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Status Replies posted by Chock

  1. Guys what rate of fire do you reckon this is at? I think it's roughly 21 RPS: http://vid1172.photobucket.com/albums/r561/ak47frizzle/MOV01559_zpsvt1zhciu.mp4

    1. Chock


      It's just a shade over 22 rounds per second

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. Am I the only one going to see Taken 3 today?

    1. Chock


      If Taken 2 was anything to go by, then probably yes. Will probably buy it on DVD when it is inevitably three quid in Sainsburys, but only for completeness, since it has garnered very poor reviews on IMDB

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. How is airsoft better than paintball? (Question not meanly said no answer one lol)

    1. Chock


      Paintball is okay, but you get covered in crap, and it doesn't always wash out properly: Had a nice M65 O/D combat jacket ruined by paintball paint which wouldn't wash out properly.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. If you could afford either would you guys buy the WE AK74UN or the GHK AKS-74U? GHK I'm looking at uses LCT externals

  5. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      ...an issue, as it does with the real thing

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      Yes - if you buy a good brand - which is what my first reply asked the OP. We determined that he was probably referring to the K-Warrior Maruzen/TM clones, which have metal slides and many tolerances which are way slacker than they should be because the 1911's shape does not allow accurate moulding without using expensive sliding mould technology, because the real thing's parts are milled when produced in metal. The simpler shape and plastic materials of the Glock makes that less of...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      A criteria of the Glock 17, was that all parts be fully interchangeable, thus it was designed to be made so that consistent tolerances are easy to maintain during manufacture. Not true of the M1911, which is largely machined from billets of metal, requiring hand-grinding to finish the fit - that is a result of its design. Injection moulding parts of the Glock 17 negates the need for fine tuning. That simplicity of manufacture translates to making accurate replicas easily too.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. What does it mean when someone puts /thread ?

    1. Chock


      So it's only levity when you do it, but it's a personal implication when I do it eh?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      If airsoft Glocks & 1911s are to look and act like their real counterparts, the design will have a bearing on matters. Quite apart from the straight lines of a Glock making it easier to manufacture to fine tolerances, its slide is light, requiring very little gas from a 9mm round to cycle. Conversely, the 1911's slide is a big lump of metal which needs the copious spare gas from a .45 ACP to drive it backwards. Pretty obvious which will work better as a GBB.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. What does it mean when someone puts /thread ?

    1. Chock


      I've not missed any point, I merely answered someone's question. Typing TL:DR when I merely attempted to be helpful, is not only rude and uncalled for, but since the reply - long or otherwise - was not directed at you, is also an unnecessary disphemism.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      Be aware however, that a gun designed in 1906 isn't going to outmatch one designed in 1982. The 1911 design dates from an era when guns were literally hand-built; the Glock is from an era where guns are built on modern production lines in large numbers with a good deal of CNC automation. Want a classic? Get a 1911. Want a gun that works reliably? Get a Glock

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. What does it mean when someone puts /thread ?

    1. Chock


      In any medium where typing and reading are the primary means of communication, anyone who types TL:DR (too long, didn't read) might as well have typed 'I'm a thick fecker who can't read very well' lol

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      If you are correct about which one he means, i.e. the Gas Blowback K-Warriors (of which there are about four variants) then yes, they are pretty good. I actually have two of them, but I would recommend getting one of the variants with a shorter slide, since they are a bit more gas efficient and fit in holsters better.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. Is Kimber Warrior any good?

    1. Chock


      Presumably you mean an airsoft Kimber Warrior? in which case there are several makes, kicking about and you can get both springers and gas blowback airsoft Kimbers, so you need to say which model you are considering

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Does it make me an airsoft failure because I dropped my gun off at a techies today? Couldn't figure it out myself :( Haha

  16. What does it mean when someone puts /thread ?

    1. Chock


      It is emulating emote commands which you sometimes get in MMO computer games; for example, you might type /applaud in an MMO's chat window to make your MMO character in a game start clapping, or /sit to make your character sit down. Thus when someone types /thread, they typically mean: 'I've just proved my point so conclusively, that there is no need for this thread to continue'

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. I know there are a few SJA members on the forums here. But has anyone done the AFA Course?

  18. I know there are a few SJA members on the forums here. But has anyone done the AFA Course?

  19. Are there any mods who have AF-UK patches to sell or is it only Dev himself?

  20. same as Chock - skirmished in snow yesterday / it was my 1st time and fuck i'm hurting now!

  21. Wow, only now I realise how easy guitar is on a decent guitar.

    1. Chock


      cheap chinese-made guitars aren't as bad these days as they were back in the seventies, but yes a decent one is easier to play

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      And, more importantly, when else are you going to get the chance to shoot your parents in the face?

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  23. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      Get an airsoft grenade and roll it into the room when your parents are having Xmas dinner and yell 'fire in the hole!' When the BBs hit them, point out that your were able to get a two kills without pointing a gun at them and no guns were pointed at you either. Sorted.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  24. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      Then the problem is easily solved; challenge them to a duel to settle the matter; pistols at dawn. If they don't like pointing guns at people, your victory is assured.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

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