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New gun

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are you effectively trying to design a tripod mounted HMG? if so I believe that boat has already sailed. If you've got a specific purpose for it then go ahead however if you're expecting to rock up at games and just set it up mid skirmish you'll have a bad time. 

I've carried out a night raid on a milsim with a machine gun team one had to carry the PKM the other carried the tripod, neither of the two lads enjoyed it.

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1 hour ago, Sec212ret said:



I'm trying to design a new airsoft weapon. It would be like a turret on a tri-pot that has a remote control. 

But first I would like to hear opinions to hear if it is worth a try. 


I look forward to hear it. 



Been there done that.

Actually a few people have done, but we had the first and (as far as I am aware) still the only fully working and reliable automated sentry gun in the UK (excluding real life military automated weapons)


But ours was built by an electrical engineer who overspecifies all parts.

Its not remote control, but fully autonomous via the AI plus HD day and night vision cameras.





It would operate anything with a trigger, we ran it primarily with paintball guns but also airsoft a couple of times.  It ceased to be after the great fire of Ironsight


You can buy the software and a starter kit from the US.  Our guy used this software as a starting point and also contacted the developers for software fixes and upgrades to make it work to our requirements.


These kind of items come with their own problems and safety concerns, unless you run your own site or events then there is very little use that you can put to one




As seen on TV in How to survive a disaster movie - man vs machine.

Spoiler alert 1 - Even though Joel Dommet managed to evade the sentry gun on camera, he did show his neck bruises at the end from the unbroadcastable 3 round burst across his neck.

Spoiler alert 2 - I die in one of the other episodes  during a movie myth sequence 











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This isn't a dig at the OP (although he fits the profile 😜), just a general observation by me, but every time someone posts up a "hi tech project that's gonna revolutionize airsoft", 99% of the time it's a new member/player, generally with little or no experience with the basics of airsoft.

id have thought that if someone wants us to talk them through all the variables needed in such a project, then they probably don't have the technical expertise to complete it ?.

like I said, not a dig, but I do tire of people trying to reinvent the wheel (see what I did there 😏)

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16 minutes ago, Tackle said:

This isn't a dig at the OP (although he fits the profile 😜), just a general observation by me, but every time someone posts up a "hi tech project that's gonna revolutionize airsoft", 99% of the time it's a new member/player, generally with little or no experience with the basics of airsoft.

id have thought that if someone wants us to talk them through all the variables needed in such a project, then they probably don't have the technical expertise to complete it ?.

like I said, not a dig, but I do tire of people trying to reinvent the wheel (see what I did there 😏)

.... and if you do have the genius revolutionary idea that nobody else has ever thought of ..... stick it on the Internet for the entire world to steal the idea 

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3 hours ago, Prisce said:

@Seth_Erebor You been breeding?

Now there’s a scary thought! 😳

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We had something like that at our national finals last year.


It was a platform holding an M4, 2 movement sensors, a mechanical "finger" that would pull the trigger and i guess an arduino board to control the whole thing.

Not as cool and complex as @Tommikka's one, but it still did the job, especially when put in a confined space like a room or something. We did manage to outplay it by having me and another guy moving in different directions, turret targeted me (without hitting because the rotation was actually pretty slow) and my mate managed to get behind it and shut it down.


Shouldn't be too hard to make honestly, if you know how to work with arduino and i guess basic coding skills.


Since it's not man operated, the risk of injuring the target is kinda high, so I'd suggest to keep the muzzle low, below the chest, so that the poor dude gets shot in the legs rather than taking a bb to the face from half a metre.

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On 29/08/2019 at 21:20, Prisce said:

@Seth_Erebor You been breeding?




If I want an MG on a moving platform I’m going to get it directly from Estonia lol. If you know, you know 😉


OP: can you actually make what you talking about? Self-taught tinkerer or qualified engineer?

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