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BURGLARY at Contact Front Airsoft

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Taken from the UKAPU Facebook page: 


"As I imagine many of the community are already aware, Contact Front Airsoft in Dorset were broken into, and a large number of RIF's and other airsoft equipment have stolen. There has recently been a spate of such thefts from sites and retailers around the UK, this of course harms not only the businesses that suffer these thefts, but also the wider airsoft sport.


Please be vigilant for any unusually cheap airsoft gear, a breakdown of what was stolen is below:

-35 G36 rifles
- 5 mp5s
- 1 x 66mm LAW
- 1 replica GPMG
- 30 bags of ammunition
- Ammo tins containing mk5s, Smokes and frags.
- A number of black tac vests and DPM chest rigs.


Keep your eyes and ears open, lets try and see those responsible brought to justice, and with a bit of luck, the stolen goods returned."




Some of the C variants have red armoury number markings on the bottom of the grips. 


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*****RANT ALERT*****




Its not a Robbery! No house, building or premises can ever be Robbed!


In order for a Robbery to occur a PERSON must be in fear of violence immediately before or during a theft offence. A building has no feelings so cannot fear violence, ergo it's a BURGLARY.


*****RANT OVER*****


To OP thanks for making us aware, will keep an eye out for bulk items going for sale in various places, i know your not the original poster about this but any clue as to brands or markings unique to these particular guns or kit.

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20 minutes ago, Shizbazki said:

In order for a Robbery to occur a PERSON must be in fear of violence immediately before or during a theft offence. A building has no feelings so cannot fear violence, ergo it's a BURGLARY.


Thanks for the correction! ^_^


20 minutes ago, Shizbazki said:

any clue as to brands or markings unique to these particular guns or kit.


No information as of yet. I'm sure the company will release a detailed list once they've taken stock. 

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Sorry, but I think we're all avoiding the elephant in the room here ?....... Namely WTF is a BUGALRY, is it an offence committed with the use of a small trumpet ;)

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Depends whether it gets smuggled across the Welsh and Scottish boarders orally or anally.


If it goes orally then you stand a decent chance of seeing it coming.

If they go down the anal smuggling route then you will need to keep your witts about you. One good fart could sound the horn on the whereabouts of these brass bummed bums!



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On 09/12/2017 at 9:27 AM, Gepard said:

see those responsible brought to justice


As a non-domestic buglery burglary, the police are vanishingly unlikely to take any interest, even if we hand them the perpetrators on a plate.


However, mention the word "firearm" ...

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You know, I don't think I've ever had to write that word down before. :lol:


Anyway, I've contacted the website asking if they have any more details I can pass on and they got back to me a couple hours ago and told me they'll let me know later today. 


I'll edit the OP with any updates.



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5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


As a non-domestic buglery burglary, the police are vanishingly unlikely to take any interest, even if we hand them the perpetrators on a plate.


However, mention the word "firearm" ...


This too is true.


Too many crimes, not enough officers to investigate crime.

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you would think that this sort of crime the police would want to look into more than some others. the fact that RIF's were stolen and could be used to commit other crimes.


like most airsoft thefts i doubt you will ever see any results from it. one or many people could just randomly sell them on websites or elsewhere. could even ship them oversea's.


the pyro etc again, such person/s could just keep them and use them if they actually play.


Someone that knows the site and has been probably a few times is probably the culprit in some way. the fact that a lot of airsoft sites are hidden away and not really publicly advertised means you would have to know it was there in the first place

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wonder if there's anything worthwhile in somebody setting up a smart water system for RIFs, much like the schemes that exist for motorcycles. With RIFs you'd only need to mark a few parts (body, gearbox) versus motorcycles which have thousands of components that can be taken off and sold separately.


Of course, it'd only be effective if shops and individual buyers actually had the facilities to check for smart water markings, and for sales in person rather than by mail.

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4 hours ago, Vracktal said:

Wonder if there's anything worthwhile in somebody setting up a smart water system for RIFs, much like the schemes that exist for motorcycles. With RIFs you'd only need to mark a few parts (body, gearbox) versus motorcycles which have thousands of components that can be taken off and sold separately.


Of course, it'd only be effective if shops and individual buyers actually had the facilities to check for smart water markings, and for sales in person rather than by mail.

There already is, there’s no need for a specific system.


Immobilise is a registration system for anything, and they have smart water micro dots available as well as all the relevant stickers etc



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just a quick update. 


Unfortunately the police closed the case so it's up to the community to keep our eyes and ears open. 

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36 minutes ago, Gepard said:

Just a quick update. 


Unfortunately the police closed the case so it's up to the community to keep our eyes and ears open. 


Seriously? They closed the case on RIF being nicked? f*cking hell

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On 06/01/2018 at 3:07 PM, Tommikka said:

There already is, there’s no need for a specific system.


Immobilise is a registration system for anything, and they have smart water micro dots available as well as all the relevant stickers etc



ive got quite a bit with this stuff on.....

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