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M4 or something else?

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1 hour ago, Sean84 said:

Tbh, I kinda like that! It seems to fire nicely with some recoil and the noise sounds good. As the guy said tho, battery might be an issue. How long would the standard battery last? Need to have a look into what battery upgrade is possibly available... and sort a sling mount too...


The battery connector can easily be changed to deans so you can use any battery type any retailer worth their salt will do this for free or a small fee on purchase. Alternately buy the 416/417 (They all look like M4's to me!) Which has a standard battery connector. 


If you like something a bit different, they also do AK's, Scar H and L (The L takes M4 mags) and G36's with the same recoil system, though they tend to be a softer recoil. 

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36 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


The recoil is more of a judder and the noise when they are on your shoulder is more of a twang from the recoil spring. Other than that they are a good gun.


Your best bet is to go to a store and actually handle a few and compare them to each other.

Yeah I do need to find a shop near me, I just need to research what they sell so Im not wasting my time going there if I can’t try what I like

23 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


The battery connector can easily be changed to deans so you can use any battery type any retailer worth their salt will do this for free or a small fee on purchase. Alternately buy the 416/417 (They all look like M4's to me!) Which has a standard battery connector. 


If you like something a bit different, they also do AK's, Scar H and L (The L takes M4 mags) and G36's with the same recoil system, though they tend to be a softer recoil. 

Ah ok so at least the battery upgrade is possible!

yeah for me the m4 has always been a favourite but who knows, my collection will grow with some other guns eventually lol. 

I think I’ll take a good look at that m4 aeg when I get home and see what it’s all about. It has swayed my mind I must admit. Then if I can find a local retailer that I can try it at then that would be a good start!

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9 minutes ago, Sean84 said:

Yeah I do need to find a shop near me, I just need to research what they sell so Im not wasting my time going there if I can’t try what I like

Ah ok so at least the battery upgrade is possible!

yeah for me the m4 has always been a favourite but who knows, my collection will grow with some other guns eventually lol. 

I think I’ll take a good look at that m4 aeg when I get home and see what it’s all about. It has swayed my mind I must admit. Then if I can find a local retailer that I can try it at then that would be a good start!


Its not that we are "Anti" Gbb rifle. Its just for a first gun, you just need something that works well and reliably. A cheap AEG will serve you far better in the field then the GBB initially.


If you get a GBB straight off, it will more likely put you off the sport as they fail quite often, perform worse, wont work when it gets under 10 degrees centigrade and the mags can be very heavy. After a year and a half I bought my first GBBR, loved the recoil, but it failed often and the 8 x 40 round mags alone weighed 6.5kg. I sold it at a loss and bought two AEGs that performed far better. There is a reason why if you do a search for Gbbr for a first rifle, the vast majority of replies will say "get an AEG". 


Very few retailers carry GBBR's, but many carry TM Recoils. 



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7 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


Its not that we are "Anti" Gbb rifle. Its just for a first gun, you just need something that works well and reliably. A cheap AEG will serve you far better in the field then the GBB initially.


If you get a GBB straight off, it will more likely put you off the sport as they fail quite often, perform worse, wont work when it gets under 10 degrees centigrade and the mags can be very heavy. After a year and a half I bought my first GBBR, loved the recoil, but it failed often and the 8 x 40 round mags alone weighed 6.5kg. I sold it at a loss and bought two AEGs that performed far better. There is a reason why if you do a search for Gbbr for a first rifle, the vast majority of replies will say "get an AEG". 


Very few retailers carry GBBR's, but many carry TM Recoils. 




Have you ever tried the TM MWS? 

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15 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


Have you ever tried the TM MWS? 


I have, it was pretty good for a GBBr, but owner couldn't use it in the winter. 

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1 minute ago, Asomodai said:


I have, it was pretty good for a GBBr, but just wouldn't work well in the winter. 


Funny because I have seen them firing away quite happily when my TM all plastic pistol was struggling. A friend has one that is used very regularly and is probably one of the oldest and most used around but it works no matter what.


I am not a huge gbbr fan as prefer stuff that just works but the current TM gas rifles are a game changer. It could be minus two but I would still have no concerns fielding one.

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1 minute ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


Funny because I have seen them firing away quite happily when my TM all plastic pistol was struggling. A friend has one that is used very regularly and is probably one of the oldest and most used around but it works no matter what.


I am not a huge gbbr fan as prefer stuff that just works but the current TM gas rifles are a game changer. It could be minus two but I would still have no concerns fielding one.


*Shrugs* I don't know what to tell you ;)



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31 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:



Yet badda bing showed his working in snow and others in the MWS thread seem to not have any issues what so ever.... strange.


Presumably something was wrong with this specific owners one then? I am going by what I was told by an owner, not by my own experience. 



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Ok so I’ve found this... I think a higher cap mag will help me get back on the idea of gbb (still not ruling out aeg tho) and using the TM M4 sounds like it will reliably shoot well too. 


it mentions about possible modification, is this likely or do you think they put that on all the aftermarket stuff to cover their back?


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Ok if you are set on the whole ‘choose your shot/30rd mag change like a real gun’ route then again don’t get a gas gun as you are going to need to drop a huge amount of money just to get started , just buy a bog standard M4 and a box of ’real cap’ magazines that only hold 30bbs and see how it turns out .

Better to drop £140 on your start than near £700 wouldn’t you think ? 

BUT ultimately it’s your decision on how you want to go .👍

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12 minutes ago, UKCYukarin said:

Thats for the Western Arms Gas blowback system, it won't work for the TM MWS gas blowback system.

Ok I’ll have a look later. Unless anyone knows of any for this gun?... 


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Guest Yukarin
14 minutes ago, Sean84 said:

Ok I’ll have a look later. Unless anyone knows of any for this gun?... 


Just the standard 35 round that TM makes. I really implore you not to get a GBBR for your first gun, while i pretty much solely use GBBRs now, i'm thankful I've experienced AEGs and have them as backups for when my GBBRs go down (which has happened a few times).

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Sean your starting to look like a half term special mate , your jumping around posting up random shit you’ve grabbed from the net (the gas mag for instance, it clearly says it only works with two brands of gun) and making it look like your just a kid on school holidays , people are going to start taking the piss soon bud . Take a breath do some research on what you can ;

A ; afford to spend on your start up kit (be realistic not hopeful)

B ; what you can actually find in stock of what you want . Google is your friend .

C ; what you want .

THEN come back and I’m sure everyone on here will help you as much as they can .

As I’m sure you can appreciate as this is basically the last good working forum on the net the ‘what am bestest gunz’ type posts are two a penny and soon get ripped a new one . 👍


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36 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

just buy a bog standard M4 and a box of ’real cap’ magazines that only hold 30bbs


Buy mid caps and only put 30bbs in them.  Until you start asking yourself why you're doing that, and can't come up with a good answer.


Sean, bear in mind that you're currently in the honeymoon period and airsoft is the bestest hobby ever and you're going to be playing it for years and years and years and...


Then look in the classifieds at the number of "as new / barely used / used once" guns in there.


Loads of people drop house-deposit money into this hobby only for the adrenaline rush to wear off and the reality to set in that it's hide and seek with toys in what's generally a fairly limited set of locations and game modes.  GBBR (or HPA) is something that you move up to when you're sure that you're going to stick with it.


Consider that the mags alone on a GBBR will run you more (and weigh as much) as a basic G&G /JG /  Specna AEG.


Anecdote: in a milsim last year, I got attached as a sniper to a squad of chums who all had GBBRs.  We got into a ball-fight holding an objective.  After a couple of minutes, of shouts of "Mag out!" and "Spare mag? Spare mag, mate?" I realised that I was the only one still shooting. I ended up tossing my M5PK AEG to the nearest teammate just to get more rounds going out.


Great fun, until the fun stops, then you're just a target.

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26 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Anecdote: in a milsim last year, I got attached as a sniper to a squad of chums who all had GBBRs.  We got into a ball-fight holding an objective.  After a couple of minutes, of shouts of "Mag out!" and "Spare mag? Spare mag, mate?" I realised that I was the only one still shooting. I ended up tossing my M5PK AEG to the nearest teammate just to get more rounds going out.


i've had similar stories even running mid-caps, all it takes is for the game to get bogged down somewhere where you're basically playing whack-a-mole with the other side and suddenly more ammo feels like a very good option to have.


not to mention that airsoft guns aren't exactly accurate, and at extended ranges you're going to need 10bb's to make a hit a real gun could still do in 1 well aimed shot, and that's assuming your target isn't doing the bullet-time dance.


op- start off with a basic aeg, then grab yourself a gbb pistol and get familiar with running the gas systems, if that aint enough for you then you can start looking at all the fancy stuff knowing that if/when conditions don't suit it then you can whip out the aeg and still have fun.

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Here is a novel approach for everyone.


Instead of telling him what he should or shouldn't spend his money how about we listen to him and advise him on the route he chooses to take. Lots of players have started with gas and low caps and been fine. 


If someone asks about a product we tell them if tit is a shit gun if we no for definite it is and not just because internet said so then advise a better alternative. But as regards how they choose to approach the game for better or worse that is on them. But we are all different so just because we perceive it as wrong way for us for them...... only they will know.


I have used low caps most of my time in the hobby and I wonder if anybody on here who has played against/with me can point out a time they have ever seen me outgunned because of it?

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29 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:



Instead of telling him what he should or shouldn't spend his money how about we listen to him and advise him on the route he chooses to take. Lots of players have started with gas and low caps and been fine. 



You and the few others who decided on going the GBBr route and has worked for them are the exception and not the rule. 


It's going to be his first rifle in a sport where the majority of players use AEG's with High/Mid caps and for good reason. 40 bbs per mag vs 400 bbs per mag makes a huge difference. 


Ultimately if the OP wants an GBBR, we cannot stop him despite the large swathe of opinions saying that it is difficult to compete with an AEG even if he was an experienced Airsofter. 


We can only but advise. I have gone against the advice of many people in my pursuit of Airsoft. But in MY experience the worst mistake I have made was getting a Gas Rifle, in terms of time and money sinked into it, with no end product. The OP may have a different experience, but I think it would be prudent to get an AEG first to get the best likelihood of sticking with the sport. 

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24 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Here is a novel approach for everyone.


Instead of telling him what he should or shouldn't spend his money how about we listen to him and advise him on the route he chooses to take. Lots of players have started with gas and low caps and been fine. 

Ok fair enough you started out down this route and stuck with it (can’t argue with that) and there must be others who’ve also followed this way but honestly how many players have you personally met or you can 100% believe also did so over the years ? (The phrase ‘lots of’ etc etc is frequently used when there’s no real evidence to support an argument) I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone who has said so .

Now I know there hardly going to be jumping around shouting about it but in all these yrs no one ? 

BUT other side of the coin , I could tell you how many new players I've met who at there first game were absolutely adamant they were going to play and stick with X,Y&Z as there gun/role/game style/etc then at lunch time or the next game day said they hated it and wished they’d listened to everyone else’s experience ? Ultimately it’s Sean’s decision on how he wants to play , but he’s come on to a public’ish forum and basically asked for everyone’s opinion and help on his decided route in to the game and the community answer on the whole has been pretty much “don’t do it it’s a mistake !” .

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ok... chill pill time guys lol.

Ive read through all the answers you have all helped me with and im grateful!. Yes im a noob, yes i dont really understand half the shit im talking about yet, and thats where the forum comes in. I hate to be "that new guy with all the questions" but i think this particular topic is a personal choice when it comes to loadouts, guns, clothes etc so searching the forum doesnt always give the accurate answer.


Saying that, i appreciate the time you guys have taken to answer the questions. I feel as though i might just swing towards AEG. I already have my GBB pistol and can always swap it up mid game to make things interesting...

So ive just got home and i'll start looking around for an M4 AEG


After a few games with the M4, i'll then look towards GBB if the AEG doesnt give me the thrill factor, OR, I just want both types of rifle and use either of them in different games/scenarios...


How does that sound? Sensible?... I bloody hope so, im getting a headache... 😂

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4 minutes ago, Sean84 said:



How does that sound? Sensible?... I bloody hope so, im getting a headache... 😂



Its up to you mate :)

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44 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


You and the few others who decided on going the GBBr route and has worked for them are the exception and not the rule. 


It's going to be his first rifle in a sport where the majority of players use AEG's with High/Mid caps and for good reason. 40 bbs per mag vs 400 bbs per mag makes a huge difference. 


Ultimately if the OP wants an GBBR, we cannot stop him despite the large swathe of opinions saying that it is difficult to compete with an AEG even if he was an experienced Airsofter. 


We can only but advise. I have gone against the advice of many people in my pursuit of Airsoft. But in MY experience the worst mistake I have made was getting a Gas Rifle, in terms of time and money sinked into it, with no end product. The OP may have a different experience, but I think it would be prudent to get an AEG first to get the best likelihood of sticking with the sport. 


10 minutes ago, Sean84 said:

ok... chill pill time guys lol.

Ive read through all the answers you have all helped me with and im grateful!. Yes im a noob, yes i dont really understand half the shit im talking about yet, and thats where the forum comes in. I hate to be "that new guy with all the questions" but i think this particular topic is a personal choice when it comes to loadouts, guns, clothes etc so searching the forum doesnt always give the accurate answer.


Saying that, i appreciate the time you guys have taken to answer the questions. I feel as though i might just swing towards AEG. I already have my GBB pistol and can always swap it up mid game to make things interesting...

So ive just got home and i'll start looking around for an M4 AEG


After a few games with the M4, i'll then look towards GBB if the AEG doesnt give me the thrill factor, OR, I just want both types of rifle and use either of them in different games/scenarios...


How does that sound? Sensible?... I bloody hope so, im getting a headache... 😂



I didn't go the gbbr route because when I started they were all crap but with things like the GHK G5 and TM gbbr things have changed. What I referenced always using was low caps as people were beating on about ammo restrictions.


I do know a fair few who have started out using G5s and MP7s as at the mall their were a fair few. @Asmodias your gbbr was a Tavor wasn't it? If so you can't really compare the experience of that to the better ones around now. The TM is as simple as fill with gas and use pretty much. All the old ones were a pain that needed constant maintenance but it is getting less so.


All I am saying is if the OP wants to go gas let him and let people help with that instead of just going get an AEG. For all anyone knows the guy might be the sort that gbb maintenance is easy but lets be fair to everyone they are easier to fix than an AEG.


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3 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:



 @Asmodias your gbbr was a Tavor wasn't it? If so you can't really compare the experience of that to the better ones around now. The TM is as simple as fill with gas and use pretty much. All the old ones were a pain that needed constant maintenance but it is getting less so.





The Tavor was only released last year, so technically is newer then the MWS :P I also stated the op may have a difference experience. 

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