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Status Replies posted by Chock

  1. In your opinion what is the best springer gun? (Below £40) As well as a reason to get it. I know you all said to save my money and that is why I said no to the l85. However, I want my mum to be able to see what an airsoft gun is and does. My only reasons that I can think of right now are to do with it helping me at cadets. Thanks all.

  2. To people who have a spring l85: Where did you get it?

    1. Chock


      Spray the clear bits black and Bob's yer uncle. I got one of those for a laugh a while back, and did that. But it's actually not bad, the tac light's a bit weedy, but it does nearly 350fps

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  3. To people who have a spring l85: Where did you get it?

    1. Chock


      If you can have a springer L85, then surely you must also be allowed a pump action springer shotgun? You'd be better off with one. You can find 'skirmishable' ones for 30 quid, and you'd have a faster rate of fire.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. Not sure how correct BBGuns4less 's explanation of hop-up is... http://i.imgur.com/PwhqJ2w.png

    1. Chock


      Besides, it's not true that every object will 'gradually curve downward when thrown', everyone knows that toast will always land butter side down on a carpet.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Not sure how correct BBGuns4less 's explanation of hop-up is... http://i.imgur.com/PwhqJ2w.png

    1. Chock


      It is more or less correct, although it reads like it has been through about five language translations via Babelfish

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. Wooo, my first game tmrw!!!! anyone with any tips or tricks let me know :)

    1. Chock


      Push up, press the enemy positions, in other words, go for it. If you get hit it ain't the end of the world. You wanna be in the fight and you don't win by sitting back.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Do you think these 2 guns are the same?http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gohner-13cm-Police-Pistol-8-Shots/dp/B00L18Y6SW/ref=pd_ybh_17 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gohner-Police-Pistol-Shots-Mechanical/dp/B001C6FNYY/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1 Hoping to turn one into a bb gun.

    1. Chock


      James, have a look online for the B26C airsoft pistol. It's a full metal springer Glock 17 which comes with two mags. Built like a tank, will last you years. Shoots 250fps and is accurate too. I take one to skirmishes as a back up. And I've had plenty of kills with it too, I even beat a guy who was shooting at me with an M249.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Chock


      Me too. It's true I disapprove of the Iraq War - weapons of mass destruction anyone? - so naturally I disapprove of glorifying it too, but that's not anti-US, nor anti-Brit sentiment. I've every admiration for the troops, they agree to serve, then go where they are sent, for good or bad. So mine is anti-asshole self-serving politician sentiment, and I'd hoped for a film brave enough to tackle some of that issue, which this film does not do.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  9. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Chock


      ...my part, just me pointing out that American Sniper is probably not one of his more worthy enterprises.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Chock


      Unlikely. Clint played Dirty Harry Callahan (numerous times), and if that doesn't show his colours as far as how he feels about taking the fight to others, then consider that nearly all his films have a revenge/retribution theme of some kind. Hardly someone who is going to lampoon a belligerent military position. Personally, I think he's cool, both as an actor and a director. Pointing out that he's made an Oscar-bait movie is in no way indicative of any anti-American sentiments on...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. Has anyone here ever got a denix replica ww1 or ww2 gun?

  12. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Chock


      Since Clint did Flags of our Fathers, and then Letter from Iwo Jima about the American then the Japanese sides of the battle. do you think he's gonna make a movie called Iraqi Sniper next?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. Just watched American Sniper...Didn't really like it.

    1. Chock


      It's an obvious 'Oscar Bait' picture if ever there was one: Posthumous American hero moralising on the personal cost of going to war as US citizens think about that too. Respected director, flavour of the month main star. A total shoe-in for nominations if ever there was one.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. Anyone else considering one of those EDD bfgs?

    1. Chock


      You are right that it is just noise, but some sites might take issue with the notion of live blanks being chucked about and left sitting there, even though I should think there's little chance of an accidental detonation from one in the mag.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Anyone else considering one of those EDD bfgs?

    1. Chock


      Yes. But a concern is whether sites will allow them since they are effectively a revolver, still carrying up to five live shots in them even after having been thrown

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. These Japanese guns are a nice break from the ordinary, I must say. Wonder if there's any decent airsoft versions about... http://weapon.at.ua/_ph/10/760907675.jpg

    1. Chock


      Yup. In addition to the TM Type 89, JG make a less pricey one too, hardly surprising, since the real 89 is based heavily on the Armalite. There is a Type 64 airsoft rifle out there too, made by S&T

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. I see the plight of the Back Garedn POW's is no longer sexy news around here. You're all so shallow, man! I'm trying to get Amnesty involved...

    1. Chock


      Yes, but if you go 'postal' up a clocktower and try to start sniping people with a Well AK74, you will be lucky to hit the ground with your shots, let alone any innocent bystanders, so I think we are safe.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I see the plight of the Back Garedn POW's is no longer sexy news around here. You're all so shallow, man! I'm trying to get Amnesty involved...

    1. Chock


      Obviously it is a memory those of us who were there try to suppress. I can never forget the tiny screams of the 1/72nd scale USMC grunts as they were cut down by badly injection-molded NVA troops as they disembarked from the Hasegawa 1/72nd scale Huey at LZ Potting Shed.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Yesterday, I ended up getting shot more in the back than the front. Wish some players would try to acquire targets better...

    1. Chock


      Unless you have some team that is trained and disciplined like a crack SWAT squad, you're always gonna get cluster*cks on CQB, and the one who takes the lead probably is gonna get shot up the ass. It's just the way it is with people who are not used to working as a squad.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  20. Yesterday, I ended up getting shot more in the back than the front. Wish some players would try to acquire targets better...

    1. Chock


      They may indeed be 'toy guns', but the fact that they are is a function of the desire to keep us safe rather than the desire to be childish in how we go about stuff.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  21. Yesterday, I ended up getting shot more in the back than the front. Wish some players would try to acquire targets better...

    1. Chock


      It isn't always the shooter's fault however. Good safety & trigger discipline (and opening your bloody eyes lol) help, but plenty are guilty of advancing into a line of fire. Providing covering fire to allow someone to advance is fairly basic infantry stuff, but there will be people who stupidly move into that field of fire because they are not maintaining situational awareness.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  22. Yesterday, I ended up getting shot more in the back than the front. Wish some players would try to acquire targets better...

    1. Chock


      It happens. Most people at skirmishes are not ex special forces, so they don't know trigger and fire selector discipline, and often do not know how to advance properly, so it is inevitable we'll take some FF every once in a while.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  23. Guys what rate of fire do you reckon this is at? I think it's roughly 21 RPS: http://vid1172.photobucket.com/albums/r561/ak47frizzle/MOV01559_zpsvt1zhciu.mp4

    1. Chock


      Not really sure why you'd want that rate of fire though. If you're on target, a double tap is as good as twenty rounds. But hey, it's your toy I guess.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  24. Guys what rate of fire do you reckon this is at? I think it's roughly 21 RPS: http://vid1172.photobucket.com/albums/r561/ak47frizzle/MOV01559_zpsvt1zhciu.mp4

    1. Chock


      That's basically what I did to come up with the number, downloaded the video, put it in Adobe After Effects and counted the audio peaks on the waveform, there were 22 and a bit in one second

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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