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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Would rather it came with an Omega watch and an Aston Martin.
  2. Evolution of phrases is more the way I would put it and thats being going on since language was invented. Very few phrases haven't been skewed from what they once were.Its a sign of getting old I think when it gets to you. ☺
  3. Although factually correct I think its general meaning has become a bit more encompassing, in day to day life and in airsoft.
  4. Try here; http://www.action-figure-supplies.co.uk/shop/action-man
  5. And a crystal encrusted sight and fluffy stock.
  6. Is that for when you cant tell the difference. We have all seen that guy in the safe zone.
  7. Dont worry about it I was bored anyway.Its not an argument just a lukewarm discussion.
  8. Surrendering people wouldnt work for me anyway. I play flat out all the time, I have tried being tactical and going slow and I cant. Surrendering people requires you stop and think and that isnt happening when I have an airsoft gun in my hands. Bull in a china shop is about all I am good at.
  9. Walter Mitty in other words. It means someone who fantasises about being important. In airsoft a Walt is someone who takes things a bit too seriously and acts like its real life. At the end of the day if its a brightly painted gun that could never be called a rif. Only the most pretentious jobs worth pratt would ever have an issue with it. It would be fine.
  10. Lose the riot shield and send it private 😉
  11. Dont put a pic on here of you in a bunny costume someone will have a stroke. Remember a fair proportion of airsofters have only handled a woman when hugging their Mum good night.
  12. Go for it. I read the above posts and its crap. If it is a bright multi coloured gun no one in their right mind is going to accuse you of manufacturing a rif. Paint it and post a pic I look forward to seeing it.
  13. Just to point out surrendering is for bitches. Dont care if someone's 10 metres or 10 centimetres I am pulling the trigger and expect the same treatment. At the end of the day if anybody is worried about getting an owie maybe a contact sport is the wrong choice. Only ever had one person bitch about shooting close, cant tell you my response as swearing is not allowed on the forum.
  14. http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-cxp-ape-black-and-tan-airsoft-gun-aeg http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/krytac-trident-pdw-p4371 http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/krytac-trident-crb-black.htm#.VjIe2i8Ybfs
  15. The ukara register is one form of defence yes. A defence is just a way of proving you have a rif for legitimate reason, there are several but getting a site membership and being entered on the ukara database is easiest.As for what gun go along to a few games and rent, while you are there look at the weapons people are using and have a hold if they let you. There is no best gun its individual choice just find one you like and is comfortable for you to hold. By the time you have your defence you will have a good idea what sort you like. As for manufacturers the main ones would be TM, G&G, ICS, or some of the smaller companies like Real Sword and Krytac it all depends on your budget. Just stick to a well known manufacturer and you will be ok.
  16. Have you played before? Are you over 18? Do you have a defence?
  17. Haha can just see the panic. Shouldn't laugh but we have all been there.
  18. Just use the standard m nub and trim it to fit. You need to remove the bit off the hop arm that holds the standard nub. I just file it. Its fiddly and a bit trial and error but you can get good results. Edit; heard tales of people using bits of an eraser to do this. I tried it and it came out crap but you never know.
  19. Simple answer is no its illegal. If someone calls the police your rif will be taken away and destroyed and you could end up doing time if your lucky. If your unlucky you might just meet the business end of a real one. Whats a spec ops soldier got to do with Halloween anyway this isnt America.
  20. If your going down the glue it on route modify the arm and use one of these. http://airlab.parts/collections/hop-up/products/hsa-m-nub Takes a bit more work but worth it.
  21. Think he is tech savvy enough not to make those mistakes.
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