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Status Updates posted by Chock

  1. Ging to the pub this evening to tell all mine and my (now ex) girlfriend's friiends what a tw*t she's been. She'll be in there later, and won't be able to show her face there any more without being ashamed of herself

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Josh95


      not a good idea

    3. Lozart


      As above really - I'd not get dragged down to her level mate. Draw a line under it and move on. Of course that's all very easy for us to say because we aren't the ones dealing with it. Your shout.

    4. Sparky-


      f*cking hell chap, sorry to hear. She sounds like she's lost out, however, you should listen to Lozart, but, if it were me I'd be inclined to do the same. As he said, your shout chap. :/

  2. Isn't it great when you find out that your girlfriend has been seeing someone else? Really gets that Monday morning depression off to a fine start...

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      look on the plus side... no more nagging, no more "its fine (your fault)", no more guessing wtf is up with her, monthly moodswings, listen to crap that you don't give a toss about, the list is long.....

    3. Chock


      Torpedo... Los!

  3. Back from Trojan CQB. Aching, but it was a good laugh, was dual wielding a Kimber 1911 and an M4 in the last battle, got quite a few kills like that too lol

  4. Just got my AF UK velcro patch through the post today, so cheers for that!

    1. Albiscuit


      I was literally logging on to ask if many people from here have one, as I was thinking of getting myself one!!

    2. Deva


      Glad it reached you.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Got mine yesterday but only just got round to opening them. They're great cheers mate

  5. Legs aching after an all dayer at Weir Mill tramping up and down those stairwells, pistol in hand, mostly getting my ass kicked lol. Got a really nasty cut on my finger from a BB shot out of an M4 that was about 15 feet away from me, still hurts now.

    1. Enigma


      Was great day got the biggest f*cking mark on my ass but hey ho it happens but great time at mill


  6. Back from First and Only woodland site at Bolton. Fecking kanckered now. It was very snowy and muddy. LMAO though, , got three kills with a 15 quid springer pistol muhahaha

  7. Got in pissed from pub. Now playing The Secret World on Steam whilst pissed muhahahahahaha

  8. Just got an email saying we're gonna get ten percent of our wages added on as a Christmas Bonus. Nice huh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Esoterick


      Nice :) Just found out I got a bonus too.

    3. Russe11


      I rely on my nonus to fund Xmas every year, this year they left it late. I now have to do all my Xmas shopping before starting work at 9am on Xmas eve :(


    4. two_zero
  9. Just been to see Interstellar. Not bad, a bit like a cross between Contact and 2001: A Space Oddyssey

    1. DX115FALCON


      My thoughts exactly. But with some Inception thrown into that Black Hole bit.

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      It proper f*cked with my head towards the end. Really enjoyed it though.

  10. Just been to see Fury. Not bad; pretty much a by-the-numbers war film, with many familair tropes, but these are nevertheless well done. I'm surprised it managed to get a 15 Certificate though, it's pretty brutal in places

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chock


      Actually, I was more surprised about the 15 certificate for the sexual stuff and the bullying portrayed in it, some of which was a bit on the nasty side for people who are below the age of consent. It is technically within the BBFC guidelines, but I still thought it was pretty nasty for a 15 year old to see.

    3. Ian_Gere


      Love "The Beast" - gonna buy some of the correct kecks shortly lol / is Fury worth seeing at the cinema or would u get 'it' with surround sound at home?

    4. Chock


      Actually, I think it'd be as good, if not better, on a big TV as it was at the flicks. This is because some of the dialogue at the start of the movie is a bit hard to hear, especially for us 'Limeys', since both Shia LeBeouf and Jon Bernthal's characters are doing 'southern' accents, and it's kind of hard to 'tune in on them' immediately, so I actually missed a few of their opening comments until my ear got used to their intonation.

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