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Somehow I Actually Have Money, But What To Buy?


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Unexpectedly HMRC has given me money, how nice of them, so I've a small amount to spend, but I'm torn about how to waste it...


# A Tectonic Innovations Quake 8 (I don't push much, prefer support, but each skirmish I end up in at least one a situation where a bang would help sort things out).




# A second hand GoPro (not for YouTube, just my own consumption and reminiscing).


... both would make me happy (and one would would make me and my team happy, but the other I can watch back on rainy Sunday's and laugh about).

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Good to hear someone getting something back from the bloodsuckers lol, grenades can be great, literally game changers when used properly, but they don't always "fit" every site or situation, & losing them can be a real downer😟.

As for go-pros etc, it's a personal thing, only you'll know if it's your thing & whether you'll get the use out of it.

One question, how are you for guns ?, If you tell me you've got two or more primaries then all's good, but if your currently reliant on just one then I would say put the rebate towards another, all the gadgets etc are great but in my experience the kit to put bb's downrange is a necessity before anything else.

If you do go for a grenade though, you can't beat an old fashioned timed dynatec, not the prettiest but definitely the most reliable.

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I have saved a fortune from reusable pyro. I do try to push up but I have used at least 400 shotgun primers and 50-100 9mm blanks, total spend of around £200 for grenades and primers (over 10 years) or I could have spent £1500 on the same amount of bangs on disposable pyro (at £3 a throw) and I still have 2 grenades I could sell. 


As for go pros, the footage is rarely any good. But if you enjoy editing the videos it could bring you more fun 

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Another vote for a bfg here, but I would say that as I'll take any excuse to use pyros. Do you play cqb or woodland? The impact detonated bangs can be unreliable on softer ground so a timed one may be a better option

Edited by Cannonfodder
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Pyro. Bangs are better than footage in my world. Timed, impact or both. I've got trmr and vtg grenades and love them both. Some folk have had issues with some impacts not working in soft ground but I can't say its something I've had issue with but I'd gets some bright and reflective coating or tape on them as they can be hard to find in the dark and the mud.

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I'd go for the bang. One-use pyro is one of the biggest cash sinks for a lot of airsofters and in my opinion is basically a scam. Reusable pyro is the way forward!

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19 hours ago, concretesnail said:

Pyro. Bangs are better than footage in my world. Timed, impact or both. I've got trmr and vtg grenades and love them both. Some folk have had issues with some impacts not working in soft ground but I can't say its something I've had issue with but I'd gets some bright and reflective coating or tape on them as they can be hard to find in the dark and the mud.

To echo what concretesnail said, yep bright colours & reflective tape is almost a necessity, as is getting your name/postcode, or something similar permanently engraved on it to deter the thieving cnuts out there🤬

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It's starting to look like a Quake 8 with 615 primers and a Deadly Customs holster 🤔 (better guarantee to go off, and it would only be getting used on solid surfaces (concrete and wooden flooring))


Is it bad that I get an evil grin thinking about the possibility of dropping one through an opening and scaring the shit out of someone 😈


(... and an even bigger one imagining dropping it into one of my teenage sons bedrooms on a school morning)

Edited by Fatboy40
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The nice thing about timed is you can huzz it along the floor. If the place you want it to go bang is 10+feet ish away from the cover you're using, you can roll it/slide it along the floor. You can't  post/throw an impact safely that sort of distance.


Agree with the coloured tape etc. Personally I've thrown reusable bangs outside around 3-4 times, it's amazing how even bright yellow/blue bangs are to find when they're behind a tuft of grass and how far away from where you thought it went they can actually go. Never had one pinched, but nearly lost one every time I used it outside. 

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14 hours ago, Emergencychimps said:

The nice thing about timed is you can huzz it along the floor. If the place you want it to go bang is 10+feet ish away from the cover you're using, you can roll it/slide it along the floor. You can't  post/throw an impact safely that sort of distance.

This, I had that same scenario last game. I spoke to the guy on the receiving end who said he thought it hadn't gone off, only to get a surprise a second or so later


15 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

(... and an even bigger one imagining dropping it into one of my teenage sons bedrooms on a school morning)

Not at all, in fact I'd be more concerned if you didn't


I used coloured tape to id my bfg but then went with doodling on them with some paint pens but unfortunately it chips off easily 

Edited by Cannonfodder
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