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Airsoft Sites - Wishlist

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Hi all, first topic on here so be gentle with me 😉


Interested to hear what people would like to see more of at their local sites? Sort of like a suggestions box. Maybe you want more rental gear? Better dry spaces? Just wondering what's on people's wishlists for their ideal airsoft site? 


For me, would like to see more variety in game type and length. Classic TDM is fun and all, but sometimes a bit of variety helps to keep things interesting! 

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More props and vehicles, cqb, seating and dry safe zone, cqb, decent game types, cqb, more Veggy options for lunch, cqb and did I mention more cqb? 

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55 minutes ago, Hamisakim said:

Not sure if anyone mentioned it but some cqb. 

Sounds good, wish I had thought of that!..



Less STICKY mud in the game zones, I dont mind mud, I just dont like muddy mud..

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clearly listed ruleboards that are consistently and effectively enforced by a sufficiently sized marshalling team for the number of players.


there are plenty of things i'd love to see in sites, but that is by a country mile the most important one for me.

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18 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

what's your intentions here?

Well, marketing.....a touch disingenuous for not being open about it. Good eyes on the source

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All of the TDM got a bit boring for me at the last site I went to.


The marshalling was a bit lack luster in the fact that they just seem to stand about and watch. From the other sites I've been to they have been full of encouragement and really helped push the pace of the game.


I probably wouldn't go back either as some parts had clearly been left to ruin for quite some time and no effort was going to be made to repair them.


But enough moaning....


More in depth game modes would be nice, capture this, push back to here, defend X amount of time before pushing forward. Giving the players more of a choice in the direction of the gameplay rather than just kill the baddies until they have no lives left and then swap sides.

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56 minutes ago, leadly said:

All of the TDM got a bit boring for me at the last site I went to.


The marshalling was a bit lack luster in the fact that they just seem to stand about and watch. From the other sites I've been to they have been full of encouragement and really helped push the pace of the game.


I probably wouldn't go back either as some parts had clearly been left to ruin for quite some time and no effort was going to be made to repair them.


But enough moaning....


More in depth game modes would be nice, capture this, push back to here, defend X amount of time before pushing forward. Giving the players more of a choice in the direction of the gameplay rather than just kill the baddies until they have no lives left and then swap sides.

TDM? 🤔

prob kick meself when you say lol


Just now, Shamal said:

TDM? 🤔

prob kick meself when you say lol


Ah got it. Tdm= Total Disregard to Marshall's.....


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1 hour ago, leadly said:

@Shamal TDM = Team DeathMatch.

Yeah I knew that...😉

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