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Double Eagle M904g – Aka the Original Q Honey Badger

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I think I've seen mention in reviews that DE use a knock-off of the Gate Aster, but maybe they're talking in terms of the functionality rather than an actual clone of the hardware.


Having seen this post in the Activity page, and realising the amount of useful information in my post is approximately zero, I've decided to add an interesting factoid that I found by chance today:

The flag of Hawaii contains a British Ensign, and is therefore the only flag of an American state to contain a foreign country's flag.


So much happier that this is now a slightly useful post :)

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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It's more like the Titan V2, two separate PCB's that connect to each other, bottom one with sensors for the selector and sector gear and the top multiple sensors for the trigger and its sensitivity 👍

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5 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

Luckily I've not yet had the need to take the selector plate off of any of the M900's I have / have access to, so I've not seen the sticker to confirm its patterning, but let's hope that they 100% mimicked GATE with their "Falcon" as you may be able to use this...



Unfortunately, that kit is difficult to get where I live, I will continue to see what I can do about the problem, and if I fail, I will send the gearbox to someone with more knowledge, but any help here or advice is appreciated, thank you.

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for the bump but has anyone managed to get a battery compartment extension for this yet? 

I don't want to damage my cables anymore. I've removed the spring loaded stock opening doodad which gives a bit more room but another 30-40mm would help.... 

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Alternatively buy a PTS EPS stock... £50 new, but occasionally show up for less used.
I'm sure there are plenty of clones available much cheaper too.

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  • 2 months later...

had a morning session last sunday and noticed at chrono my 904G was down to 0.95J from a constant 1.07J in all previous games (on stock spring still) and also after about 2 years of owning my 904G I thought it's best that I actually do some maintenance on the gun. 


Stripped the gun down




Although there was barely any grease left in the gearbox there wasn't much wear on the gears 




Checking the air seal, without the nozzle on it as pretty good but with the nozzle on it was actually pretty poor, nozzle has no o ring. So I've found my old specna arms cylinder head and nozzle with o-ring swapped them over and now I have a really good seal. 





Had to drill out the cylinder head holes by 0.5mm for it to fit on the lugs in the box. 





All lubed up with Waldo custom grease and reassembled. Ill be chronoing it in a few days to see what's it's shooting. But im certain it will be more due to the new nozzle sealing properly.


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13 hours ago, Stevobeavo said:

All lubed up with Waldo custom grease and reassembled. Ill be chronoing it in a few days to see what's it's shooting. But im certain it will be more due to the new nozzle sealing properly.


Be interesting to see what you get, I've done several nozzle tests recently, with o-rings against those without, good seal nozzle at retracted and extended point vs one with no seal and the fps was always the same.  A lot of other variables of course and no 2 setups are ever the same.  Let us know how you get on.

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@Stevobeavo  About 6 months or so into owning my DE M904E I just wanted to start tinkering with it, nothing big at that point (it's radically different from stock now) but at least fully disassembling it and rebuilding it. I got an extra 5 to 8 FPS on 0.20g just from carefully cleaning an re-greasing it with Super Lube.


The biggest gains I got though were from...


# Replacing the Spring: The three DE M900's I have were all UK spec for power from the retailer, but the spring in each one was totally different from the others in strength, length and two were progressive and one was linear. Using well made springs gave substantial power gains, with no loss over time, and consistency when swapping them around.


# Maxx Model M4A-PRO and Nozzle: In my DMR, a DE M908A at 420 FPS on 0.20g, I recently installed a Maxx Model M4A-PRO and their 21.25mm Nozzle, and had a big FPS gain (I noted what it was but can't find it, something like 10 to 14 FPS). Was it the hop unit, was it the nozzle, both together?

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6 hours ago, ak2m4 said:


Be interesting to see what you get, I've done several nozzle tests recently, with o-rings against those without, good seal nozzle at retracted and extended point vs one with no seal and the fps was always the same.  A lot of other variables of course and no 2 setups are ever the same.  Let us know how you get on.


That's interesting, everywhere you read says to replace with one with a o-ring.  I'm only just getting into teching, that's why I got one of your ZCI gearboxes last month to play with in my dead specna arms.


Once I test I'll put the readings up for you. 

2 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

@StevobeavoReplacing the Spring: The three DE M900's I have were all UK spec for power from the retailer, but the spring in each one was totally different from the others in strength, length and two were progressive and one was linear. Using well made springs gave substantial power gains, with no loss over time, and consistency when swapping them around.


# Maxx Model M4A-PRO and Nozzle: In my DMR, a DE M908A at 420 FPS on 0.20g, I recently installed a Maxx Model M4A-PRO and their 21.25mm Nozzle, and had a big FPS gain (I noted what it was but can't find it, something like 10 to 14 FPS). Was it the hop unit, was it the nozzle, both together?


I definitely need to get a few decent springs for my DE guns, just never got round to it yet. 


How did you turn yours into a DMR, cover the full auto optical sensor or stop the selector plate moving that far?

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1 hour ago, Stevobeavo said:

How did you turn yours into a DMR, cover the full auto optical sensor or stop the selector plate moving that far?


Stopped the selector plate moving that far with a nut and bolt through the receiver (also no site has ever questioned how I'm locked to semi only, just chrono'd me at the weight I'm using and trusted me (I shoot 0.40g and have never cheated chrono in any way)).

7 hours ago, ak2m4 said:

Be interesting to see what you get, I've done several nozzle tests recently, with o-rings against those without, good seal nozzle at retracted and extended point vs one with no seal and the fps was always the same.  A lot of other variables of course and no 2 setups are ever the same.  Let us know how you get on.


@ak2m4 In the past I did try an o-ring nozzle in one of my DE M900's, with absolutely no difference at all (I think it was one of your XT nozzles).


However the Maxx Model M4A-PRO + their own 21.25 nozzle with o-ring did give me extra FPS, so I'm wondering if the nozzle is just mating up perfectly with the bucking in the hop unit and improving the air seal?

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If any DE M900 owners are interested I bought a couple of these as I was off work last week relaxing at home...




... and wanted to see how they'd effect things (one for me to play around with and another for my son's upgraded G&G Firehawk that has as stock an M130 spring).


DE have said to me that the stock Chaoli motor they use is 19,000 RPM, but not at what voltage of battery and what its TPA is, so I put one into my M904E which is currently running an M105 spring. Just turning the stock Chaoli and XT motors pinions with your fingers there's a massive difference, with the Chaoli turning very easily and the XT requiring substantially more force with its strong magnets.


RPS only slightly improved, I wasn't really interested in that though, but the trigger response on semi is substantially better with all that torque available (and I run a Maxx Model Advanced Trigger so have set a very short trigger pull as well). I play most of the time at a semi only site so will definitely be getting my first shot off quicker and will be able to merrily spam the trigger if I'm in that sort of mood.


For a while I was tempted by a 27,000 RPM Warhead Base motor, but with the trigger response now so good I'm not sure if it's worth it (plus I'd be worried about PME and I don't want to play around with gear ratios to be honest).


For only £33.50 it's a cracking upgrade :)

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@Fatboy40 thanks for the feedback, so far I've been very happy with the performance and reliability of the XT 22TPA.  I was getting around 5% failures with the ZCI and Rocket motors, very annoying.  These XT motors with their top fan seem to keep the temperature down, so less damage to the wiring and commutator over time. 


The stock Chaoli used ferrite magnets I'm guessing.  TPA is a term that isn't generally used by motor factories, and I guess doesn't mean too much to them without knowing the thickness of the wiring.  RPM and Torque seem to be what they go by.  


What battery are you using with the DE?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So.... I may have been bitten by the honey badger... I love mine so much that I've downloaded the handbook from Q in the US to get the colours right when I paint/cerakote it... 😁

Then, being the daft bugger I am, I emailed Q to ask if u could copy the Q and the "live free or die" logos. 

Kevin from Q (the owner!) emailed me back with hi res pictures of it and told me if I was ever in the neighbourhood to come over and have a blast with the real 300 blackout... What a gent!! 




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1 hour ago, Egon_247 said:


Kevin from Q (the owner!) emailed me back with hi res pictures of it and told me if I was ever in the neighbourhood to come over and have a blast with the real 300 blackout... What a gent!! 



Admit it, you've started looking up the price of airline tickets, haven't you?  ;)

(I would!)

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  • 1 month later...

I ve seen many guys here say that they get much fps from springs like m120, i ve seen someone say that they got aroung 465 with 0.2bbs, limits in my country are pretty generous(ocb 1.88j for full auto and 2.32 for semi auto) anyone using m130 spring that would care enough to say their fps? I have all stock parts. Many thanks!

Edit: for anyone curious, limits for bolt action are 3.34j

Edited by xbaems
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well shitballs....


Just ordered the M904G for the weekend along with a cheeky little red dot to go with a magnifier I picked up on the cheap the other weekend.


Hopefully SWMBO won't notice gun number 12 sneaking its merry way into the family.  Jesus, the boy and I have only been doing this a little over a year.



I blame you lot.









Gun 13...


Hopefully won't be unlucky.

Edited by Dan Robinson
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Obviously I think DEs are great, and I've had hankerings for a 904 as a lightweight backup gun, but even I have managed to resist that temptation (so far), so why did you feel the need?

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45 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

so why did you feel the need?


Still not had a chance to get my Specna sent off to repair, so am stuck running DMR and pistols.  So I needed a back up AEG.  Also had a hankering for burst fire mode for some reason I can't quite think of.


Didn't want to spend a lot either as I have a lot of house related out goings to come in the next 6 months.


Considering using it as a secondary with my M7, which should be out for the weekend too (yay); although the 904 is longer than my Specna when collapsed.  


The boy has his long guns, but I don't like the running around game style with them.


I am hoping that the batteries we have will fit in the stock, but I'm not adverse to a bit of gaffer tape if needed.  I tried the links to the Thingiverse, from @mightyjebus, but the links are not working now.


The 11.1v compatibility was an interest as well for CQB, assuming it lifts the ROF a little.


So basically, it ticked a lot of boxes and was in budget.  Otherwise, I would be looking at an L85A3 or a project - which I don't have the time or money for.

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Just be careful if you try to sling the gun over your shoulder when you run around with the sniper, I managed to pop a mag out as it bumped around, I was very lucky someone found it and handed it in

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Not planning on running too much with the M7 - the fecking grip might fall off again let alone the sodding mags 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



Right off to bed - have to be in Wembley and sensible for 8am tomorrow.

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