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rainbow8 no two tone ?

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You don't (admin gods correct if wrong) but it is my understanding that it will probably not get through customs without them calling you up and asking for some kind of defence if it wasn't already on the box 


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Just now, Solly4568 said:

You don't (admin gods correct if wrong) but it is my understanding that it will probably not get through customs without them calling you up and asking for some kind of defence if it wasn't already on the box 


ah, thank you. didnt think it was worth the risk. but im curious if they'll contact me for simply ordering a slide

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41 minutes ago, Prisce said:

Ordering parts DOES NOT require a defence as far as a I remember. 


It is is only for whole RIFs.


I concur, that is the case IME. However if in doubt and if you have a number it's always worth adding it on as a safety net.


If not then gamble...

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10 hours ago, sickestguy69 said:

a ukara license


First, it's licence, not license.


Second, it's not a licence although it may give you license.


Third, you don't need it for components.

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But if you do want a ‘UKARA License’ then I can supply you with one for a small fee .👍

heres one I prepared earlier .😉F300D7FD-410A-4493-B8C6-E730558286F9.thumb.jpeg.e6ff770a785c51bff997a77a31747b2a.jpeg




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12 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

But if you do want a ‘UKARA License’ then I can supply you with one for a small fee .👍

heres one I prepared earlier .😉F300D7FD-410A-4493-B8C6-E730558286F9.thumb.jpeg.e6ff770a785c51bff997a77a31747b2a.jpeg




You messed up there. I can just copy and paste that for free! Change picture first obviously

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First, it's you, not u. 


Second, it is important to know exactly what UKARA is.


Third, the "components" part is exactly what your question was about wasn't it? 


Fourth, don't take smart arsed comments personally. 😉

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1 minute ago, Resistor170 said:

First, it's you, not u. 


Second, it is important to know exactly what UKARA is.


Third, the "components" part is exactly what your question was about wasn't it? 


Fourth, don't take smart arsed comments personally. 😉

first, you understood exactly what i meant

second, his information on the proper use of the words license and licence have nothing to do with ukara

third, had been answered

fourth, i can only assume the type of people who spend their time making smart arsed comments on airsoft forums at 9 oclock on a tuesday are either depressed or insane, so please seek help

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14 minutes ago, sickestguy69 said:

first, you understood exactly what i meant

second, his information on the proper use of the words license and licence have nothing to do with ukara

third, had been answered

fourth, i can only assume the type of people who spend their time making smart arsed comments on airsoft forums at 9 oclock on a tuesday are either depressed or insane, so please seek help

But one's that make smart arsed comments at 10 o'clock are cool 😂

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58 minutes ago, sickestguy69 said:

first, you understood exactly what i meant

second, his information on the proper use of the words license and licence have nothing to do with ukara

third, had been answered

fourth, i can only assume the type of people who spend their time making smart arsed comments on airsoft forums at 9 oclock on a tuesday are either depressed or insane, so please seek help

As said before, it is important to know what UKARA is. You don't seem to know the difference between having an actual license for something and something that might give you license, so I suggest you give that one up. Would love to hear you tell the police you have a license for your airsoft guns! 


Because you write "u" instead of you and because you seemed to get shirty at his cheeky comments I thought you are probably a kid who took it personally. So my "fourth" bit what just trying to make you lighten up and realise he wasn't telling you off. 


Just chill out a bit

36 minutes ago, EDcase said:

@sickestguy69, Don't take these guys too seriously, they kid around a lot and like to go on about UKARA.

I'm sure most of em are criminally insane ;)


Resistor170, you haven't been a member long enough to join in the silly banter yet 

I've been a member of life long enough thank you very much

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