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Do not buy from Tactical gear trade!! They are a very bad company selling broken products


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Hello airsofters, 


I am making this post because I have recently had a very bad experience with an airsoft website called "Tactical Gear Trade." They advertise themselves as a UK website but are actually based in China and all of their products are shipped from China. I bought an L85 SA80 SUSAT scope from their website which took a very long time to deliver (much longer than estimated time) and when it eventually arrived and I tested it out, the scope had been wrongly manufactured and its inner sight (crosshair) was massively misaligned and could not be adjusted to make it in line with the gun. I then contacted the company to tell them of this issue and request that I could return it (to china) and receive a refund and they have not accepted the fact the scope is broken and keep telling me that it can be fixed and all I need to do is adjust it (which does not fix the issue at all) and despite sending them several emails to emphasise that the scope is completely faulty and can't be fixed, they keep replying to me saying that I just need to adjust it. So it looks like I'm going to have to sue the company in the small claims court as they will not give me a refund and will not even acknowledge the fact they they have sold me a broken product.

Basically what I want to make clear is that they are a very badly run company and are selling faulty products and refusing to refund customers for them. Don't buy anything from their website as it will just be money lost and wasted time. 

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  On 25/11/2021 at 20:23, SeorasTheWarrior said:

sue the company in the small claims court



Er, how?  I can't see that they have any UK presence, or any address that you could use for service.


And thanks for the warning, but their site is quite obviously written in third best Chinglish, lacks any contact or (actual) company information, and they're quite open that they're shipping from China.


You took a gamble and lost, it happens. Just instruct your payment processor to do a chargeback because it's non-functional, and get on with your life.

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  On 25/11/2021 at 20:27, EDcase said:

Sorry to hear.

Was there no option to pay with PayPal then? (Much easier to get refund)


Good luck with the claim.



They do take PayPal. I've bought a few things from them and they've been absolutely fine.


Their website does have a co.uk domain but it's not hard to work out that they're based in China!

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  On 26/11/2021 at 13:46, EDcase said:

I had a quick look and I can't tell its in china.



It's disclosed during checkout.






  On 26/11/2021 at 13:46, EDcase said:

That's a very sneaky underhanded tactic so I wouldn't shop there.



Agreed, it's deliberately deceptive, especially the shipping estimates. However, because they've given them, I'd have (literally) no hesitation in firing in with a PayPal dispute 10 microseconds after their estimate had expired, or if I didn't receive exactly what I'd ordered.


Although at this point I'm just going straight to AliExpress because they have their own dispute / chargeback system that seems weighted towards buyers (at the moment).


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I feel for the OP as he's clearly got a lemon but I've had no issue with them myself and to say that an entire company is shady off the back of one purchase is going a bit far.


As for hiding where they're based, if you don't notice that all the shipping options are China/HK based at checkout then that's on you.

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Yeah, bit of a waste of time if you only find out once you get to the checkout.

I wouldn't have a problem with being in China but they're clearly trying to be deceptive which makes me not trust them at all.

Their TrustPilot review (albeit just one) isn't good either.


Edited by EDcase
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@SeorasTheWarrior how did you pay for it ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for replying to this post everyone. I appreciate your feedback. The reason I made the post was to highlight the fact that this company is very dodgy and they are selling products which have come out of the factory faulty and when you contact them regarding it being faulty and request a refund, all they do is tell you again and again (in bad Google translate English) that it isn't faulty and they tell you to fix it yourself and no matter how many times you tell them that it is broken and give them proof, they will not accept it and continue to stall the matter. If I had bought this from a reliable airsoft retailer like patrol base, airsoft world ect. they would not hesitate to allow you to return the product and refund you. 


Please take my word for this - They are not reliable and if you get a faulty product from them you will likely loose your money or have a mission to get it back. As many people have said PayPal is safer to use as you can make a claim through them.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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