouldn't stand there shouting out the issue. And I wouldn't do it if it was a real close up engagement with the potential to have a big argument. Have an issue, call for a Marshall. If someone within earshot is doing something naughty then they might think twice next time that's all. Maybe I'm just lucky but has worked for me, even with people I have had issue with on a different day. I take your points on board. But I don't think calling for a Marshall is cheat calling, it's the exact opposite. I wish more players would do it and they might face less issues. Nobody wants unnecessary conflict though of course. Love airsoft, love the Mall, there will always be issues, but you just have to deal with them as best you can and enjoy YOUR day.
  5. I honestly don't find it too bad at all MOST of the time. I've played there over ten times in the last six months or so and am booked in for the next two weeks. Live the place. As Trigger says, marshalls are generally awesome at dealing with issues. Especially if you can get a solid description. I find loud shouting for a Marshall in the first instances of issues can really deter people through the day, even team mates who are witnessing it. Use the tools they give you and most of the time it can be combatted. Get five stag dos on a game day, then good luck lol
  6. Makes sense, maybe next time. Don't quite know why I wrote small site, it's certainly not.
  7. Well, I will be there on the Sunday. Having to only pick one of the days, it had to be the actual game day. Haven't played a private game but imagine there is a fair amount of searching for people, only having 25 on such a small large site. May well be wrong and hope you guys enjoy it. Maybe next time I'll be in. Just can't afford both days plus the hotel at the moment.
  8. This Sunday is the one week I am not going before Xmas. Went last week, I'm there on the 13th and 20th too.
  9. Be more specific. General gameplay tips or?
  10. My GT is LAFTA if anyone wants to add me. I'm an ex achievement whore but still love to play.
  11. Not at the moment. Do plan on getting the DLC at some point but playing battlefront and blops 3 at the moment.
  12. Put on semi then snap the selector off? Also going to increase the uselessness of my post by mentioning the fact I thought the thread title was asking for the key to immortality.
  13. Leaving there at midnight and getting back for 7 isn't really feasible for me, being about an hour away. I'll definitely look to book in for the Sunday but can't make the private game.
  14. I saw you getting taken down to the safe zone after weapons down. Glad to see you're OK.
  15. Torch with pressure pad mounted to foregrip and a tracer.
  16. I'm at the Mall this Sunday, last Sunday in November and December 13th. Watching this thread for big forum meet.
  17. It's 3 games within 2 months to a year. Can't be in the first two months. So two months and one day from your first game is the quickest you can get it.
  18. Bulk tracers? Preferably 0.25s
  19. Also watch out for people with a vendetta against combat machines for some reason 😉
  20. Not sure about the others, but the B&T has an off switch on the unit for this reason. It's just getting in the habit of using it...
  21. Got to disagree with the statement about most players at the Mall not covering their lower face. In my opinion most do. Only complete nutters or people who intend to hang back don't wear a lower or full face in there. One guy who got chatting with our group a few weeks back brushed off our suggestions for face pro pre game. By the second match he had a nasty welt on his lip and a brand new lower mesh from the shop there! Go full face bro, seriously.
  22. Me at the Mall a few weeks back. Have added some boots and tend not to wear the balaclava to much, it gets hot in there and I'm unfit. Need some more colour coordinated knee pads and a few more bits but I'm getting there.
  23. @trigger, if you're looking at the website. I wouldn't bother, its never up to date. It's been booked out before and still shows as spots available. Hope I'm wrong for your sake, other than that just get there at 7:40ish to guarantee walk on on the day. And regarding tips, llukiie, take a torch for starters. Peacocks is generally where games are won and lost. Basement is often bottlenecks, the corridors behind the shops are great for flanking. Always watch out for the balcony if you are on the main concourse. Most of all, have fun!
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