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NAF getting desperate, or just plain dumb?


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14 hours ago, Shamal said:

The results are recorded


Hmm. Biohazard is doing that, they record the chrono figure against your name on the sign-in sheet. I'm guessing this is an insurance requirement, because I can't see any real purpose that's served over a simple pass/fail.



14 hours ago, Shamal said:

and if checked at the event


"If" is doing some Herculean lifting there.



14 hours ago, Shamal said:

and they differ from when the gun is tagged


Of course they're going to "differ", especially for gas guns.  But why would that matter if the field chrono isn't over the limit? Yet again, a site is spaffing out some words that (probably) don't represent what they actually mean.



14 hours ago, Shamal said:

they are banned from the site and all our events for life.


As we say in Jockshire to confirm that we really believe something: Aye, right.



14 hours ago, Shamal said:

They also have the ability to alter their guns after they have been chronoed and the same rules apply!


Everybody does. Which is exactly why pre-game chrono should be viewed as a service to help honest players determine that they won't get caught hot in game, rather than a process that has any chance of catching cheaters.



14 hours ago, Shamal said:

You do not have to have your gun done before hand if you are worried


Again I'd have to assume that they meant to say "You can chrono again at NAF if you are worried."  


The sloppy communication just highlights a site representative who doesn't take this at all seriously.

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15 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Of course they're going to "differ", especially for gas guns.  But why would that matter if the field chrono isn't over the limit? Yet again, a site is spaffing out some words that (probably) don't represent what they actually mean.


This was my immediate reaction. I use gas guns and my most used main gun is a gas bolt action that I have to tweak that at the start of every game day since weather conditions affect the power. If I go to a game day and it's 18 celcius, then turn up to the NAF and it's 25 celcius, my gun will obviously be over the limit if I don't tweak it. It's also why I usually aim for about 2 - 2.1J at the morning chrono rather than 2.2 - 2.3J, because it gives me a bit of room as a buffer against temperature increases through the day.

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3 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

with all you have at NAF being YouTuber's and cheaters.


I can see them having one entrance for peasants, and a VIP lane for "regulars, marshals' mates, and influencers".

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11 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

Give it a few years and possibly Shift Your Rift will be the better weekender, with all you have at NAF being YouTuber's and cheaters.

Never been myself but from what I've heard it already is

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12 hours ago, hunter511 said:

Banned from zero in and the NAF for life?

Don't you threaten me with a good time.....


What was it you didn't like at the nae?

21 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

Give it a few years and possibly Shift Your Rift will be the better weekender, with all you have at NAF being YouTuber's and cheaters.

Oops where will that leave me. I'm neither!

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To be honest I dislike ground zero's inability to organise and police/control even a walk on day nevermind the NAE.


Went there for a walk on day a few years back and found the staff had forgotten the chrono's "but that's okay because no-one here is running a hot gun, right".


The NAE is an expensive way to get pissed and have some shit airsoft 

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If we assume that the majority of players are at least decent and mostly honest (which I'd say is the case) then I'd reckon standard pre-game chrono makes the most sense to highlight any excessive energy shooting that people genuinely aren't aware of and will put lower level cheaters back on the straight and narrow.  The ones truly determined to gain some pathetic non-advantage and risk a greater chance of actually hurting people in the process will of course remain undeterred and can make use of the myriad workarounds out there; only diligent marshalling and good player reporting during the game has any chance vs those knobs.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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