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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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On 13/03/2025 at 23:05, mrfoxhound said:

his direct quote  includes  ''pretty blinkered view'' with  4x scope 100% lack of trigger discipline

Again, I suggest that you go back and read and understand what he wrote; he was tracking players running across and the dawdling player was in the way.  That has nothing to do with trigger discipline.  

Edited by Colin Allen
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14 hours ago, Impulse said:


Sounds like you're one of those "I yell at 14 year olds when they shoot me with more than 1 BB" kinds of players.


I'd argue it's more unacceptable to yell at people and throw a tantrum when you get hit by BBs while playing airsoft, especially when walking in the middle of a firefight.

seems a good time to admit I ‘possibly’ yelled at a young kid who shot me in the back quite close as I walked with my hand up having already been hit! Last weekend.

I turned and yelled only later realised it was possibly one of the younger players as I saw him running off in the opposite direction!

To be honest I felt bad about it!! It was an indoor poorly lit location, but still!

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On 14/03/2025 at 18:02, Impulse said:


Sounds like you're one of those "I yell at 14 year olds when they shoot me with more than 1 BB" kinds of players.


I'd argue it's more unacceptable to yell at people and throw a tantrum when you get hit by BBs while playing airsoft, especially when walking in the middle of a firefight.

you talking about shooting people that have been hit walking back to respawn because you don't like them ....................

On 13/03/2025 at 23:39, Colin Allen said:

Again, I suggest that you go back and read and understand what he wrote; he was tracking players running across and the dawdling player was in the way.  That has nothing to do with trigger discipline.  

no, if you have a blinkered view and you cant make out your targets and you pull the trigger anyway its a lack of trigger discipline 

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5 hours ago, mrfoxhound said:

no, if you have a blinkered view and you cant make out your targets and you pull the trigger anyway its a lack of trigger discipline

I apologise; I assumed that everyone here had at least basic reading comprehension ability.  He was tracking enemy players running across; therefore, he could make out his targets.  The slow guy, who should have got out of the line of fire asap, was at fault.

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On 06/09/2020 at 21:10, Skara said:

Hey guys,

I know we already have a dedicated section but it's mostly used for site reviews, which I love reading from down here, especially Asomodai's ones, but I reckon it'll get more visibility here.


I'm interested in hearing how your day went, whether it's a simple skirmish, a full day themed event or a hardcore milsim! In particular I'd like to hear anecdotes, something in particular that made (or broke) your day, or even just some venting because of one or multiple unpleasant events, maybe a super long range shot or if you snuck so close to someone you managed to tap him on the shoulder. These kinds of things :)


Lemme start this absolute shitshow by telling you (I don't care if you don't care, you sit there and read) my day.


So, today was the first game after the summer pause, it gets quite warm here in summer and people prefer to roast themselves on a beach rather than play with toy gnus, I was very excited as I took my new specna for a spin.


Due to the relatively low numbers we invited another club to play with us (which from now on will be called "cheater club" but I won't bore you with the explanation), we ended up being 18 people, 12 of us + 6 of them and some randoms thrown in.


The day started well, with the two first games being a little slow paced due to "the others" playing for the first time in the highest part of our field.


Hit calling was generally good until the last three games.

The first one of these three saw me sneaking up to 4/5 metres of an enemy sniper, who was unaware of my presence as he was focused on pinning down my teammates. Flick the gun to semi and let off a couple of shots into the only visible part, the head. Both BBs impacted.


And this is where it all goes to shit.


The guy visibly flinches, turns towards me and ducks into cover, to pop up later with his pistol, but I'm still there waiting, this time with the fun switch on, and let off a small bursts that gets him right in the forehead. Still flinches and dives back into cover. At this point I'm pissed, I hold down the trigger to keep him down while moving to the side to get a better shot, as we were separated by a small ridge. At this point half a flash mag has been dumped. When I get really close to him, must've been 2/3 metres at best, he pokes out of cover and lets off a nice full auto burst from his CO2 pistol in my neck.

I'm not Shouty McYelly, so I call my hit and walk away.

Game ends and the guy comes out of his little trench, bleeding with visible welts on his forehead. Didn't feel bad for a second about it. Also quite a few people were watching the scene so I didn't even need to say or do anything as it was pretty obvious what happened.



The game after I'm on defense, I set up an ambush on a small side path on the left hand side of the objective and spot a 3 man squad coming my way, I let the first one pass and unleash hell on the second and third guy. The second enemy dives into cover while the third, a good 10/15 metres behind the other two, is still in the open, so I instantly direct the fire towards him. Now I'm not 100% sure I hit him as he was a good 40 metres away, but my gun does reach up to at least 55 metres, I was shooting down from an elevated position and the spread was still torso sized.

Nonetheless, the target at first stands still in surprise and then runs away. Meh. Follows a nice exchange of bbs with my club's president (the first guy) but then I'm overran and eliminated.

Still a bit puzzled by this "incident", but again, might have misjudged the distance but it seemed like I did reach that guy, as when the game ended he told me my bbs were zipping past him. The magic of airsoft and round lightweight ammunition.


Then the last game of the day, we send the whole cheater club to defend a small chapel, we as attackers have two advantages. Range, because we are starting from the high ground, and terrain knowledge.

We split up in 2/3 man teams as we always do, my mate and I decide to go on a huuuuge flanking maneuver that gets us behind the objective.

At this point it gets ridiculous:

We emerge out of cover right next to a girl who was looking at the opposite direction, none of us saw her (new nickname, Eagle Eye lol) until she moved a few branches. On the plus side she somehow didn't hear us. Great, let's spread out now so she doesn't fuck both of us up with a single sweep.

Slowly creeping towards her, I flick the gun to semi, wait for my teammate to move a bit and then I pull the trigger....

Nothing, fuck's sake, the gun locked up.

She notices us, turns around to shoot us but we're already behind cover: me in a dip protected by a bush, my teammate on the opposite side of the very tree she was using as cover. I draw my pistol, pop out of cover and fire 4 shots, hitting her in the side of the mask (from 3 metres, clearly saw the bbs hitting) as she was looking at my teammate. I dive back into cover, she turns around towards me and my mate puts 4 bbs in her side while she lets off a small unaimed burst between us. Note that this took some seconds so she had the time to call the hit, but she doesn't until she took my mate's balls (lul).

The hit was called, but suddenly she starts yelling that she hit both of us and ran to cry about it to our club's president.


I stare at my mate, he stares at me, we both shrug and keep playing. We both end up being taken out by her boyfriend, who got himself into a really cheeky position and was almost invisible from where we were (imagine a huge bush with the tiniest of tiny holes in it and a barrel barely poking out, good luck spotting that), good play by him and we complimented.


A rollercoaster of a day, which started with the best premises but ended in disappointment.


How did your day go? Did you have the same bad luck as me? Did you have a great time?

Had my first blood drawn today by an enemy sniper, called my hit and after that game I found him and congratulated him on what was actually a fantastic headshot. Two games later the same guy worked his magic and domed me almost symmetrically with with the same grace and elegance as the first time but without the blood. All in all it was a good day, sorry yours (5 years ago) was a bad one.image.png.cd36aa9d6d0fb9f2634567025ecad986.png

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12 hours ago, Impulse said:


I don't like players who throw tantrums over getting hit by BBs while playing BB wars, this is true.


However, not all players I don't like throw tantrums over BB wars.


And I said I only shoot the tantrum ones, but it seems that I, like @Colin Allen above me, assumed you had at least basic reading comprehension, so I apologise for my wild assumption. If I don't like a player but they're otherwise cordial, they get the same treatment as everyone else. Even non-hit takers get a peaceful walk back to spawn from me (when they actually decide to take one!)


Hell, a lot of people who are good friends with each other that I know will shoot each other in the legs or the back or some other not-head-not-nuts body part while heading out to games because it's BB wars and we're a bunch of overgrown children running around the woods shooting each other with toy guns at the end of the day. It's never vindictive or some horrible full auto hose down, it's usually with their pistols that they otherwise never use in game. I use my pistols a lot because MED and overgrown woodland areas at the sites I go to, but I swear a lot of my not-sniper-not-DMR friends only use their pistols to shoot puddles and each other on the way out to games 😂


Maybe consider a visit to the proctologist for that stick; it seems to be pretty firmly wedged in there.

who designated you arbitrator to punish people , noone its the marshals job  its also pretty embarrassing you defending bad behaviour , just because people start getting rowdy doesn't give you the right to hose them    

15 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

I apologise; I assumed that everyone here had at least basic reading comprehension ability.  He was tracking enemy players running across; therefore, he could make out his targets.  The slow guy, who should have got out of the line of fire asap, was at fault.

make fun all you want he couldn't see clearly pulled the trigger and hit the guy walking back to the safe zone pretty clear  trigger discipline not being followed moment there, its also off putting two people are gonna start a struggle session  and make fun of someone for pointing out bad behaviour.   

On 12/03/2025 at 11:08, Impulse said:

And those select few are the ones I'll shoot on their way to respawn on purpose. I'm generally quite mellow and do my best to avoid shooting players who are already hit, but if you frequently lose your rag due to being shot when you're already dead and overreact and throw your toys out of the pram, you bet your bottom dollar I'm going to line up the shot through my scope and deliberately shoot you in the arse when you're walking back to respawn 🤣

paragon of virtue talk about shooting people because its bb wars ,its the marshals job to deal with it not you 

Edited by mrfoxhound
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30 minutes ago, mrfoxhound said:

make fun all you want he couldn't see clearly pulled the trigger and hit the guy walking back to the safe zone pretty clear  trigger discipline not being followed moment there, its also off putting two people are gonna start a struggle session  and make fun of someone for pointing out bad behaviour. 

I am not making fun of you; I am trying to help you understand something that is rather straightforward.  However, you appear to be struggling with rather more than reading comprehension.


He had a target, which was the people running across.  Mr Slow got in the way; that is Mr Slow's problem, not the shooter's.

Edited by Colin Allen
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2 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

I am not making fun of you; I am trying to help you understand something that is rather straightforward.  However, you appear to be struggling with rather more than reading comprehension.


He had a target, which was the people running across.  Mr Slow got in the way; that is Mr Slow's problem, not the shooters.

you are purposeful missing out him saying he had a blinkered view , if your not gonna be honest why continue ive also quoted  it twice which you have missed

On 10/03/2025 at 11:17, TheFull9 said:

While looking through the tube of my 4x I had a pretty blinkered view, so as said dead player got closer and closer to me and I was tracking enemies running across I ended up putting at least a burst in to the front of his torso.


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10 minutes ago, mrfoxhound said:

who designated you arbitrator to punish people , noone its the marshals job  its also pretty embarrassing you defending bad behaviour , just because people start getting rowdy doesn't give you the right to hose them    

make fun all you want he couldn't see clearly pulled the trigger and hit the guy walking back to the safe zone pretty clear  trigger discipline not being followed moment there, its also off putting two people are gonna start a struggle session  and make fun of someone for pointing out bad behaviour.   

Dude, take a chill pill, we play a game where people get shot, me included, & if I'm a dead man walking ill do my best to not walk through a firefight, but if it erupts around me I'll do my best to move aside or take cover (with a hand up), & if I'm inadvertently hit, accidentally or not, I take it, after all, I'm a dead man, I can't influence the play in any way, & everyone has paid the same to be there, roles reversed I'd keep playing too.

As for marshalls stepping up & "punishing" people, good luck finding one with enough backbone to step in, or even identify a problem, they're usually huddled together in groups or on their phones.

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2 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Dude, take a chill pill, we play a game where people get shot, me included, & if I'm a dead man walking ill do my best to not walk through a firefight, but if it erupts around me I'll do my best to move aside or take cover (with a hand up), & if I'm inadvertently hit, accidentally or not, I take it, after all, I'm a dead man, I can't influence the play in any way, & everyone has paid the same to be there, roles reversed I'd keep playing too.

As for marshalls stepping up & "punishing" people, good luck finding one with enough backbone to step in, or even identify a problem, they're usually huddled together in groups or on their phones.

i agree and understand that's the way it is ,telling the marshal is the proper way to handle it   

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Just now, mrfoxhound said:

i agree and understand that's the way it is ,telling the marshal is the proper way to handle it   

Yep, but unless some real harm is done, dropping guns, spitting out dummies, or stopping play mid game over a handful of stray bbs isn't gonna happen.

Sure, find a Marshall & report what is perceived to be a problem, & there's 3 likely outcomes:

1. He'll chuckle & tell you that it's fast moving warfare, & shit happens.

2. He'll make an announcement before the next game, but it will warn everybody, dead men included, to be more switched on.

Or 3. He'll tell you to grow a pair.

Sites will favour the many over the few, financially it makes sense, even if it's morally wrong, that's why so many site have home team regulars that are impervious to hits, mag restrictions, or even chronos, money talks.

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16 minutes ago, mrfoxhound said:

you are purposeful missing out him saying he had a blinkered view , if your not gonna be honest why continue ive also quoted  it twice which you have missed


I know he had a limited view and I haven't missed anything; he was shooting at targets he could see though his scope.  Mr Slow was at fault as he did not remove himself from the line of fire.  What do you expect the shooter to do?  Take his eyes off the targets and check that some random Meal Team Six floperator isn't taking a leisurely stroll through a firefight?  As the site owner at AP always says in the morning briefing, if you are hit, it is your responsibility to get out of the way; it is not the shooter's responsibility.


I appreciate that you are struggling to understand something so simple, but do not accuse me of dishonesty when I point out why you are getting it so wrong.

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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

I know he had a limited view and I haven't missed anything; he was shooting at targets he could see though his scope.  Mr Slow was at fault as he did not remove himself from the line of fire.  What do you expect the shooter to do?  Take his eyes off the targets and check that some random Meal Team Six floperator isn't taking a leisurely stroll through a firefight?  As the site owner at AP always says in the morning briefing, if you are hit, it is your responsibility to get out of the way; it is not the shooter's responsibility.


I appreciate that you are struggling to understand something so simple, but do not accuse me of dishonesty when I point out why you are getting it so wrong.

still not being honest  with this , and ive quoted it plenty of times he had a blinkered view and had tunnel vision  on his 4x scope could not see the dead player and shot him as he was shooting enemy targets , cant see dead player + (blinkered view) has tunnel vision + has fast moving target =  bad trigger discipline ,every time i mention this you 100% leave out  him having a blinkered view then throwing shade that i don't understand its childish.  also he was moving himself out the way slowly but was moving out the way 

Edited by mrfoxhound
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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

Meal Team Six floperator taking a leisurely stroll through a firefight?  



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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Yep, but unless some real harm is done, dropping guns, spitting out dummies, or stopping play mid game over a handful of stray bbs isn't gonna happen.

Sure, find a Marshall & report what is perceived to be a problem, & there's 3 likely outcomes:

1. He'll chuckle & tell you that it's fast moving warfare, & shit happens.

2. He'll make an announcement before the next game, but it will warn everybody, dead men included, to be more switched on.

Or 3. He'll tell you to grow a pair.

Sites will favour the many over the few, financially it makes sense, even if it's morally wrong, that's why so many site have home team regulars that are impervious to hits, mag restrictions, or even chronos, money talks.

maybe I've just been spoiled with good marshals and sites 

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7 hours ago, mrfoxhound said:

still not being honest  with this , and ive quoted it plenty of times he had a blinkered view and had tunnel vision  on his 4x scope could not see the dead player and shot him as he was shooting enemy targets , cant see dead player + (blinkered view) has tunnel vision + has fast moving target =  bad trigger discipline ,every time i mention this you 100% leave out  him having a blinkered view then throwing shade that i don't understand its childish.  also he was moving himself out the way slowly but was moving out the way 

It is your opinion that it was bad trigger discipline, not a fact, which is what you are presenting it as.  What you are describing is not bad trigger discipline; it is him hitting someone who got in the way while he was shooting at legitimate targets.  From his description of the incident and the diagram, I know where this happened; Mr Slow would have had plenty of opportunities to get out of the line of fire rapidly, just as I did later in the same location when I was hit.

I am not "throwing shade"; you seem to be struggling to understand something that is really pretty straightforward and are lashing out by  alleging dishonesty on my part.

We aren't going to agree on this.  Please feel at liberty to carry on replying; I have better and far more important things to do than argue this with you any more.


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2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

It is your opinion that it was bad trigger discipline, not a fact, which is what you are presenting it as.  What you are describing is not bad trigger discipline; it is him hitting someone who got in the way while he was shooting at legitimate targets.  From his description of the incident and the diagram, I know where this happened; Mr Slow would have had plenty of opportunities to get out of the line of fire rapidly, just as I did later in the same location when I was hit.

I am not "throwing shade"; you seem to be struggling to understand something that is really pretty straightforward and are lashing out by  alleging dishonesty on my part.

We aren't going to agree on this.  Please feel at liberty to carry on replying; I have better and far more important things to do than argue this with you any more.


your just wrong, you thrown shade three times saying i cant read while intentionally leaving out context, the hit player is walking in a strait line on the left slowly,  enemy targets are moving right to left , the guy shooting targets has a blinkered view and cant see the hit player down his 4x scope , on tracking a target right to left he shoots and continues to shoot the hit guy on the left who he couldn't see because of tunnel visioning , the reason he hit him is because of bad trigger discipline, its pretty simple he wrote it out in his post even with a diagram    

10 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

I am not making fun of you


On 16/03/2025 at 07:20, Colin Allen said:

I assumed that everyone here had at least basic reading comprehension ability


10 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

you appear to be struggling with rather more than reading comprehension


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47 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

So, anyway...


After the foreign trip I was obliged to take last year by His Majesty I've had lots of leave to use before the new tax year and I've done 3 games this year already, which puts me on track to play the most I have since about 2009 💀


After reading a fair few very good reviews I wanted to try out Dog Tag near Gatwick as I've not been before, but they weren't running this weekend so I went over the road to Driver Wood. Their site slogan should be something very 'safe' and unassuming, like 'Driver Wood, you'll definitely not have a bad time'. It was absolutely: fine.


Track leading down to the entrance is the closest to a real mettled road I've ever come across, car park pretty solid. Tons of decent benches, stringent SZ protocols, big range of hot food (plus snacks) available, not a bad little airsoft shop with tons of consumables and a selections of shooters. Rather than a the standard rotund organiser/marshal shouting in an attempt to herd the pack of unruly cats they've got a tannoy system for the briefing and timings to get back in etc, gives it a very commercialised feel that's pretty strange to experience by airsoft standards. Safety brief was delivered in a tone that comes across like the bloke is sick of his job, which I do fully understand, but I also don't pay to be slightly patronised in the morning tbh 🤷‍♂️ Made me wish I'd gone back to AP.


Seems it was a busy day, ~130 players. The site is big enough I'd say, but at the end of the day the main area which is used for regular airsoft play (there's various other small arenas for paintball and kids' airsoft) is mostly just a flat piece of dense pine woodland. There's enough barrel clusters and the like dotted around, but apart from the one fire break where all the old vehicles are, I found within an hour or two it's already pretty stale. They've got a few other areas that didn't fit in to the scenarios and weren't used. I say scenarios loosely, because there wasn't much to them, no opportunity for more than 1-2 people to really be involved at any one time, and since the 2 games for the day were similar and were both just reversed, the entire day was basically just 'fight over the site' (essentially no difference on attack/def other than regen point). Nobody got spawn trapped or anything, but it was a tad WW1 feeling, and not in the sense of brutal trench CQB.


The one thing I really found odd was MEDs. Their rules online say 10m for auto and 0m for semi with a standard AEG, which I think makes total sense, seems like a good rule. Possibly I mis-heard in the morning, but what I heard was 10m min for any primary weapon and only sidearms or melee to be used within 10m, pretty sure I heard it again later too. Now that makes no sense to me, because sidearms and rifles have the same muzzle energy rules; one of those things that makes me question my own mind a bit? Oh and one marshal doing chrono'ing said 0.23g BBs don't exist...


Didn't see any major agro, all ran pretty smoothly, good safety all around. They actually allow some types of TAG and they sell charges and smoke to launch from 'mortars'. I saw a lot of different interesting gats and gear on people which is always fun. I'd never say I'd never go back, but I won't rush to book again on either.


P.S. Did get very lucky in one regard, I've had an item up for sale here and an interested buyer messaged me who happened to live right nearby, which circumvented my least favourite thing about online sales i.e. when you send it off and spend the next couple of days praying RM/PF don't fuckin break it. Top bloke too, we had a lot in common.

I have only been there once, for half a day; it was ok, verging on quite good, but I cannot summon up much enthusiasm to go there again.  I think your report reflected my feelings about it better than mine did.

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55 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

So, anyway...


After the foreign trip I was obliged to take last year by His Majesty I've had lots of leave to use before the new tax year and I've done 3 games this year already, which puts me on track to play the most I have since about 2009 💀


After reading a fair few very good reviews I wanted to try out Dog Tag near Gatwick as I've not been before, but they weren't running this weekend so I went over the road to Driver Wood. Their site slogan should be something very 'safe' and unassuming, like 'Driver Wood, you'll definitely not have a bad time'. It was absolutely: fine.


Track leading down to the entrance is the closest to a real mettled road I've ever come across, car park pretty solid. Tons of decent benches, stringent SZ protocols, big range of hot food (plus snacks) available, not a bad little airsoft shop with tons of consumables and a selections of shooters. Rather than a the standard rotund organiser/marshal shouting in an attempt to herd the pack of unruly cats they've got a tannoy system for the briefing and timings to get back in etc, gives it a very commercialised feel that's pretty strange to experience by airsoft standards. Safety brief was delivered in a tone that comes across like the bloke is sick of his job, which I do fully understand, but I also don't pay to be slightly patronised in the morning tbh 🤷‍♂️ Made me wish I'd gone back to AP.


Seems it was a busy day, ~130 players. The site is big enough I'd say, but at the end of the day the main area which is used for regular airsoft play (there's various other small arenas for paintball and kids' airsoft) is mostly just a flat piece of dense pine woodland. There's enough barrel clusters and the like dotted around, but apart from the one fire break where all the old vehicles are, I found within an hour or two it's already pretty stale. They've got a few other areas that didn't fit in to the scenarios and weren't used. I say scenarios loosely, because there wasn't much to them, no opportunity for more than 1-2 people to really be involved at any one time, and since the 2 games for the day were similar and were both just reversed, the entire day was basically just 'fight over the site' (essentially no difference on attack/def other than regen point). Nobody got spawn trapped or anything, but it was a tad WW1 feeling, and not in the sense of brutal trench CQB.


The one thing I really found odd was MEDs. Their rules online say 10m for auto and 0m for semi with a standard AEG, which I think makes total sense, seems like a good rule. Possibly I mis-heard in the morning, but what I heard was 10m min for any primary weapon and only sidearms or melee to be used within 10m, pretty sure I heard it again later too. Now that makes no sense to me, because sidearms and rifles have the same muzzle energy rules; one of those things that makes me question my own mind a bit? Oh and one marshal doing chrono'ing said 0.23g BBs don't exist...


Didn't see any major agro, all ran pretty smoothly, good safety all around. They actually allow some types of TAG and they sell charges and smoke to launch from 'mortars'. I saw a lot of different interesting gats and gear on people which is always fun. I'd never say I'd never go back, but I won't rush to book again on either.


P.S. Did get very lucky in one regard, I've had an item up for sale here and an interested buyer messaged me who happened to live right nearby, which circumvented my least favourite thing about online sales i.e. when you send it off and spend the next couple of days praying RM/PF don't fuckin break it. Top bloke too, we had a lot in common.


This makes sense to me, though I haven't been in about a year due to no driving license (working on that now!), but I still think it's one of the better sites within an hour by car from where I live. It's very commercial and I don't like that you're not allowed supposed to bring outside food because obviously they want to incentivise you to buy their food (I stash a bunch of snacks in my kit and eat them while I'm camping in a bush in game because screw that noise...), but the site itself is pretty nice, has good avenues for me as a bolt action / DMR enjoyer, and at least last time I went, I didn't have any major gripes other than your standard fare of one or two people being questionable with hit taking, but you get that most places I feel!


For me, the draw is that it is much larger overall and isn't woodland CQB like Worthing is becoming with each passing year, since it's really overgrown at Worthing and isn't really being cut back; even in the winter the sight lines suck now, and I'm dreading what this summer will look like, and as I said, I like my bolt actions and DMRs.


I'd be interested to see what you think of Dogtag when you get down there. Of the three sites within an hour by car from me (Worthing, Driver Wood and Dogtag), Dogtag is the only one where I don't think I'll ever go there again outside of once in a blue moon if I feel like changing things up a bit! I'd rather go to Driver Wood, Worthing, or spend a bit of extra time driving to Battle Lakes, or maybe even Invicta woodland or Imperium for their ground war (though that's almost a 2 hour car trip, so wouldn't want to do it for just a skirmish day).

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