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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/13 in all areas

  1. Recently I've realised that I generally come in from a night out with more than few loose £1 coins in my pockets, even if I don't drink. It's all down to being lazy and paying for everything with a note until the notes run out. Since I budget a set amount for a night out anyway, that money as far as my monthly plan goes is already 'spent' What happens then is those £1 coins sit in my pockets and get frittered away on useless shit like cans of coke or chocolate bars and other things that aren't good for me anyway! So I've decided that's no way to live, I'm going to harness my lazyness and save all of those £1 coins. I've called it the PTW fund but I don't think I'll ever buy a Systema, it just alliterates with pockets. What will I spend this money on? Who knows, but it'll be something expensive I'm sure... by the time I've filled a couple of these bottles there should be some serious spending power which otherwise would have just gone on tooth decay and early middle age spread! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... THE PISS HEAD'S POCKETS PTW FUND! (don't tell my girlfriend, it'll be the holiday fund instead)
    2 points
  2. Just read through this. Nottingham sucks. Went there on a stag do and nottingham does not allow full nudity in strip clubs. This for me is a deal breaker for me.
    2 points
  3. Change? Packet of hobnobs and a Bacardi Breezer more like!
    1 point
  4. No he can't. Neither could I with that style of drop leg, which is why I made the extra straps I wear on mine: The one that goes under my crotch has a loop of 50mm elastic around it for the leg strap to fit through which stops it from slipping down and going loose. I realise that it looks uncomfy being tight around my nads, but it isn't. It's just a case of hitching it all to the side before tightening, then it drops back into place just fine... I haven't got around to making one for my black kit yet, but I think I may have a bit of 20mm webbing lurking somewhere so I will. I was thinking of selling them, if anybody is interested, but TBH I don't think I could charge what my time is worth to me, so I'd have to keep the numbers down
    1 point
  5. jesus, Shottingham really is stuck in the dark ages. Can't even see a bit of minge in a strip club.
    1 point
  6. always liked the SAS "black kit" your holster looks a little flappy. can you not tighten it to your leg more?
    1 point
  7. nice looks awesome and like you about to raid some nuke weapons sight
    1 point
  8. You Sir have offended the honour of my county and I will not stand for it! To answer your 2nd question I name Sean Bean !
    1 point
  9. Robin of "Loxley" was actually from Loxley... In Sheffield. So you can go and throw yourself into Notnum's favourite place to piss in the water, if you so please. A-thank you lol. Plus, my ex was actually from Satan's Grotto. Otherwise known as The South. Shropshire, to be exact. The only thing good to have come from there has been Frijj Milkshakes, and her older sister lol.
    1 point
  10. I fucking hate Nottingham. Two reasons; 1, as you stated, the busses don't give change. Nor do they tell you that until you drop 2 bastard quid into one and then stand there looking expectant for a good 40 seconds or more before the driver thinks to say, "Oh, yeah, you don't get change" Well thanks for that, you massive cock. 2, last time I went there, I got dumped, after spending £19 to get there on the train Shit place, full of nobs and gay bendy busses. All 100% factual information, obviously.
    1 point
  11. What better bottle is there than an empty pot of Blasters? Haha.
    1 point
  12. So this is my SAS CQB-style loadout so far - I'm trying to get hold of a Nomex III Assault Suit though. However I don't think I'll buy the proper assault vest because its so expensive! Please excuse the WW2 army truck that just happened to be at my house... It does not fit with the time period at all! The rifle is an SRC MP5A4, with two torches and a laser mounted to the bottom, and a red dot sight mounted at the top. That thing stuck to the side is for a GoPro camera. My sidearm is the CYMA Glock18c, with a ~100 round magazine. And I'm wearing my recently acquired "Avon 1989" S-10 Respirator!
    1 point
  13. Almost finished my 75th Ranger kit. Some pics from saturday at Greenzone. Once again excuse the gun, Had to use a rental G&G CM as my lipo decided to self combust in my MK18 Mod1 stock at the start of the day :mad: (Pictured below)
    1 point
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