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CarloBear last won the day on October 2 2018

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  • Guns
    Pew Pew.
  • Sites
    Reading; The Mall.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Addlestone, Surrey

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    • For sale
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    Hi All, Selling my beloved Evo, All stock Comes with x 4 Mid Caps Acetech Lighter Tracer Tracer BB's - if needed. £220 Delivery All In - Paypal £190 If you want to collect.


    , surrey

  2. Anything about in Surrey area, can't be arsed to drive more than an hour anymore 🤪

  3. Too bright argh, can we get a dark mode?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proffrink


      If you guys want a dark theme I can add one.

      But maybe not right now :)

    3. MisterG


      I prefer the lighter theme.




    4. proffrink


      We can have both yeknow

  4. It's under the table ps don't hate on the default windows wallpaper. fresh format >.>
  5. It's alright mechanics are pretty good. Weapon customisation is good. Spawns are preset, so if your an experience player you'll know where to look out for at the start of the round which takes a lot of the fun away. Enjoyed it so much I bought the Edge of Darkness edition. Not much point other than collect & sell guns. Not much to do either when you max the traders out. I guess only thing left to do is PVP end game at this point of it's development. Though you do get a free mini Tetris game with it
  6. Acetech Lighter Tracer, Only tracer i've found to screw properly on crb as the hand guard sticks out / not big enough ( When you think it's cool to take pics out in the snow, but sh*tting it hoping the motor/grip don't drop in snow )
  7. Dropped price on tracer :ph34r: pewpewlaz0r

  8. The feels when you've stripped your pistol grip screws :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. tleigh92


      I managed to undo a pistol grip screw that I'd stripped with a square head. Give that a go maybe?

    3. TapZxK


      Be careful with all the screws on Krytac, they are notorious for their screw quality, Krytac official forums are full of threads where people are stripping screws. 

      I stripped screws on the motorplate, then the actual pistol grip,


      I used torx head and hammer it in to the stripped screw, then got it out,

      replaced all the stripped screws with torx screws. 

    4. CarloBear


      Yeah got decent tools, soon as i started twisting it went through it like butter. Thanks for the advice everyone :)

  9. Anyone going to The Mall Tomorrow? :D 

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      I was, but my bag containing all my airsoft stuff got held up in Chicago D:

  10. Anyone know any Fast Mag Pouches that can fit a CZ Evo mag? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chopper92


      Other from that m4 mag pouches work just fine 

    3. CarloBear


      :o Sherpa Looks nice - Is the shipping free by chance? Added it to cart but just stays as " - " Cheers Chopper :)

    4. Chopper92


      Can't remember to be honest best to check it when you go to checkout but remember you will also have to pay import duty 

  11. Anyone going to The Mall evening game tomorrow? Bringing my mate for his first time :o

  12. The Mall evening games, is it normally decent sized groups? never been

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarloBear


      Thanks Trigger :)

    3. Albiscuit


      Smaller groups and generally better play than on a sunday

    4. CarloBear


      welp managed to book in, first time on an evening game at the mall on my own..spooky

  13. Thanks for the help guys, I think i'll go with the Osprey I can already see my self sweating out buckets
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