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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Crowning on an airsoft gun is where the end of the barrel is turned perfectly square to the inner bore. It is then tapered inwards towards the inner bore, either with a straight chamfer or a radius. Then its polished to remove any burrs. Its done so when the projectile and gases leave the end of the barrel it does so symmetrically because its square and the taper allows the gases to disperse in an even cone shape behind the projectile. Any deviation of pressure on the projectile can cause accuracy issues. This is mainly for real guns using a rifled barrel but can have a beneficial affect to a lesser degree on an airsoft gun. People who cut barrels with a hacksaw will never get them totally square so the projectile and gases will always leave one side of the barrel first and the bb will generally curve more.
  2. My favourite is the one that goes "Its what the tech guy who fixes my gun said" Always a bit aprehensive of listening to people who dont get their hands dirty themselves.
  3. Madbull barrel wont give you any real benefit over the G&G one thats inside. To get any real difference you would need to go for a Pdi 6.08 or an Orga widebore. Both are expensive and the orga requires you to do a lot of work to recover fps loss. To be honest I wouldn't bother. Hop bucking is the main thing as Pointed out above and also which bbs you use. Lonex bucking= cheap and works well £5.50 Prommy purple bucking= Very consistent but £15 Firefly and flat nub= best standard set up in my opinion but fiddly to set up and takes at least a 1000 rnds to wear in. Will also wear out a bit quicker and costs about £25. Bbs blaster 0.25g cheap, easily available and pretty good quality. Blaster devils 0.28g again cheapish and easily available with good quality.
  4. Its kind of out grown the original troll post and become more about the morality of the uniform on a whole now though.
  5. Not saying hes not a total tw*t. I personally think he is.Just pointing out the history of the SS is very skewed. Not all SS members were psychos, a lot were brainwashed and bullied into it. Read up on the the accounts of people who were there, high levels of alcholism and suicide. The SS left behind a lot of victims in its own ranks. No one can ever forgive the crimes of the organisation but maybe some of its members deserve if not forgiveness then maybe understanding. It was a sh*t time for everybody, except the winners historians who got to right the stories.
  6. Totally agree Hitler was a sick individual. So were a lot of the SS but there is also the case of indoctrination.As the saying goes you dont blame the dog that bites, you blame the owner. Google SS indoctrination, interesting reading. As for Stalin http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/genocide/stalin.htm Different methods same sick results.
  7. What about Stalin? People seem to forget about him and the fact that Russia and Germany were allies at the start of WW2. They jointly invaded poland and Stalin backed Hitlers policies. It was only because Germany turned on them and invaded that Russia joined the allies. Stalin killed more people than Hitler but there are plenty of people with Russian WW2 loadouts and nobody says a word. Not saying Hitler and a lot of the SS shouldn't be burning in hell but lets have some consistency.
  8. And then America dropped the atom bomb on Japan and European and Russian soldiers pillaged and raped.Everyone seems to forget that war crimes and atrocities were committed by all sides even us stiff upper lip brits. Its all point of view. I wouldnt wear it and dont quite get why anyone would. But its his choice its not really harming anyone so no real issue either.
  9. Whats the combat outfit thing all about?Its airsoft not combat. By that reckoning the people who turn up in Spiderman outfits or onesies shouldnt be wearing them. Uniform is bad taste yes but whether its a combat uniform or not is irrelevant.
  10. I would probably bet money that it is, but it has opened up an interesting discussion.
  11. Got to agree with the timing comment. Its probably not the best weekend to post it. As for the atrocities committed by the SS yes they did some terrible things and deserved to be reviled. But so did everyone else. How many innocents died when America dropped the bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Look up the Prussian mass rape. How many war crimes were committed by the Allies? Not sticking up for the SS or Germany in general but remember a lot of the SS were basically brainwashed from a young age. The uniform is poor taste but then all of them are depending on your point of view. The kilt remark was meant to be a joke. It made me laugh that someone bought up a relative dying in WW2. We most likely all did but it was most likely by the hands of someone else other than the SS.
  12. This is all a bit silly isnt it. The its a dress uniform and has no place on a battlefield. Well its all fancy dress and toy guns and fake grenades none of belongs on a battlefield. But then again its not a real battlefield either. The I lost my grandfather in the war comments. We all lost family in the second world and the first and I can find records of dead family all the way back to fighting the Scots. Doesn't mean I get all offended and need to have a cry in the corner if someone wears a kilt. A lot of people on here like Russian stuff and thats great. Even though the russian army is responsible for lots of atrocities throughout history. Anybody booked a holiday to the Ukraine this year? As for bringing airsoft into disrepute, think about how sad and pathetic some of the responses on this thread are. Get a grip. Get a life. Get over it. Im off to play silly gun games and hopefully meet some decent more normal people. When I do post next it will be to talk about toy guns with Proffrink.
  13. Funny thing is its frowned up on to dress as a Nazi because of the terrible crimes they committed and all the people they killed. But its okay to dress up as a Catholic priest and even to donate money to help fund them. Because lets be honest their history is so pure. Im sure the Vietnamese love the American Vietnam uniform, because they were so well behaved over there. At the end of the day if you put on a fancy dress uniform of any large group I am sure that someone will get offended by it because they have all committed crimes against humanity. Maybe the nazi SS uniform is still a bit too recent but lets be honest its still one of the best looking military uniforms ever. Its a cool looking fancy dress costume but if you attract a lot of hate remember its kind of your own fault.
  14. Lucky to get 2% back I reckon. She costs a fortune to run and it would have to be spares or repair, shes definitely damaged.
  15. Why does that place only have deals on when I am skint. Bloody Xmas. Bloody kids. F*cking spendy wife.
  16. Makrolon polycarbonate is the best material. I use it to make scope protectors.I dont trust acrylic it can snap relatively easy.
  17. I was trying to be polite ya mean barstid.😀
  18. It looks like it was kept in a pigeon coop.
  19. Yeah but cheap gin doesnt taste as nice always buy the good stuff.
  20. Its not nice to try and trick me. I have feelings you know Im a sensitive soul. Your not wrong all guns need tweaking to get the best out of them even the much lauded Tm recoils.
  21. Magpul will just make it worse its chav wear for airsoft guns.Dboys with magpul furniture, just need to paint a Burberry pattern on the ris a nike swoosh on the side and then a superdry logo on the butt pad and it will be "sorted". 😂
  22. I would never laugh at someone for buying a dboys. I would just give them a sympathetic pat on the back while saying "there there it can only get better" 😂
  23. Go for it, just let us know if you get shot by an armed response unit. Pics of wounds would be nice too.☺
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