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Airsoft Hub Any Info On It ?

Airsoft Dave

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I registered on Airsoft Hub in Sept to have a look at what was for sale on the website.


So I spotted an item for sale, so I sent a message saying I am interested in buying it.

Got no reply, tried again a few days later, no reply, and again still no reply,

so I said I'll look elsewhere.


Spotted another item again contacted the seller; again no reply tried again nothing 

so I moved onto a third item; again the same as the first two. 


Yet people are adding items for sale (currently just under 7000), yet nothing seems to be sold ?


So my question is; has anyone used Airsoft Hub to buy an item and why is it SO hard to get anyone

to reply to a message about buying an item they have for sale ?


I even used their contact page and a few days later the websites email address to send a message 

to ask them to contact the sellers that someone was interested in buying something they had for sale;

I have heard nothing back.


How can a website say it's market place for items; yet no one replies when contacted about a possible sale ?


Any info / advice would be appreciated.


To me it seems ODD that people can add items for sale on the website, but a possible buyer cannot get a reply

from any seller about an item they have for sale; nor do the admin staff reply when asked for help ?




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The site used to have an automatic email function that would alert people whenever they received a message and/or reply. This has been broken for more than a while now and I guess people are forgetting to check their messages.


Messaging the site owners does nothing - I've never received a reply either.

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Yes the site is reliant upon the seller regularly logging in and checking his messages. The other issue with the site though is that it allows you to give feedback after messaging once, this had lead to what looks like petty negative feedback being left for people forgetting to check messages as well as a host of other ridiculous things. Of course the feedback could be warranted but I have seen a few examples where someone has reported an ad - this seems to inform the advertiser who reported it too - leading to a negative point vs negative point and with no real administration happening.


I use it, but carefully and I have had a successful buy on there.



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It's useless.

Had the same thing recently with multiple people, and no-one ever bothers to check their adverts.


Unless they put on a phone number or other way to contact them in their advert, don't even bother.

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Airsoft hub, like used airsoft is also pretty prime Mack's ammo. Fairly sure @Galvatron isnt actually in the market for anything, they just like finding the juicist, most questionable sales posts.


im in a similar boat, i have tried to use it, got no reponse so i just left it alone.

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I've tried it, it was shite, tbh most of the others aren't much better, even tried the WhatsApp groups recently, gave up & cancelled them too.

At least here, & even zin (when it's working), you message someone & get a response pretty quickly, & most members are able to articulate about what they're selling, not just textspeak & grunts lol.


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The platform definitely needs some work. As said, it's painfully reliant on people checking in regularly because the notification system doesn't seem to work consistently. Some people have been forward thinking enough to leave their number to contact them directly.


5 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

Airsoft hub, like used airsoft is also pretty prime Mack's ammo. Fairly sure @Galvatron isnt actually in the market for anything, they just like finding the juicist, most questionable sales posts.


im in a similar boat, i have tried to use it, got no reponse so i just left it alone.


Actually the first part isn't true. I do enquire about bargains and have bought from there as recently as within the last couple of weeks. I just happen to see a lot of questionable pricing that I would rather not see a newbie get mugged off by. 😁

Edited by Galvatron
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/11/2024 at 10:51, Tackle said:

I've tried it, it was shite, tbh most of the others aren't much better, even tried the WhatsApp groups recently, gave up & cancelled them too.

At least here, & even zin (when it's working), you message someone & get a response pretty quickly, & most members are able to articulate about what they're selling, not just textspeak & grunts lol.


It's hard to message when your knuckles are sore from being dragged along the floor all day long.  

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On 04/11/2024 at 01:56, Airsoft Dave said:



I registered on Airsoft Hub in Sept to have a look at what was for sale on the website.


So I spotted an item for sale, so I sent a message saying I am interested in buying it.

Got no reply, tried again a few days later, no reply, and again still no reply,

so I said I'll look elsewhere.


Spotted another item again contacted the seller; again no reply tried again nothing 

so I moved onto a third item; again the same as the first two. 


Yet people are adding items for sale (currently just under 7000), yet nothing seems to be sold ?


So my question is; has anyone used Airsoft Hub to buy an item and why is it SO hard to get anyone

to reply to a message about buying an item they have for sale ?


I even used their contact page and a few days later the websites email address to send a message 

to ask them to contact the sellers that someone was interested in buying something they had for sale;

I have heard nothing back.


How can a website say it's market place for items; yet no one replies when contacted about a possible sale ?


Any info / advice would be appreciated.


To me it seems ODD that people can add items for sale on the website, but a possible buyer cannot get a reply

from any seller about an item they have for sale; nor do the admin staff reply when asked for help ?




Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just had a brief talk with one of the admins or staff of AirsoftHub after an idle message that tbh, I didn't think would actually go anywhere.


They've said that the notifications issue should be rectified now, and they've also added dates to all placed adverts so you can see when they were posted now.

After this, it goes a long way to seeing why a lot of sellers I've messaged never actually reply; as some adverts were over a year old in some cases!


If anyone else uses it, either as a seller or buyer, can you post and let us know if the notifications issue has actually been sorted?

It'd be much appreciated. I'd do it myself, but there's nothing on there I can find that I'm interested in, now I can see the age of each advert! 😅

2 minutes ago, ItsDave said:

Hello -


I am the owner of Airsoft Hub, and I thought i'd address a few of the comments made here - as well as any additional ones you may have.


I founded Airsoft Hub back in 2017 and since then i've ran the website single handed at a loss. The website contains no adverts, I don't charge for listings or featured adverts etc. so I've been operating the website at a loss for 7, nearly 8 years. I have to pay for the server, image hosting, sending emails (when they work :D), SMS's for mobile verification etc. and there is tens of thousands of users on the platform.


Apologies if you do ever drop me a message and I don't reply, I don't even go Airsofting anymore, and haven't for probably 4-5 years so the website (unfortunately) isn't a priority for me and with the amount of users on the platform, it's impossible to keep up!


I have toyed with the idea of rebuilding it from the ground up in the last year, but i'm struggling to find the motivation to do so (it's a big time investment to not gain anything from it!). I believe when I made it 7 years ago, it was the best around, I don't know what the competition is like these days as as I mentioned previously, Airsoft isn't a hobby of mine anymore.


The notifications were broken and I apologise for that, unfortunately the server ran out of disk space a while back and killed off a background task as a result which went unnoticed for some time. But as of this evening should be resolved.


As for the future of Airsoft Hub, I can see 3 possible outcomes:

1) I leave it as is, and let it run into the ground - although it is still very active looking at the analytics

2) I rebuild it, but as part of that, i'll likely introduce payments of some sort (I was looking to use a 3rd party initially to do ID verification to remove scammers and make it the most secure platform. However, this comes at a cost). Essentially though, if i'm going to actively maintain it, it needs to be worth my time.

3) I just kill it off and save myself some money each month.


I'd be open to opinions from the community on what they'd be interested in - and if there is any quick wins which will drastically improve the experience on the website, please let me know. For example, based on a message this evening, I added the age of the advert to the listing.





Airsoft Hub.

Ah, what timing! 😂

I literally just posted about this and saw that someone had replied as I was typing it out.



I'm the one that messaged you earlier, I'll be quite honest, after all the other views and comments regarding the site, I assumed that it was already a dead site, or at least on its way there.

I messaged more out of frustration than anything, not expecting to hear back from anyone, but I'm very surprised and pleased to have got such a quick reply, let alone actually having anything done about it, so I'll say thank you for that!

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I just came back to this thread because a backlog of email notifications of messages on Airsoft Hub from months ago came through to me.


I've made some purchases myself over the past 18 months so I didn't think the site was quite dead but it wasn't being looked after when scams and suspicious ads were dealt with slowly.


@ItsDave Adding the age of the advert is hugely helpful as it had been frustrating to come across a listing only to find it is months old and items either sold without a notification or the listing had been abandoned. Thanks for that.


Especially with Discord and some other platforms banning or further restricting airsoft sales, I welcome as many platforms as there currently are. I think Airsoft Hub could do with one or two moderators handling the listings, especially when ads are reported for being suspicious or clearly a scam when photos from other places are used there. Like this place has recently done, there should be a hard requirement for a handwritten note of the username and the date of posting the ad in at least one of the images.



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As Galvatron says, this is actually a good time in Airsoft to get back into the second hand market sales, with discords updated TOS crushing one of the most popular platforms for sales.


Advertising would definitely be one route to add sustainability to it on a financial basis, as well as what some of the other second hand sales sites do; (Either Prefired or Used Airsoft, I can't remember which) which is to charge a small amount weekly for adverts, with the option of additional services, such as highlighting, putting adverts to the top etc. as well as buying a 6 month to a year membership that allows unlimited adverts without paying for each one individually.


The platform itself is sound, it's unfortunately just the deficient IQ of some of the users that have made it a pain to use (but this can be said about Airsoft as a whole really!)



As an aside @ItsDave had anyone ever messaged you before, regarding the lack of emails/notifications, or was this just an unknown issue to you?

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14 hours ago, ItsDave said:

I just kill it off and save myself some money each month

IMO this is your best bet. Community based sites like yours (and here) are only as good as their members and tbh the members of airsoft hub seem to be scammers, dreamers and morons 

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a few items on there like my ssg10a3 and hpa wolverine 416  but most people don't check messages but also had 2 x alleged users claiming to be quite far away from me but registered a few hour before contacting me and they are in neighbouring county lol but also asking if they can pay for item through FedEx and i just laughed and said you cant pay through FedEx and blocked them want a bunch of thunder CUNTS (sorry for swearing but couldn't think of what else to call em )  


user 1 was sarah165 after the hpa


user 2 was thomas123 after the ssg10a3 


both users registered hours before contacting me both claiming to be far away from me but both registerd in yorkshire and humber


these the message so watch out for them 


Thomas123 15th Dec 16:49

Hello, I want to buy your product but I live far away from you, for our convenience I can order the delivery through fedex and pay your product through them immediately, I just need your address, phone number and your email to order the delivery, can you please send me these details? thank you



Sarah165 15th Dec 16:50

Hello, I want to buy your product but I live far away from you, can I order delivery via Fedex? I will pay the shipping cost and your product through them


so be warned alot of scam hitting the rounds again especially this close to christmas.


But to all 




Edited by harleyd
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32 minutes ago, harleyd said:

i have a few items on there like my ssg10a3 and hpa wolverine 416  but most people don't check messages but also had 2 x alleged users claiming to be quite far away from me but registered a few hour before contacting me and they are in neighbouring county lol but also asking if they can pay for item through FedEx and i just laughed and said you cant pay through FedEx and blocked them want a bunch of thunder CUNTS (sorry for swearing but couldn't think of what else to call em )  


user 1 was sarah165 after the hpa


user 2 was thomas123 after the ssg10a3 


both users registered hours before contacting me both claiming to be far away from me but both registerd in yorkshire and humber


these the message so watch out for them 


Thomas123 15th Dec 16:49

Hello, I want to buy your product but I live far away from you, for our convenience I can order the delivery through fedex and pay your product through them immediately, I just need your address, phone number and your email to order the delivery, can you please send me these details? thank you



Sarah165 15th Dec 16:50

Hello, I want to buy your product but I live far away from you, can I order delivery via Fedex? I will pay the shipping cost and your product through them


so be warned alot of scam hitting the rounds again especially this close to christmas.


But to all 



merry-christmas-wallpaper-design_79603-2129.avif 30.05 kB · 1 download

Part of the problem with checking messages seems to be that the system logs you out even when you click "Remember me".

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I actually managed to make a purchase the other day, finally!


Someone I messaged a couple of weeks ago and heard nothing from, and once the updates came in I saw that the advert was 8 months old so I figured I'd not hear anything.

Then out of the blue, I got a reply and eventually got it all done and dusted!


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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