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The sad thread.

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Thinking about selling the bike and getting a car. Will be getting back into bike when im 24 and can do a Cat A test.


Also insurance for cars is a joke. £4000 insurance for a Clio (4 years NCB), or £800 on a Megane Estate. Prefer estate cars really but seriously???

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Got homework. Many, many homeworks.


Also, Mother Nature has suddenly decided to hate my dad, whom I shall not be seeing for at least another few days due to his ship being slowed down by her utter BS...


On the other hand, ordered a riser for my Masada so I can actually aim now. That's nice.

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@ Tariq some dude is selling a Peugeot 106 for less than £30 quid on Ebay 1.1L and just need's the Bonnet Repainted and is in Gern-something in somerset no need for anything bigger if your gonna get a bike again (It's 21 you can sit your CAT A atleast it is up here)

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  On 20/03/2013 at 00:43, CraigW-H said:

@ Tariq some dude is selling a Peugeot 106 for less than £30 quid on Ebay 1.1L and just need's the Bonnet Repainted and is in Gern-something in somerset no need for anything bigger if your gonna get a bike again (It's 21 you can sit your CAT A atleast it is up here)

Laws changed in mid january.

I will have £1.5K for a car after selling the bike. Might as well get something nicer than an old 106 :P


Also. 1.1L!!! I'd rather stick with the 125cc bike.

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I'm not exactly the most legal of drivers :) Black box is a no no.


And you can complain about insurance when they want to charge you 3x the value of the car.

My bike insurance is £300 a year. 4 years no claims. Car insurance really shouldn't be £4000


To take the biscuit, a Mazda MX-5 1.8L is only £900 to insure :P Why are hatchbacks so expensive for me :P

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One of the screws in my L85s gearbox has shed its head... So I can't get into it to replace all the broken parts... Properly depressed now, I don't think I can afford a new shell. =[


To take the cake even further, an entire new gearbox and motor assembly is only £85, but if I buy that then there was no point in me buying all these replacement parts separately.



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If I had a drill.


I'll be trying that at my dad's on Saturday, but at best that's just going to let me get the parts out that I want and make sure the new ones fit, I don't want to use a gearbox with a screw missing from it and I doubt I'll be able to put a new one in as it's just going to bugger the threads up.


It's looking like I'm going to have to buy a new gearbox and motor, Fire-Support have 2 in stock, but I can't afford one until the end of the month.


I'll just have to count the parts I bought as spares. At least I'll be gaining a new ICS Turbo 3000 motor, so I can sell that to make some money back, I imagine it'll score about £40?

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School bag got robbed on the bus.Had to carry all my stuff by hand,but my mate gave me his PE bag he keeps in his locker to use.


The Bus driver found it,thankfully.My Calculator,a few books[including Dance of Dragons :'( ] a rather expensive hat,5 euro(Glad I did not bring my wallet) and a Nightwish hoodie were stolen.

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Trying to do 25% of my english GCSE in a CAT about shake bloody speare's Macbeth, soooo happy that the school decides to hire builders to take the asbestos out of the roof which requires hammers to get in. To top it all these builders have to smash the scaffolding poles every 5 seconds <_<

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My local Highland Tactical Airsoft is closing down after the last Shoot on the 30th (That i can't make <_< ) apparently according to the rest of the team Bunker 51 is Shite because the owner of the site alway's has to win, Wildwoodz is gonna be balls IMHO because their woodsball field's are drastically swallowing shite by the bucket load...


And am i hell travelling down to Dundee to play ( well maybe :lol: )

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Having to pay to do m CBT for the THIRD time.

Should really go and do my test...

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Crumby A2.

Was waiting til i was 21 (last month) to do DAS, then they changed the laws.

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  On 21/06/2013 at 16:07, Tariq said:

Crumby A2.

Was waiting til i was 21 (last month) to do DAS, then they changed the laws.

What is it now?


Don't forget after having a A2 licence for 2 years it auto upgrades to A1 :D

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  On 21/06/2013 at 16:26, sp00n said:

What is it now?


Don't forget after having a A2 licence for 2 years it auto upgrades to A1 :D

Not any more it doesn't. DAS is now 24.

A2 now is A2 forever. However you get to have 43hp not 33hp.

Need to take another test to get A1.

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  On 21/06/2013 at 16:37, Tariq said:

Not any more it doesn't. DAS is now 24.

A2 now is A2 forever. However you get to have 43hp not 33hp.

Need to take another test to get A1.

Bleeding yogurt knitting do gooders!!!!!!!

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I learnt the hard way why you should always bring sun cream to work.

(PS, that white stuff isnt what you think it is.)

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So it's not milk? Oh my *George Takei Voice*

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