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Status Replies posted by Chock

  1. no way!! the christian won top shot! what a cunt V^^Vgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. Best and most stirring (like teary eyed lol) war film? (Other than black hawk down.)

    1. Chock


      Forces Spéciales - 2011 French film about an SF unit rescuing a kidnapped journalist from the Taliban and escaping across the Hindu Kush. Amazingly authentic detail and very emotional too.

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  3. Guys need your help. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sign this petition: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67747 Our armed forces will probably get a cut from the looks of it next year and that isnt good news! We need to do something!

  4. Everyone who is getting ill with this bug about. Before bed take Zinc and Vit C. As well as fighting of illnesses it also raises testosterone levels naturally and makes you feel great.

  5. My dads Amiga still works from 20 years ago. Does anyone know any good games on it?

  6. My dads Amiga still works from 20 years ago. Does anyone know any good games on it?

  7. Apparently, you can become UKARA registered at ANY AGE if you play 3 skirmishes or more. Source: Laws on Airsoft/BB guns in the UK-

  8. sending a WE p229 through the post and it has been confiscated. sh*t any ideas what will happen?

  9. caught a fucking bug (sort of flu without snot) - probs from going to the gym / i don't often mix with so many ppl in such close proximity usually :(

  10. Finally got a job! It's only crappy warehouse work, and it's only for 13 weeks, but it ought to at least get me out of my overdraft, buy me that WE M4 I've been hampering after for ages, and also get me back out to some games at last! :D

  11. I wish the Cadet who was attached with a blowtorch a speedy recovery

    1. Chock


      How hugely brave of him to attack a young lad. I can't believe nobody collared the bastard who did this; it was at the bus stop on Moseley St. at 6pm on a Saturday ffs and the guy was supposedly pissed up too, it can't be that hard to tackle someone like that surely?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  12. What's the general consensus about the well/black viper mp7?

  13. Just been to see Fury. Not bad; pretty much a by-the-numbers war film, with many familair tropes, but these are nevertheless well done. I'm surprised it managed to get a 15 Certificate though, it's pretty brutal in places

  14. Just been to see Fury. Not bad; pretty much a by-the-numbers war film, with many familair tropes, but these are nevertheless well done. I'm surprised it managed to get a 15 Certificate though, it's pretty brutal in places

  15. Just been to see Fury. Not bad; pretty much a by-the-numbers war film, with many familair tropes, but these are nevertheless well done. I'm surprised it managed to get a 15 Certificate though, it's pretty brutal in places

  16. Potentially first time playing CQB on Sunday. Any quick tips for someone moving from 2 straight years of woodlands?

  17. WEEKLY QUESTION TIME! Bullpups or more traditional (M16 style) rifles?

    1. Chock


      Then again, the AK has the charging handle on the 'wrong' side and the mag is appalling for lying prone, whereas the M4 has the charging handle better placed and the mag is better for going prone, then again, the AK has a better fire selector design than the M4 and is less prone to jamming, so these 'classics' are not without their faults either.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  18. WEEKLY QUESTION TIME! Bullpups or more traditional (M16 style) rifles?

    1. Chock


      Ease of mag changing with bullpups is relevant for MILSIM airsofters using realistic mags though, but not really a big deal for high cap mag users. It is simply a lot quicker to change mags on a weapon where you can release the mag with your right fingers, i.e. like on the M4 and the AK, since it drops the mag leaving your left hand free to grab a fresh one and get it in place quickly (even whilst still firing your last few rounds if necessary). Then again, the AK has the charging handle on t...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. WEEKLY QUESTION TIME! Bullpups or more traditional (M16 style) rifles?

    1. Chock


      The fact that quite a few bull pups are somewhat louder for the user and (more critically) not as quick to reload affect their combat utility, which is a bit more important than personal preference. Of course other weapons have disadvantages too; bullpups are not alone in offering plusses and minuses. Some of aspects are irrelevant for airsoft; a bullpup airsoft is not going to have a higher muzzle velocity, but nor does it eject shells, so actually IS ambidextrous, although blowbacks might s...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. WEEKLY QUESTION TIME! Bullpups or more traditional (M16 style) rifles?

    1. Chock


      Basically three disadvantages, 1, most of them are not ambidextrous viz the the ejection port location. 2, they are louder, because the action is nearer your ear. 3, most require more hand movements to change mags; not a good thing in a firefight. Against this are the advantages; more compact, higher muzzle velocity, better for going prone, generally modern components & design

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. Is the L85a2 or M4a1 better? Sorry re-word, which is better? In real life.

    1. Chock


      Where airsoft is concerned however, the M4 is a better choice, not least because the mag release system of the M4 is better for rapid mag changes than the L85 (as it is in real life), and a GBB L85 will not be easily ambidextrous. There are also far more many parts available for M4s than L85s.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  22. Is the L85a2 or M4a1 better? Sorry re-word, which is better? In real life.

    1. Chock


      In terms of reliability in tough environments, the L85 is vastly better than the M4, although it took a while for this to evolve, initially the L85 in its SA80 form was a piece of crap with many flaws. The modifications to turn the SA80 into the L85 (done by H&K when it was British owned), led to the L85 being somewhat over-engineered, thus it is heavy compared to the M4, but it packs more of a punch than the M4 by some considerable margin owing to the longer barrel. Where airsoft is conc...

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  23. this is directed at AK47FRIZZLE. STOP ADDING SPOILERS!

  24. Anyone any good at taking measurements from photographs and care to hazard a guess at the length of a collapsed and extended m72a9 for me? All I can find online is that it's longer than an a2 but shorter than 80cm.

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