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TheGrover last won the day on July 16 2015

TheGrover had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Customised ICS L85
    Customised GHK G5
    G&G Top-Tech TR15 Raider
    Customised WE P228
  • Loadouts
    British Armed Forces (ish)
  • Sites
    F&O @ Anzio
    F&O @ The Hive
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  1. Not a bad shout, however: While these may be two contradictory values, I'm after a good winter pistol that's GBB, NBB has never done it for me
  2. No worries mate, to be honest, the WE hasn't let me down since I broke my nub, and my brothers TM has been a finicky little bugger, and I use propane, which shouldn't do it any favours. People can say what they want about WE pistols, but mine was good value and very reliable, and I'd buy another. I do want another for winter though, but don't know any pistols that work well around the 0 degree Mark like my G5
  3. I busted my 228 loading nozzle (my pistols blowback mechanism is identical) by loading a full mag with the slide forward, since then, I've always inserted full mags with the slide locked back so the top BB never has to be pushed down the mag by the nozzle nub. How do you load/reload yours? I've not had an issue with mine since adjusting my technique, despite playing many times in temperatures approaching freezing when the plastic becomes brittle
  4. I used dino pc and couldn't fault them, not the fastest service in the world but definitely worth a punt if they can do what you want cheap
  5. Anyone else use welts? I tried them for the first time breaking in my second hand well mb01 and the first three jammed in the tbb before I realised what was happening. Since then I broke the hop rubber trying to unjam the barrel...
  6. I will hold off for a second or two if they don't have a gun around the corner as well, it's typically younger players or the less experienced peeking corners without their weapon up. If we both have guns pointed at each other, it's fair game, and I'd expect to be treated the same way if I were pointing my gun at someone. That said, the head is a lousy target to shoot at, if someone sees the BB they can dodge it, especially at longer ranges, aim for somewhere else and there's less chance they'll see it coming, and more chance they'll feel it if you hit the gentlemen's region...
  7. Heresy! Blasphemy! Bring me my best throwing stones! I think you've just only experienced poor GBBs, I've had more feeding issues with one AEG (a top-tech g&g which is otherwise flawless) than I have with both my pistol and g5 combined, which is 0 if I discount the time I broke my pistol My experience with nuprols isn't too bad, the g5 handles them just fine and the pistol hasn't missed a best yet, even the troublesome feeding of the TR15 hasn't been any different with nuprols. That said, as long as they go in the right direction when I pull the trigger, my bbs are working fine. I've never once checked a BB for seams or bubbles
  8. I have a utg sight and its certainly a good one. The dot is so crisp and clear it makes my cheapo g&p fakepoint look like the cheap stuff it is.
  9. Me and a few mates use radios to keep in touch at skirmishes, but since we bought fairly entry-level PMR radios, they only come with a secret-service style air tube earpiece and cheapo ptt box, which makes getting communications over clearly a challenge, especially when someone is trying to give their position but needs to keep their voice down. I was looking at options and like the idea of attaching a headset piece to my helmet rails, which gives a good quality earpiece and boom Mic. But after seeing abbreviations everywhere, I realised I know nothing, or even if the new stuff would connect to our low budget radios I have a Twintalker 9500 (or something very similar) with what looks like a standard 2.5mm Jack plug for working two ways (speaker and Mic through the same line). Will this be the same as most headsets use? And if I'm doing away with the strap over the head to clip the cups onto my lid, can I do away with the side without the Mic as well, so one ear is free to listen out for stuff that isn't transmitted over the radio? I get that they're probably stupid questions, but I really am clueless... Please don't relegate me to the Cow and Gate section Thanks
  10. Ah, I'm on mobile so couldn't see the post count. Don't buy a GBBR for a first gun, just get an AEG, don't expect any satisfying recoil (unless the new fangled tm recoil guns live up to hype) and join the dark side after you're into the sport and fairly sure you're not going to get bored and end up with loads of expensive gear you never use
  11. Buy a GBBR Seriously, once you've tried a real blowback gun, no ebb will ever be worth it. I don't even notice the blowback on my TR15 because it doesn't move my arm
  12. Crap, I knew I was forgetting something... Which jail do I go to again?
  13. Embrace the tactical odour I use an oil pump kit rather than using silicone drops. Google Airsoft Innovations oil pump kit. It's a little tube that lets you dose entire bottles at once similar to green gas. And when you buy a bottle from Amazon and get two delivered by mistake, you can laugh at the green gas users who have no more money
  14. Or if you're really soft, a full EOD suit might do the trick
  15. First gun should be an AEG I think. If you are going to join us on the dark side, you can't go wrong with a GHK G5. Mine worked fine last winter when it was 2 degrees with snow on the ground. A couple of mates have 416s and my brother has a WE scar (hasn't had it long enough to recommend or slate it though)
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