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New function for airsoft coming soon!

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More weight and batteries to carry, no thank you. I prefer the quiet without requirement for ear defenders.

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I kinda see the attraction for the real sim'ers, but not for me. I'm fully ok with it being a toy and the not needing ear defenders bit.

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Something I'd enjoy to have :D


However I can imagine when plinking around in the garden with that thing attached that neighbours may be more likely to phone in about a nutter with a live gun.

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As has been said, good for MilSim, but only random wannabes will use it for anything else. That said, im a MilSimer and I want 4 for my microgun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks great :-) can totally understand that it might be a bit OTT for some, but we spend money (And lots of it) on our RIFs because of the way the look/sound. So why not? 


Imagine this on a TM recoil.... whoa... 

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16 minutes ago, AgentofEvil said:

Imagine this on a TM recoil.... whoa... 


It is like Marmite; I do not imagine having one on my TM recoil :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

dont have sound on my pc atm - does it make a lot of noise?


I couldnt care less about the smoke but i REALLY wanted a b.o.s.s unit and was gutted when they abandoned the idea for airsoft. IS the sound anything like the boss?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Great for making movies and a bit of a mess about toy but its something I'd never consider buying.

Open fire with that at some sites and you may as well paint your kit high vis yellow and strap balloons to you saying "I'm here! shoot me" .  Because I know for a fact as soon as I heard someone using that I'd zero straight for the source of that noise. 


Its a cool idea but I don't think its practical. 

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