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What do you consider a fair price for a skirmish


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I remember when it was £10 walk on and £8 for a bag of 4000bbs

It seems to have trickled up £5 every few years and now the average I see is £30 without lunch. 

I think £25 with lunch is about the fair point personally. 


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I think we all accept that airsoft is an expensive hobby, but then again, most hobbies that people commit to are. I have friends that are into various hobbies; fishing, golf, cycling etc and all spend an equal if not greater amount on their chosen activity than I do on airsoft.


To answer the original question, site fees in the £25-30 I think are fairly typical and fair. With various family and work commitments I rarely get the chance to go more than once a month though. Lunch is a nice to have (sometimes!) but not essential, and I tend to buy my consumables in bulk from other retailers rather than the site shops. 


My regular site, Ground Zero, is huge at approximately 150 acres. Renting that much land in the south of England is not going to be cheap. They recently increased their prices by £2 to £27 for members and £32 for non-members. I still don't think that's too bad, and fully accept that sites, like many other businesses, need to try and recoup the losses caused by Covid. 


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On 13/03/2022 at 19:14, BigStew said:

. Hell I payed close to £100 to see muse last time they toured (was it good valve no! was it a fantastic gig yes would i do it again? yes)

This is good value even as you state it, willing to pay, again, for an experience that was a fair wack of cash! 


@Groot I recognise that cs price structure, still too soon, but I have heard rumours....


As to what I pay, well I accept that £25/£30 is fair for a days running around. 

I think it would have to hit £40 walk-on for me to begin questioning those fees - but then I get to go only every quarter or so


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8 hours ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

You always make it sound really shit though. I don't mean that in a disparaging way but you have so many tales about having to corral people to even play a game, to ban certain people from clubs, and so on.


It's probably due to survivorship bias because the games/times where it works really well, you probably don't have a reason to talk about here!

Yup, I mostly post two things in my thread:

Really good/fun games, or shit days where everything goes wrong.


The "Joe average" days where nothing particularly fun/good/bad/whatever happens I usually don't write about.


Also I am pretty sure you guys have these issues as well, but since it's the site owner's responsibility to kick idiots out and not yours (as paying customers), you probably don't even notice it, I think it's also due to the large numbers of people you have on site.


We're a small community so everything feels amplified, I'm pretty confident that if I had, say, 100 people in my club I wouldn't post that much about kicking cunts off because it would be "normal administration" :P

Edited by Skara
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9 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


It's an interesting model, but I can't see it working in the UK.  We're a cramped, crowded island with few areas of secure, isolated land that aren't in regular use, or subject to having public randos rambling onto them.  Sites here sadly tend to get kicked off the land as soon as the landowner finds any other way of making money from it.


Even if you could find a bit of land that's unused on a given weekend, landowners might not want to have it covered in plastic, or take on any vicarious liability.

Yeah that is a major issue, we got lucky because the landowner is super nice and never, ever asked us a penny in the 10 odd years we've been playing on his property.

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I don't count ammo cost really, always cheaper to buy away from the site. Especially if you run a machine gun! 


I like Awa herts. The walk on has gone up to £30, but with that we have also seen site development. Plus you can't play all the areas in one day so there's a bit of variety. Another place is £25 but you know you will bee playing up and down or across the site. I'd rather spend the extra fiver. 


You can get a burger at lunch if you want or bring food. But as far a walk on fee goes I'm good with that all day long. 

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My usual site is £25 or & 20 for site members, which is a fair price imo. For woodland sites I'd probably go as far as £30, but it would have to have decent facilities or something special to justify the extra cost. For urban sites I'd be happy to pay a bit more as running costs are generally higher. 


I also take travel costs into account as I don't drive and public transport gets expensive, for example the couple of times I played at Echilon in Gravesend it cost me more to get there on the train than the green fees

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  • 3 weeks later...

 £18 walk on at adrenalin, £10 for members with No food (option to purchase after safety briefing). I think this is great value for a site of its size and the construction work.  


I looked on playairsoft yesterday to see what sites are in the south Yorkshire area (visiting) and the majority are asking for £30 walk on. 


I would be happy to pay between £1-30 for a std skirmish. 

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My nearest site is £25 as a walk on. No food though.


You can get a half day for £15 (but these are usually bought up) which is usually two games, initial long game woodland hike plus variable second one depending on how much dragging of feet there was at the beginning….


I actually think the sport is relatively cheap to get into. You can have a skirmishable AEG, couple of hicaps, a spare battery and eye-pro for £200-300. You don’t actually NEED any of the other tat to have fun or be effective.


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