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Help for Heroes Charity Event

Robert James
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Thinking of joining this event and maybe book Sunday also. My last airsoft game was the one Trigger organised. To book a space I go via Zed's website (this if there are still spaces available) ?


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2 minutes ago, Sico said:

Thinking of joining this event and maybe book Sunday also. My last airsoft game was the one Trigger organised. To book a space I go via Zed's website (this if there are still spaces available) ?


You can email them at [email protected] . Playing PUBG irl :) 

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Really interested in coming along to this as I haven't been to The Mall yet. However, I'm hopefully sending my gun of to GearTech for a paint commission this week so it might not be back in time, I'll have to get an estimate on lead times and then book around that but hopefully I'll see some of you there ^_^

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2 hours ago, poachedeggz said:

Really interested in coming along to this as I haven't been to The Mall yet. However, I'm hopefully sending my gun of to GearTech for a paint commission this week so it might not be back in time, I'll have to get an estimate on lead times and then book around that but hopefully I'll see some of you there ^_^

Above post 


plus the guy at gear tech is away for 10 days and the turn around is 10-14 usually not including delivery

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Count me in. I will just run with my pistols as always, so if someone needs it I have my Krytac LVOA that someone can borrow.


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On 2017-6-4 at 8:51 PM, Robert James said:

I have a spare should you wish to use it


Thanks! Although I might be buying a couple of guns from someone I know, but they run hot so they will probably need some spring clipping.

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1 hour ago, poachedeggz said:


Thanks! Although I might be buying a couple of guns from someone I know, but they run hot so they will probably need some spring clipping.


My krytac is currently shooting at 285 with .25g I believe, so its Mall legal. Its no issue for me to bring it, so i might as well in case someone needs it


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3 hours ago, Sacarathe said:

I'll remove this if asked, was at the mall sunday, sign up for this is very low at under 20ppl.


Thats a shame...


If my knee wasnt knackered there would be another 3 or 4 there :(  

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You could still come, tactical crutches are all the rage. Heck I have even heard of wheelchair users rocking up with some serious weaponary.


Are you able to walk on your knee or are you on bed rest?

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Biscuit Ill carry you. You'll be like the wheelchair guy - let hits dont count haha

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All booked in for me

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I am booked in.

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Chasing my son for half an hour in the park the other week meant I could not walk the next day, do want to do anything too strenuous until I have seen a Doc next week.


May still make it.


Thanks for the offer Spaz :) 

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6 hours ago, Sacarathe said:

Anyone going to this event want to swap BNIB 3000 0.3g ASG blaster BBs for other BNIB ASG blasters - 0.25, 0.28, 0.25 tracer? All of these retail for less than the 0.3g.


I have a BNIBottle of 0.25 ASG Blasters which I can swap with you on the day.

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14 hours ago, Jedi_Master said:


I have a BNIBottle of 0.25 ASG Blasters which I can swap with you on the day.


Hmm, I did not realise those were actually a full 50% cheaper (at RRP - as you know I paid £11.5). I'd make that deal in principle, but nevertheless, any chance I can negotiate you up to throw in around 1000 0.25g or £2-3?



I would also sell them to anyone for £8.50 on the night if anyone's interested in that.


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Looking likely I shall attend, although it will be hard to not go full on attack mode and hang back :( 

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22 hours ago, Albiscuit said:

Looking likely I shall attend, although it will be hard to not go full on attack mode and hang back :( 


There is a nice yellow wooden box that you could sit on to rest ;) 

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1 hour ago, Jedi_Master said:


There is a nice yellow wooden box that you could sit on to rest ;) 


I bloody LOVE that game, trouble is I wouldn't get near it if im unable to run about :( 

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Completely forgot about this!


Been having a bit of a down time from airsofting for a while due to money needing to tightly monitored at the moment.


I'll ask the missus and might see you there.


Time to dust off the Ghostbuster suit. B)

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