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Ghk GBBR Potential Issue

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For wider awareness - anyone interested in buying a GHK of any sort better hurry up, on GHK Facebook page this morning they posted about the Taiwanese Government banning GBBR because they were too similar to real steel guns and could potentially be made into real guns. Bullshit of course, but the Bill is apparently progressing and could make law.

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I just read that, there are a lot of airsoft manufacturers based in Taiwan, not just GHK, and reading through it, it sounds like they’ll all be affected, booo

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  On 15/06/2020 at 08:58, rocketdogbert said:

I just read that, there are a lot of airsoft manufacturers based in Taiwan, not just GHK, and reading through it, it sounds like they’ll all be affected, booo



I think its specifically GBBR but my Chinese isn't up to Spec :P  Anyone speak Cantonese?

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  On 15/06/2020 at 10:01, EvilMonkee said:


I think its specifically GBBR but my Chinese isn't up to Spec :P  Anyone speak Cantonese?



yep, according to Google translate the short summary is that the Taiwanese government has just approved some legislation that means GBB pistols and rifles will be considered illegal firearms, as in their view, they are too easy to turn into a functioning rifle/pistol.


since a lot of GBBRs are currently manufactured there this would have quite a large impact on gas users across the world.

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Yet another case of politicians legislating against something from a position of wilful ignorance to try to make themselves look good 😕


GHK, WE, KWA, VFC & KJW are all Taiwanese manufacturers, and many aftermarket parts are developed & made by Taiwanese companies...

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Given the ease at which type 64 copies are banged out illegally in China by back street workshops, I wonder why people would risk trying to make a pot metal aluminium toy into something that could in theory go bang. I for one would not want to hold a we pistol in my hand with real munitions in it, they can spit their insides out with red gas!!!

Does seem like  a political statement based on less than 100% accurate info

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We are a small community and what we do isn’t well understood. Therefore we are an easy target for politicians looking to score popularity points.

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Well this sticks a spanner in the works. My intention was to pick up a GHK AK towards the end of the year (can't afford it before then due to obligations). What an absolute bugger. I might have to pick up a couple extra Cz75 mag's and grab a Shadow  in the interim.

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  On 15/06/2020 at 13:24, FreeFrag.UK said:

Well this sticks a spanner in the works. My intention was to pick up a GHK AK towards the end of the year (can't afford it before then due to obligations). What an absolute bugger. I might have to pick up a couple extra Cz75 mag's and grab a Shadow  in the interim.



I think that you will have time mate

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  On 15/06/2020 at 18:07, Adolf Hamster said:

Conspiracy theory: tm's been lobbying the taiwanese government to become the worlds premier gbb supplier


Hopefully they’ll diversify their GBB rifle range then, because no matter how much I love their M4 MWS and CQBR it would be nice to see something other than M4’s. Some GBB battle rifles would be nice 😉

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Well they announced an AK GBBR at the end of last year so maybe 😉

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  On 15/06/2020 at 20:20, Cyberlawyer said:

Well they announced an AK GBBR at the end of last year so maybe 😉



Did they now... Any projected release date?

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They premiered in Nov 2019. No news I am aware of as to a release date.

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This isn't actually true at all.


There is a part that specifically excludes Airsoft (gas powered, CO2 powered and battery powered) replicas.

The proposed ban is for ultra realistic "dummy" replicas.

Think of those non firing but extremely realistic Japanese toys.

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  On 16/06/2020 at 00:35, bladerunner168 said:

This isn't actually true at all.


There is a part that specifically excludes Airsoft (gas powered, CO2 powered and battery powered) replicas.

The proposed ban is for ultra realistic "dummy" replicas.

Think of those non firing but extremely realistic Japanese toys.


 If you read the post - this was the plan - then the Govt dropped all the concessions and have proposed basically what amounts to an outright ban with no further consultation with manufacturers

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  On 16/06/2020 at 09:05, EvilMonkee said:

 If you read the post - this was the plan - then the Govt dropped all the concessions and have proposed basically what amounts to an outright ban with no further consultation with manufacturers



The police then issued a statement saying there was "an error" in the announcement process and they will rectify really soon.






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  On 16/06/2020 at 16:31, bladerunner168 said:


The police then issued a statement saying there was "an error" in the announcement process and they will rectify really soon.







 Not seen that thanks for the info

  On 16/06/2020 at 17:22, osteoshot said:

Go on, how many of you GHK owners started to think they had something worth potentially more than gold in their possession



Worth more than a WE at least....even if it was worth a lot I would never sell mine I love it too much

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  On 17/06/2020 at 16:06, EvilMonkee said:

 Not seen that thanks for the info


Worth more than a WE at least....even if it was worth a lot I would never sell mine I love it too much


Functionally (head not heart) which performs better in your opinion, the Tm or the GHK 

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Hmm, hard question as my GHK isnt stock and has a new barrel and hop chamber/rubber.  The MWS is stock.  That being said, I think the GHK because of the kick and realism is much better than the MWS and when it was stock it was just as good anyway.  The MWS is excellent straight out of the box but if I had to choose I would go for my GHK every time.  Though it will be interesting to see what TMs AKM is going to be like - I will probably buy one.


I also prefer the GHK because its a lot simpler to work on the MWS I haven't dared take apart yet.


A better comparison would be the GHK M4 to the MWS, not my AKM

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