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Need Advice Choosing a GBBR

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I have a GHK G5, which has performed flawlessly over about 7500 rounds fired and despite having been dropped in the mud, bled upon, playing in the cold rain and blazing heat, and being fed only Coleman propane (I do clean and maintain it - but it has never failed me in adverse game conditions)  Highly recommend.  I recently acquired a TM MWS, which is much "nicer" in pretty much every way.  If you don't want to spend a ton, though, the G5 is a great option and very fun to play with.  It is also extremely light, which is nice over the course of a long day at the field!

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I'm leaning over to the TM MP7, with the cost-benefic relationship for now.

Can the MP7 run a drum mag? I'm only finding for HPA tapped guns.

Also, what gas do you recomend runnig on it? And same gas all year round or different gases according to temperature?

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I managed to bag a MWS from the classified section here. It’s my first GBBR and I wanted something which I could use out of the box and with no headaches. As many people already know I’m a Marui recoil fan boy but I have to admit there is something about the MWS that’s making me grin like the Cheshire Cat. It just feels quality when you hold it. From the cerakote finish to the clang of the bolt. It’s immersive. It’s light to carry too less than 3kg. Only drawback is the mags. They are at the moment rare as rocking horse poop and sell out fast. Probably due to Covid supply chain issues. They cost £50 a pop and hold 35 rounds. I managed to buy a few and goodness they have cost me the same amount as the rifle! 

I’ll be running Abbey Ultra through them for the time being until I get more confidence to switch over to propane. 

Bada Bing Pictures was the chap whose youtube reviews made me want to buy one. I’ll see how I get on this weekend when I take her out for a spin. 

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  On 29/09/2020 at 22:41, sp00n said:

Soooo a kc-02 isn’t cool enough or good looking enough 🤨🤨 ..... you are wrong 😉😎😎





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I hate to do it but she is that bang'n Japanese/German girl your mother told you to stay away from lol


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  On 02/10/2020 at 22:32, jsmithski said:

Unless it’s a Kriss Vector. That is still probably the best Gbbr.


Errr, define best? Most iconic? Maybe. Best performing? Absolutely not, I’m a massive fan but it’s not a patch on the MWS

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  On 25/09/2020 at 09:23, XukeLho said:

I'm leaning over to the TM MP7, with the cost-benefic relationship for now.


Absolutely, positively DO NOT buy one until you've held one.

It's not a 1:1 replica and, for me at least as a result, the ergonomics are shite.

I bought one without getting hold of one first. 

Took it out of the box when it arrived. Put it back in the box in utter disappointment and sent it straight back...

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  On 02/10/2020 at 22:32, jsmithski said:

Unless it’s a Kriss Vector. That is still probably the best Gbbr.


I swapped a magnesium bodied, systema internalled PSG-1 for a KWA vector listening to people go on about how amazing they are. It is utterly shite and one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. Wouldn’t have one given to me. 

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  On 03/10/2020 at 10:41, Wo1f said:

I swapped a magnesium bodied, systema internalled PSG-1 for a KWA vector listening to people go on about how amazing they are. It is utterly shite and one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. Wouldn’t have one given to me. 


ha ha ha ha suckered in. If you  want to off load it, let me know.

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I love my work in progress kscG17 that I've had for 11 years lol just finding parts for it now is a bit of a pain.


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  On 03/10/2020 at 13:09, hitmanNo2 said:

What parts are you after?  Any good?




Yeah already picked up parts form them. Tried to get the whole gun but they're not able to ship to the states lol

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  On 02/10/2020 at 22:38, rocketdogbert said:

Errr, define best? Most iconic? Maybe. Best performing? Absolutely not, I’m a massive fan but it’s not a patch on the MWS


performance and accuracy wise it is on par with my TM MWS.

  On 03/10/2020 at 10:41, Wo1f said:

I swapped a magnesium bodied, systema internalled PSG-1 for a KWA vector listening to people go on about how amazing they are. It is utterly shite and one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. Wouldn’t have one given to me. 


 Did you buy a lemon? What’s wrong with it?

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  On 08/10/2020 at 07:06, jsmithski said:

performance and accuracy wise it is on par with my TM MWS.


Im assuming your Vector isnt standard.


Ive owned around 20 KWA’s now, and none have come anywhere near the MWS platform in standard trim

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  On 08/10/2020 at 08:02, rocketdogbert said:

Im assuming your Vector isnt standard.


Ive owned around 20 KWA’s now, and none have come anywhere near the MWS platform in standard trim


True, but none of my stuff remains stock the next day I buy it - that does not prove anything. There’s a lot of platforms where you can put any amount of money into and still shoots like shit, Kriss isn’t one of them.

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  On 03/10/2020 at 11:10, rocketdogbert said:

ha ha ha ha suckered in. If you  want to off load it, let me know.


It was put back in its box after a single day and sold on in disgust 😂

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  On 08/10/2020 at 08:24, jsmithski said:

True, but none of my stuff remains stock the next day I buy it - that does not prove anything. There’s a lot of platforms where you can put any amount of money into and still shoots like shit, Kriss isn’t one of them.


Care to share why you’ve done, either here or the FB page, keen to improve the efficiency of mine 👍🏻

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