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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Ahhhhh, nooo a man with an electric gun, Heresy.
  2. What's the best thing to do for rain out?
  3. Come now, this was a perfect LMGTFY moment.
  4. I just took a quick google search, the answers are out there, unsurprisingly!
  5. Can't quite comprehend wearing contacts for more than 12 hours tbh, 18 at a stretch with rehydration.
  6. This thread is done, we don't know the crime committed and that's the end of that.
  7. I tried searching for the thread I linked above, couldn't find it without using "my content". That said, the list of forums I posted, I got that from google, and there were numerous forums I dismissed as too small (I did mention my size specific criterion) or not using english as primary language. That said, why else do people compile lists but to save other people time.
  8. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/26291-uk-airsoft-forum-resources/
  9. People with soapboxes need more help than plebs.
  10. Storyboarding and a scripting could really help here. You could do a re-shoot with the camera locked to the borders of the whiteboard, either laying flat or cutting when you obscure the camera, and do a voice track separately. I have to say, over-laying voice tracks are much more efficient from an editing standpoint as you don't need to keep re-shooting the video sections. Once you have the visuals you can just use pencil and paper to perfect. You can also reduce the length by at least 20%.
  11. Thanks, hope I didnt break my two, but as I got 10 more coming this afternoon this is really helpful!
  12. Non of this is true. You're "allowed"? More like "can". This not true either, except at point of sale. That act makes no mention of ownership in Ss.36-37. Many Airsoft site's gospel on VCRA2006 seems to be BS I have noticed, aimed to make money. The great thing is, it's hard to criticise them without case law.
  13. Abbey 144a 700ml is generally £10 Wolf charge more because they offer a 3 for £30 (buy 2 get 1 free), but its a way for them to remain competitive while overcharging people who don't want much.
  14. This is misleading (because while Monty's "Yes" ought to be a final answer, you've missed the possibility the OP has a RIF). Ukara only last 12 months unless renewed and is only required and the point of purchasing (or import). There are no requirement's for adults owning or using Realistic IFs. I believe the age restrictions are also sales related only too.
  15. I don't mind you doing it, as long as it doesn't hyperlink back to me.
  16. Thats good! But it's never off topic educating players on health and safety. If you had said you wanted to up the FPS, that would have been a non issue, it is only something because you wanted to do it to keep up the FPS with heavier ammo - and if not me anyone would tell you the folly of that. Welcome to the forum! Note, you can do things to the gun to increase the FPS with heavier ammo, so long as the FPS with 0.2g does not exceed safety limits. But it is beyond my understanding to explain.
  17. See the table I linked above. It's not entirely accurate for comparing expectations, but its crystal clear on force. There is also a calculator at the top of this page under "app". The velocity of the gun (FPS) and the weight of the BB (grams) are used to work out the muzzle force (joules) of the projectile. Simply put, the FPS limits are set by choosing desirable SAFE muzzle force. So: If you chronograph a gun with 0.2g ammo you will get an FPS reading which will tell you the muzzle force in joules. If you increase the weight of the ammo the FPS reading will go down, but the muzzle force in joules will remain similar. If you increase the power of the weapon, the FPS goes up, the joules go up. The weight of BB used is an irrelevant factor to making this point. And most importantly when chronographed with 0.2g your gun will be considered unsafe on health and safety grounds - and if you don't get caught you will be (A) cheating, ( B ) dangerous, & ( C ) <expletive>.
  18. And I consider that mild harassment. Please remove the date citation/post link. I had never seen that phrase before.
  19. The two I bought (TM & G&G) from different manufacturers and retailers both shot at exactly what they were supposed to.
  20. Does your FPS go down when you put in heavier ammunition?
  21. What! I could have bought less. :/ That said I needed something and LWA were the only site in the UK in stock.
  22. I concluded that DMRs were only feasible with HPA and a system with multiple barrel assemblies, one of the key facets of airsoft DMRs is consistency, you'd be a marksman after all, if you cant get an ultra low spread, what's the point even if your range is not so great. It's too expensive to do it for a new player , but it sure is less time than converting an AEG or stock springer.
  23. Got my UKARA 7 days after the recent evike box of awesome. Sad face. With postage and VAT I was saved from a terribad mistake, but there's always next time for an epic fuckup.
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