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Everything posted by BigAl

  1. I see you state the polymer is PTS EPS quality, it is in fact even better than that. it is the same polymer that Magpul uses to make Pmags and there furniture. Considering getting one and going Bat Shit Crazy on it, installing the 3.0 gearbox and recoil system, see how it holds up.
  2. Cyma\s are great guns. so to are KWA's, generally needing no more than a decent hop as they are specked for USA wHere velocities are higher so hops are Harder. The Eve being one of there new polymer guns is also nice and light so great for all day use especial;;y by younger or female players. The polymer used it the same polymer used by Magpul for RS magazines, so no problems there, its basically mil spec. The Eve also uses a different design barrel/ receiver joint , eliminating the weakest part of the traditional m4 design.
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    It is with a sad heart that I have decided to sell one of my favourite guns, I have bills to pay and my bike also needs work so it has to go. This really is a truly impressive piece, if you field it you will be the centre of attention. I couldn't bring myself to do it, had a 417D for that ( also going up for sale ). Gun comes as seen, I don't have the original case. I was gonna get a Peli and have foam laser cut for it but needed to source the scope first. However it will come securely packaged in a box with plenty of packaging. A valid defence will of coarse be needed and will be checked. Price is £750 £700 £650 plus £50 insured p&p.


    - GB

  4. Sorry forgot, i'm old. Your quite correct I guess.
  5. KWA and KSC are manufactured in same factory, HFC are direct copy ( also do the excellent stretched T77 Taiwanese Army Version ). The HFC mags are better than KWA/KSC. ASG just re brand stuff. Maruzen ( rare ) and Western Arms ( hens teeth ) are totally different designs.
  6. Very rare mate, beter off looking on the Japanese auction sites.
  7. KWA RM4A1 if I could find one. Otherwise a s/h G & P or a new Cyma. Probably the metal one as they have a better box fnarr fnarr.
  8. To be honest mate a £200 or less Cyma will be a far better gun. Price is not a good guide neither is all metal. CHeap pot metal which they are made of will way a ton a break far easier than a strong polymer gun tht weighs half as much. AT the end of a day or weekends play lugging it and mags a plate carrier and othe rgear around you'll be glad of the lighter weight.
  9. Selling and buying new would be cheapest.
  10. Considering the wood stock, scope and crate ( dodgy markings but they can be painted over and re done ) I think the price is reasonable. Star / Ares Guns always look good as for performance well hell it airsoft, get tinkering.
  11. BigAl

    Boneyard M4

    I could be interested in one or maybe two of those ex rentals. PM me the details.
  12. I have one if you still need it pm me.
  13. Probably about £80 - £!50. Sadly not many people want WW these days.
  14. Remove valves as well or PO may destroy package. With th evalves in place it is classed as a pressurised container, even in purged.
  15. Guys if you don't want to buy don't mess up his thread. IF you are trying to help message him.
  16. Just buy em fromwBrownels dude, you'd probably of had em by know if you had. lol
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Need funds for my Harley so selling some of my favourite toys. He we have one of the original Magpul PTS Scout Mid Length Carbines. It is however transformed into more of a DMR or 3 Gun kind of build. It feature a 15" RS M Lok Forend machined to fit along with a longer outer barrel and surefire flashider. Attached to this rail is a clone Scoutlight, a PTS Vertical Grip and a forward sling mount, complete with sling. Obviously there is no room for a battery inside this forend so the gun has been rear. wired using the KWA rear wired stock pipe and stock. On top is the red/blue/green illuminated LPVOA. Pic shows a regular AEG E MAg but this will not come with teh gun. it will come with the proper ERG P Mag which will enable the stop on empty feature.


    - GB

  18. That's a MAC11, the trades on it even say so. Sadly there is no gbb MAC10.
  19. It is Eotech shaped as its an Eotech XPS Knock Off.
  20. Most decent shops will check it for you, or try buyers site.
  21. Have you asked on the KWA ERG Users Group on Faceberk?
  22. Hi mate I have a frame and grip. Pm me to discuss.
  23. I have a mint one in tan, full. Kit except box. Pm to discuss.
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