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New Kent player

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Hello folkes,

I am a complete NOOB to airsoft.
I have had the old BB pistols and rifles as a kid back in the day to mess around in the garden but it has obviously come a long way since then.

I have been into Air Rifle target shooting and hunting for a few years now so I have some transferable skils. Just learning the airsoft lingo at the moment and getting a good setup togeter before I make my way to any clubs / arenas .

This site seems really good and members seem friendly so I'm sure I will get to know a few of you soon.


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Cheers mate and welcome! 


Plenty of the Kent and nearby site reviews available in the Skirmish review forum. 


My personal pick for woodland would be Battle Lakes and CQB would be The Fort in Rochester. There is quite a bit of dross Skirmish sites in Kent unfortunately. 

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Welcome, I'm in Kent also, down on the marsh & unfortunately probably the worse place for sites near me lol, everywheres at least an hour or more away.

whereabouts are you located ?

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  On 02/10/2019 at 13:31, Robert James said:

Give it a few days you'll speak differently 


Especially if he asks "wot am bestest gun" or "wot first gun to get".......

then it's on like donkey king lol 🦍

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I'll be opening two sites in the very near future (both in kent) Hextable, Swanley and Isle of Sheppey! 


Welcome to airsoft prepare your wallet and get a re-mortgage..

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  On 02/10/2019 at 12:33, Goodhew11 said:





  On 02/10/2019 at 16:28, MrWilson said:

I'll be opening two sites in the very near future (both in kent) Hextable, Swanley and Isle of Sheppey! 


Welcome to airsoft prepare your wallet and get a re-mortgage..


Ahem. Yes please. I'm towards Bromley. I need this. CQB? Please say CQB

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Welcome :).

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in kent myself on my holls just now go home tomorrow so not been able to play anywhere no where played during the week.  there are 2 new sites opening soon both cqb one in the isle of sheppy and another inland a little.


edit-- never mind already been mentioned lol 

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  On 04/10/2019 at 15:19, Mad Rag said:

in kent myself on my holls just now go home tomorrow so not been able to play anywhere no where played during the week.  there are 2 new sites opening soon both cqb one in the isle of sheppy and another inland a little.


Yeah I have a little look at site around my area. 
I have found 9 that are in a 'Reasonable' driving distance.


5 open air / woodland areas.
But yes, they are most if not all mainly on Sundays

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  On 04/10/2019 at 15:24, Goodhew11 said:

Yeah I have a little look at site around my area. 
I have found 9 that are in a 'Reasonable' driving distance.


5 open air / woodland areas.
But yes, they are most if not all mainly on Sundays


I was hopeing the schools would be open for when I came down but it didn't happen so will need to do that the next time I come down to see my memaw


kent is littered with sites, just go to your closest/ local one and see how you get on. don't do what most of us do and go and buy a load of gear and spend our many pounds on loadouts ect lol. 

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  On 04/10/2019 at 15:27, Mad Rag said:

I was hopeing the schools would be open for when I came down but it didn't happen so will need to do that the next time I come down to see my memaw


kent is littered with sites, just go to your closest/ local one and see how you get on. don't do what most of us do and go and buy a load of gear and spend our many pounds on loadouts ect lol. 



Errrmmmm NOW YOU TELL ME ! hahahaha

Already have a big buy list set up for my load out and currently looking at rifles and upgrades lol

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oh dear hahah oppsies oh well seems you already have the bug hahah

  On 04/10/2019 at 15:31, Goodhew11 said:


Errrmmmm NOW YOU TELL ME ! hahahaha

Already have a big buy list set up for my load out and currently looking at rifles and upgrades lol



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  On 04/10/2019 at 15:34, Mad Rag said:

oh dear hahah oppsies oh well seems you already have the bug hahah



Yep... Although coming from paintball and air rifles airsoft is just another ball busting bank breaker

  On 04/10/2019 at 15:35, ak2m4 said:

Your closest is in Dover, there's 2 there, indoor CQB and an outdoor.  There's a shop in Dover called All Ages Airsoft, if you want to handle some guns send him an email...


Brilliant, will do.

2 ??

I only found Triple AAA which is the CQB.  Whats the outdoor one? 

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