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Best brand of BB’s to use in gbbr (MWS)


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Looking for the highest/best quality brand of Bbs if anyone can help me :) 


Specifically for TM MWS and TM G19 both upgraded internals.

I’ve seen these 3 brands below seem to be popular but not sure how old the posts/videos I’m looking at are and if they actually are now, if anyone could help me pick a specific one or advice on something better that would be great! Thanks!!! 



Umarex elite force 

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BBs are the same across the board when it comes to each platform. BBs good for AEG will be good for Hpa and GBB


It's more about finding a good quality bb for a good price. Especially as the price of them has noticeably increased recently. 


Those brands you listed are pretty good. Recently I have been using Warhead Deltas as they seem fairly reasonable and the quality is very good. I have also heard that the Vorsk bbs are pretty good too for their price. 


As long as you get a reputable brand and they are not yellow and have a seam round them they should be good. 

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I run exclusively GBBRs and G&G are excellent as are Geoff's.  Just don't use Bios (they are a con anyway).  Not used Umarex.  Guarder BB's are a good stand in when I can't find G&G or Geoff's.

31 minutes ago, JVacation said:

BBs are the same across the board when it comes to each platform. BBs good for AEG will be good for Hpa and GBB

This really isn't the case.  AEGs will pretty much accept any rubbish.  GBBRs need harder, heavier BBs.

Edited by EvilMonkee
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Another vote for Geoffs. I run them in my GBBR's and pistols ,I do use the Bio ones though .  I find that .30's give me a good ratio of performance in the GBB's and price .

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Big fan of Geoff's .30s for my MWS, in bio and non-bio flavours. Also get good results from .32g  ASG Open Blasters.

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I run the same brand BBs in all my guns, because good quality BBs are good quality BBs. I tend to use .32s (in almost everything) and .48s (in my 2.3J bolt actions). Brands I tend to use are Longbow, Geoffs, BLS and ASG Open Blaster (only .32s in those though)

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3 hours ago, EvilMonkee said:

I run exclusively GBBRs and G&G are excellent as are Geoff's.  Just don't use Bios (they are a con anyway).  Not used Umarex.  Guarder BB's are a good stand in when I can't find G&G or Geoff's.

This really isn't the case.  AEGs will pretty much accept any rubbish.  GBBRs need harder, heavier BBs.

Surely "good quality BBs" = harder BBs?

I didn't bring weight into it as it depends on a lot of different things such as the gas being used, the hop and etc.


Lastly AEGs won't accept any old rubbish. The impact of the weight and the quality of the BB is the same. Poor quality BBs will cause damage to an AEG just like it would to a GBBR.

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I tested quite a few different brands in my MWS (search in the HUGE thread in the gas section) and Geoffs Super Precision 0.32s gave the best groupings in clamped rifle testing. Nuprol and Amoeba were shockingly bad, Guarder, Longbow and GreenDevil bio passable but nothing special.


My TM M733 AEG prefers Warhead 0.28g. 

I am yet to test the Warhead 0.28 and 0.32 in the MWS but will report back when I do. Obviously there are lots of factors that will effect the choice of ammo - I have a Laylax hop arm and CrazyJet barrel so may differ from stock!


Edit: MWS Thread page 247 for ammo testing 


Edited by SSPKali
Added link to my ammo test results
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11 hours ago, EvilMonkee said:

I run exclusively GBBRs and G&G are excellent as are Geoff's.  Just don't use Bios (they are a con anyway).  Not used Umarex.  Guarder BB's are a good stand in when I can't find G&G or Geoff's.


This really isn't the case.  AEGs will pretty much accept any rubbish.  GBBRs need harder, heavier BBs.


Bio's are mandated by some sites.   Yes it may well be a con, but if it's an effective sop to the council / environmentalists / land owners, then it's a worthwhile thing to have to keep people from trying to ban our sport, because plastic waste is such a hot topic these days.   
I've previously commented that my bio BBs in the garden didn't seem to degrade and might last an awfully long time, but I've since read they're supposed to break down in 90 days.  Three months is a good while.  Looking at the end of my garden there aren't as many BBs lying around as I'd expect, so maybe they really are disappearing.   The ones I see are in fairly good nick, so perhaps the breakdown takes most of that 3 months to occur, and then it happens rapidly?   I've picked a handful up and thrown them into a corner of the garden I don't shoot in to, so they don't get fresh ones mixed in, and I'll see what happens to them.   I'll drop some new ones in there too.

Another vote for Geoff's as 'the best' but I've found the 'BB King' brand in their cheap-looking bottles sold at Special Ops have given me zero problems in any of my guns. 
I've mostly used Geoff's 0.40s in my GBBR though.  When you're shooting low numbers of rounds through a gun, might as well give it the best stuff!

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I'm another advocate for Geoff's... I use .36's in my mws and .28's in my mp7 and G19... All of them shoot really nicely. Having said that, as previously mentioned, my shot count is very low. (probably only used about 150 rds over the Saturday.)

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I tend to only buy Geoffs Super Precisions, they're the only BB I've never questioned and always perform on point for me.


Saying that, this week the .32's were out of stock so I've bought 2Kg of Warhead 32s as they're meant to be "about as good" and they only costed me the same as 1Kg of Geoffs did. Not looking to make a move over but hoping for a good stand in.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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