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Airsoft safe gas mask

Leader Bee
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I think this will have been asked before but considering there are so many models out there I would create a specific thread.


I'm looking at a gasmask for indoor cqb, specifically a Russian PBF or "gorilla" mask. The model with cheek filters...I'm especially curious about people's experience with the lenses and how safe for airsoft they are? I'm aware of the risks of vintage filters and wouldn't plan on inserting them anyway but I do want to be somewhat confident that I won't lose an eye if I'm shot in the face.


I think I saw someone mention a retailer that sells customer lexan lenses but I'm not sure? I could wear goggles underneath I suppose but I would prefer not to 



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Unless your going to fit air fans in the filter spaces I’d say don’t wear a surplus gas mask , not only will you absolutely cook in a real respirator you’ll also have problems getting enough oxygen in to your self once you start running around and hyperventilating due to the physical and mental exertion of CQB . I’ve spent days in respirators in the past and believe me your activity capability levels drop by a good 60-70% when your in full NBC kit so even wearing just a ressi will I’d think drop them anything between 30-50% so I’d say just not worth it .👍

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There was a gas mask repro specifically made for airsoft (polycarbonate lenses and fans disguised as filters) but imo you're taking bondage to the next level with those.

I do have a 1950 era gas mask (a real one) and it is already hard to breath in it when sitting on the sofa, i don't even want to think about running around wearing it.

If you're into bdsm then go for it and either get some lexan to replace the lenses or hand it to heroshark and get some nice mesh lenses :)

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i use  an s10 res,  with   polycarb lenses, and a cored out filter  etc, and   i breath  fine in mine, you just  need   to   find what works best for you

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There are replacement airsoft lenses available on Ebay, I looked into them when I was going to convert my S10 into an airsoft mask. But wearing them for 20 mins in the house soon made me leave them buried in the garage never to be looked at again. 


Wearing it was too restricting and by the time I had replaced the lenses and put fans in the filters it was too much bother!!

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On 07/01/2019 at 13:23, Leader Bee said:

Yeah all sounds like a pain in the arse, if they're not safe out of the box I don't think I'll bother


Probably wise in all fairness...


It has been my experience as great as impression loadouts look, they can be bloody annoying to play in. hence why I take out as little as possible into the field nowadays. Gameplay over looks all day long!!

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I have converted my old East German gasmask to be airsoft safe through judicious use of a pair of safety goggle and a dremel.  The lenses OOB are glass and obviously not airsoft safe.  Now, I have only done this as the Cold War ruleset we play requires full NBC suits and masks for usage of nerve agents (green smoke) and as such was done from a sense of immersion.  I wouldn't recommend the things to game in at all......even though I will probably end up in it at the next Cold War game. 

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GSR is airsoft safe, more safe than the airsoft "replica". You can also get dummy filters for them, no idea where, but you can. 

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