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Everything posted by Sacarathe

  1. Can we not push into that discussion, it invariably ends with the "but those who refused were shot", shoot enough people who refuse... etc
  2. Who do re-enactors and ww2 airsofters play against then?
  3. Suggestions? Swap the Nazi Swastika for the Sanskrit Swastika, then no one can accused you of being thoughtless. Though some forget, people died on the other side too.
  4. And give legitimacy to any "I feared for my life" self defence argument by the intruder in court after they killed you.
  5. I meant P&P price But options is a good answer. Have to sign up before checkout accessible, that's why I asked.
  6. Quite possibly, though G&G do sell "country" versions and it's possible LWA ordered those variants, despite not being a listed country. I think it's italy, ireland, japan and canada. Still i'm happy!
  7. The TM speedloader dispenses 4 BBs. Four goes evenly into sixty (though really it's 59). For 30bb it's 7 pulls of 4bb and then 3 more pulls of 1bb - and when you release the speedloader 1 bb falls off leaving 30 in the mag. What is WGC Shop's shipping like?
  8. Hopefully it will be clean, well lit, not as large teams as wolf's 20v20, two storey indoors, not slippery, not away from the underground, better run, more than twice a month (lol). Hopefully!
  9. (Source). Seems "300 metres square", was probably a typo of 300 metres squared. Sorry all, but it was what he said.
  10. The gun I just got from LWA was rated 100m/s and at chrono it was exactly that, what did the retailer say it was and did they test it?
  11. I've currently got 1 dytac hexmag and the G&G mag, which you were right, is not so great, the feeder pops out so far that i think it would be damaged if I dropped it on it. A very strong part of me is just leaning on buying 5 more, but LWA and the UK does not seem to have the OD ones. 4, which is how I ended up with 60 instead of 30 Use my new set up today, got pouches for 16 M4 mags - (ok, that's not true but the Flyye LT6094 has built in pockets for 8-10 M4 mags).
  12. Anyone know if there are 60 rd M4 mags available? I've looked but I don't see any.
  13. Kidding right? Bunker 51 is at most 20% of the size of the new venue. I would estimate between 10 and 15%. Based on the information they posted.
  14. Got this lot in, the only pouch on the plate carrier is the torch pouch - need to order an admin pouch, sling and an actual torch...
  15. Address: Raven Row, Whitechapel, E12EG Next door to a hospital. >.<
  16. Spaaaam You don't say when it ends. Also, does the forum get entries for the 3378 twitter followers that this was tweeted too?
  17. The CYMA and TM P90s both have the same listed weight at retailers. EDIT: Did not realise you were comparing different guns.
  18. http://www.zedadventures.co.uk/locations/zedadventureszedevents-co-uk/
  19. I bought a black hexmag when I got the G&G CM18, I like the look of it and it is much slimmer than the G&G 120. Going to test feeding it tomorrow, if it works well i'll get another, in a different colour - not sure I have a need for lots of 120 midcaps though, but if I like one of the 3 colours I might buy a 5pack.
  20. Do we need a sub forum for all G&G posts? :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      No what they should do is impose a 35yr ban on G&G then people might realise there are other brands out there.

      And I wouldnt kick a G&G it would be like stepping in dog sh*t. Lol

    3. Sacarathe


      I had a whole list of upgrades to get for my G&G as it breaks down, but after examining it, I don't like the external QC at all, going to sell it after about 5k bbs and buy something better. Most likely TM, VFC or Magpul.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      All joking aside keep the G&G even if you get a second aeg it will make a solid back up. Dont buy a VFC good once not anymore I would rate G&G higher. TM, Pts Rm4, Krytac or Real sword are the best places to go for a good quality aeg. G&P and the higher end Ics guns not far behind.

  21. Check social media too. I've found 8 skirmish sites so far that have abandoned their web sites or never had any, but operate from FB now. Personally I don't like it, but meh, it works.
  22. https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11745507_1645305805683568_530513752847982318_n.jpg?oh=f79aaafc3e6958f15a774b90e152ca5a&oe=56531FD1 https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/11214172_1645305829016899_5669610937761019653_n.jpg?oh=52c80f0d0306ac72fd666ef34983b013&oe=564DE9CD https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/11745590_1645305865683562_5076777233701837400_n.jpg?oh=9f75a98a5764b3b0b08cf7c2d4890047&oe=564FE892 https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/11750738_1645305872350228_1055108024691913461_n.jpg?oh=53f150e3df0d337205abe08e468d96d9&oe=564D356F These pics are still hosted on FB. Notice the car and skip for some scale.
  23. Well, first some information about yourself? How old are you? (answer is either 18+ or not 18+) What country are you in? If you keep moving the goalpost, the amount you're willing to pay, even as you are educated, you may never pin anything down. Do you need an automatic weapon? Do you intend to actually play airsoft? I played my first 4 skirmishes without an automatic weapon, I have to say, with CQC at least it really is not needed - and often barred. How large is the area you intend to play in, if under 30-40m I would recommend a Tokyo Marui Glock 17 Gas Blowback Pistol. They're around £120 (with 1 mag). Gas is around £10 for 50-75 mag fills @ at least 35 shots per fill). After that you need only silicone gun oil £5, BBs £5, eye protection £25. Extra magazines are £25 for 26rd and £35 for 50rd.
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