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Status Replies posted by Chock

  1. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      You could always point out to them that there has never been a single instance ever, of anyone going into a school with an airsoft gun and killing dozens of their classmates and teachers and then turning the airsoft gun on themselves and checking out. And that's because they are not realistic.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  2. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      Exactly. Stuff like CoD, ARMA, Battlefield etc are far more detrimental. They set you up as some hero figure in unrealistic safety, mowing down hundreds of demonised middle easterners with no consequences whatsoever, all whilst isolated from real human contact and getting no exercise whatsoever. I bet they let you play those. They are practically designed to desensitize young men to violence.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  3. Parents say airsoft is too realistic, errrrrr I'm struggling for a counter agument...

    1. Chock


      It's not in the least bit realistic: you can't die, can't kill anyone, can't be a POW, will not get PTSD etc. But what you can get, is fresh air, exercise, new friends, plus an insight into how war is not like a movie where you'll never get hit. Thus it is healthy and educational.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  4. Fucks sake microsoft. Apparently can't run Windows Movie Maker and need to install updates...goes to install updates..says none or 'applicable to my computer' Also should I get either an IMI or FOBUS pistol mag pouch / holster thingy?

  5. Just got an email saying we're gonna get ten percent of our wages added on as a Christmas Bonus. Nice huh?

  6. Realised I never received the Union Jack / Poppy patch I ordered from Patch Craft. It was the Kryptek Highlander version.

  7. American Sniper 2nd trailer! Looks awesome!

  8. Jambwow wishes everyone a happy christmas:

    1. Chock


      go to youtube, then type 'https://www.youtube.com/html5' in the browser address window, you'll see a page with a 'request html 5 player' button. Click on that. Now when you go to youtube, your player will have the setting options to alter speeds, which the default youtube player does not have.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  9. Jambwow wishes everyone a happy christmas:

    1. Chock


      Actually, if you play it at half speed, it would be a good tool to interrogate people with in order to get them to confess to things etc

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  10. Jambwow wishes everyone a happy christmas:

    1. Chock


      Plenty of reasons for him to make vids, not least of which is to promote the business, and of course to wish people season's greetings. I don't see why people object to him so much tbh, yeah he bigs up mediocre products a little, but all shops do that, and after all is said and done, nobody is forced to buy stuff off him.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  11. Got a bloody cold now. Bastards

  12. Jambwow wishes everyone a happy christmas:

    1. Chock


      That's a special 'see where you are retreating too' sight. Actually, in fairness it might have been done on purpose for some unknown reason such as framing, or perhaps for a contest where you 'spot the deliberate error'. Note too, that he is holding the MG left-handed, presumably to show off the feed belt, we know he is in fact right handed.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  13. Best Tactical AK on the market?

  14. Recruiting for a Year Long Milsim Campaign at Longmoor. Starts 21st Feb. Prob one the best sites in the UK. We are anything other then Multicam and need help building a 50 strong team. Please PM if its something you would like to do and help us build.

    1. Chock


      I'm pretty sure it's that specific Milsim's rules. If you can find a team that is the OPFOR, they will be wearing multicam

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  15. I am NOT a scammer and have been playing backgaredn games for a while!!!

    1. Chock


      The only time the backyard wars got really bad, was when we overshot the drop zone and had to fight our way out of Mrs Johnson's garden. She had rigged Claymores in the trees and set up her Fifty to cover the back gate. However, we eventually hanged her as a collaborator, so it all ended up okay.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  16. I am NOT a scammer and have been playing backgaredn games for a while!!!

    1. Chock


      Yup, those goddam Viet Cong clothes peg spring booby traps. I'll never forget the horror of Tottenham... erm... I mean Vietnam

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  17. I am NOT a scammer and have been playing backgaredn games for a while!!!

    1. Chock


      I was at Firebase Wadi-el-Jawant, at least I was until the C-123 Providers began defoliating the area around the Big Pond with Weedol. We had to fall back to the Clothes Line to take part in Operation Flowerbed and later, in Operation Swingball.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  18. I am NOT a scammer and have been playing backgaredn games for a while!!!

    1. Chock


      I served three tours with the 102nd REMF's in the Backgarden Wars of 65-69. I still have my engraved Zippo (me and 'Dutch' both got one). We used them to torch Gnome Hootches along the Crazy Paving Trail. The Horror...

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  19. After the recent finding out that MOHW is a wee bit crap, I'd like to know if there are any good fps ps3 games out there apart from bf, cod and MOH....If you know please say!

    1. Chock


      If you happen to have missed it, then I'd recommend you play Spec Ops: The Line. You will learn more about the true nature of warfare and how it relates to video games than you may find comfortable if you do so. It's a real eye opener and will explain to you why you think most FPS war games are ultimately a bit crap.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. FINALLY turned 18. Picking up my new gun tomorrow morning. Can't wait

  21. talking to you from a 42" TV! never loved writing essays more.... this is great fun!

  22. Anyone had a GBB luger po8? Or any luger po8?

  23. Sat on the side of the field waiting to be picked up. First skirmish in a year and I can't play because my brand new gun is 15fps over. What I get for importing through z1 from g&p I suppose lol! Gutted is an understatement

    1. Chock


      Should have just popped some heavier BBs in the thing for the chrono, which would have almost certainly taken the thing down enough to satisfy the marshall. Can't believe they didn't let only 15 fps over the odds slide, especially when people are probably sniping at 490 fps. Sensibly, most sites I've been to will not be too bothered if your gun is only a little bit over the odds. My M4 does about 310, so is well within the limits, but I'd not be arsed if people were running ar...

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  24. Question: If you had 3 round burst on your gun, would you ever use full auto?

    1. Chock


      I tend to triple tap on semi auto anyway with my M4, and that's easy enough to do without the gun doing it for you. Three rounds is good for suppressing and for aimed shots as well. Full auto just rips through your ammo too fast.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

    1. Chock


      Generally speaking, it's easier to learn on what you are comfortable with, be that electric, semi, or acoustic. However, it's certainly more practical to learn on an flat-top steel strung acoustic guitar, since you can pick it up without faffing around plugging an amp in, easily take it out and about with you etc, which is important when you are learning, as is playing often, which benefits the learning process. That said, a classical acoustic guitar is easier on the fingertips when f...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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