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IKEA pegboards for airsoft guns

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I recently saw a member's guns displayed on Ikea pegboard in a picture thread, and wondered how many of youhave found these useful.


Iwas under the impression that because they are made of fibreboard and not metal they might not be sturdy enough.

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+1 as I was thinking of getting them.

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FIbre board can be strong, bare in mind if the pegs are in the holes properly and secured correctly the weight is spread out over the two pegs. Most RIFs are not that heavy it would be a problem.


I use to work in a tool shop and had a dozen 24oz hammers hanging off one peg in a wooden peg board system! Yes over time some of the holes were widened due to over use or incorrect use, but this was a shop! A spare room with a few RIFs on should last

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I went for the build your own gun rack/lean-to set up


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Was probably my photo.


You will need to attach the top of the board to the wall or a vertical support. Originally I didnt do that and the boards did bow under the weight slightly.


I've not seen any damage to the holes in the last 9 months. I also have the small metal shelves to stores mags and trmr's

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With peg boards don't fit flush to walls as it makes getting pegs in more difficult and bows out board. 

Fit onto batons top bottom and one down middle. Add more less support depending on size of board

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I have a metal pegboard but the Mrs doesn’t want it up, so looking for alternative storage ideas now. 


Like the look of the Ikea pegboards and they have so many different configurations, I’ve seen a guy utilise all the shelving options to hold literally all his kit

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14 hours ago, lukeB said:

Was probably my photo.


You will need to attach the top of the board to the wall or a vertical support. Originally I didnt do that and the boards did bow under the weight slightly.


I've not seen any damage to the holes in the last 9 months. I also have the small metal shelves to stores mags and trmr's

Yes, it was.


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I'm a grid wall kind of guy. Peg board looks a bit too "Dad's garage" for my liking...



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56 minutes ago, Lozart said:

I'm a grid wall kind of guy. Peg board looks a bit too "Dad's garage" for my liking...



Where did you get it?





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7 minutes ago, Lozart said:


I like it. Could do with some shorter hangers to stop some of the smaller guns sliding about but it works and looks good.


I see what you mean about the arms, 4 ins is a bit long.




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Yeah, but they're chromed steel so it's tricky to do without a bench vice (mine is currently bereft of a bench upon which to mount it) and the chrome will most likely start flaking off. The other option is some PVC tube to make them a bit less slippy which I will try as and when (or indeed if) I get a chance.


Otherwise, they're not expensive to just buy shorter ones.

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😂 seeing this post reminded me how much I need to invest in some sort of display rack or board, all my guns are stuck in the corner of the spare bedroom or in bag under the bed......missus is threatening to relegate my kit to the garden shed unless I sort it out.

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22 hours ago, Lozart said:

I'm a grid wall kind of guy. Peg board looks a bit too "Dad's garage" for my liking...



Looks class, do you have this on the wall or on feet? i.e, is it free standing?

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8 hours ago, xWebster said:

Looks class, do you have this on the wall or on feet? i.e, is it free standing?


On the wall bud.

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