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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/13 in all areas

  1. Sam_G

    Gun picture thread

    So you break one of your glock mags by throwing it across the room after not fastening the pouch properly. What do you do? Spend £30 on a new mag?? or spend £25 on an extended mag??
    3 points
  2. M_P

    Gun picture thread

    Milspec solutions (and they sell them so I'd say it's a reputable source lol) Seen a few other people mention that they aren't very good round about too.
    1 point
  3. Ops7 at malin bridge in sheffield
    1 point
  4. So thought i would post a few pictures of my new arrivals. Review of CM 039U will be up this week at some point. Excuse the large pictures, I can remove if a moderator would like me to. Cyma AK47 DE M56C Cyma Glock 18C
    1 point
  5. we did have a kid one day, very small don't know how he was 12 (site limit) and he turned up with a massive suitcase, after about 10 mins we are called over for the brief, the small 12 year old had a gillie suit! But that is not it he was using a bright orange p90 bout £30 from just bb guns lets just say he left at lunch time with a p90 with many holes in! we had no idea why he was there but before he left, i went over and asked him about his gun and he explained to me how amazing the rate of fire is on a p90 and how he will be getting "akimbo" p90's soon, strange have not seem him since!
    1 point
  6. Join, F*** Ed up, Leave Look at that mag
    1 point
  7. A bunch of paintballers walked into the safe zone, I over hear afew of them talking about the guns that they could see, one of them says "Oh my god that's the ak47 from modern warfare 2" he then walks up to the guy with the AK and asks: "do you know what gun that is" the guy with the gun in question replies "Yes, it's an ICS AK74." "No, that's an ak47" I cringed, hard.
    1 point
  8. Nutster

    Gun picture thread

    Says the man with the chrome series 70 with pink grips
    1 point
  9. Sam_G

    Gun picture thread

    PM'd you mate. also AKs look better like this!
    1 point
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