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General election


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I'd like to see this thread ease up a bit really....


The continual thought that Scotland and the North Sea oil keeps the UK afloat also wears a bit thin

Maybe back in the Thatcher years the North Sea Oil really saved Maggie's financial ar$e - that is deffo factual

But that is not the case no more - especially with current oil prices but also they found a massive oil reserve around Gatwick / Sussex

But still we import like most of Europe our oil & gas.


in fact a lot of places around Surrey Kent Sussex have potential - largest one appears to the recent Gatwick field

But due to the enviromental issues and low oil price most likely they ain't bothering just yet to fill the SE up with drill rigs - yet !!!

(don't agree with the whole fracking crap - if Cameron still thinks it is safe then let them drill his back garden is my view)


The North Sea is not as easy & fruitful as it was say 30 years ago but to some they are still believing it is supporting Maggie

(she has kicked the bucket & maybe in thousands of years other generations might be using her as fossil fuel)


The free university for people in Scotland - note not Scottish people, you just need to live in Scotland for xxx years to meet criteria

not gonna be racist but shall we say the more finacially astute ethnic minorities have cottoned on to this


But anyway that aside the free uni and prescriptions is all well & good as a great little treat to be proud of......


But do the families of a hard hit run down estate in Glasgow think that is gonna make mutch of crap of difference to them trying to make ends meet ?

I mean really - just how super duper is them free uni eductation places for some of the hardest hit families trying to keep their heads above water


I just tire of the Scotland stuff, you wanted a vote, you got the vote, you decided, but still they ain't content

jeez I thought all this was settled but still goes on - like this thread


The only other thing that keeps going more than this thread or my waffle - is ALL the politicians bull$hit pledges

and the way they try to brainwash us all - they blame everybody else and never wish to admit they screw up

The first thing they the politicians need is INTEGRITY - but they can f*cking pay for that - I ain't funding it

No one said oil keeps the UK afloat. The free uni places are brilliant for those hard up council estate dwellers in Glasgow to try escape poverty.

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but that is if they have the potential - not gonna get dragged into it but

a high percentage may not have the A level education to continue & gain a free uni degree


free uni is not gonna make a massive difference to the majority of the "normal" lower end people of any country

yeah it is good they have the opportunity - but it won't make a big impact on many people's lives struggling at the bottom


but to listen to politicians bragg about it and even the scottish people think it is so great too - but most of them won't gain a degree themselves

No - I am not saying they are too thick - heck I'm thick & only educated to O level standard


What I am saying - whoo hooo £9,000 a year to students of Scotland

ok say £30,000 for a small percentage of people who can study


bet some hard up families struggling wouldn't mind a bit more help getting by was what I meant


soz but kids can get educated up to A-level which is still pretty good, if they wish to continue they why not pay for additional advanced training

I friggin did & funded ALL my own courses & certificates in my profession

A load of other people in various countries pay for universities themselves - might not be very fair to less wealthy kids

but life isn't fair is it ???


Help the people that REALLY need it - by that I mean to get by & live

not some poxy lame ar$e degree in a dumb ar$e subject that will amount to next to sweet f*ck all job offers


fund the kid's schools better - help the kids gain a better basic education first, help the kids who are struggling

and not just oh if you are clever then we will help with uni...


how about - Oooh $hit we failed the kids who haven't got a good decent standard education - lets help them

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SD They don't do A levels back in Scotland. My pal is 17 and in University, if you have the potential you can forgoe all that crap. I've never seen the point in A levels.

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I agree with all that sitting Duck and evilmonkee have said above. I don't have anything to add to it. I'll bow out of this thread now otherwise we could be going round in circles forever. Jambo I'm sure you're a nice guy. I don't agree with you political view but I'm sure we'll agree on stuff airsoft related.

That's ok if you don't agree with me. It's nice to see some admit they are wrong :D

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honest guys - can we drop most of this, especially the scots/brits/english crap

coz it is only making more of a division that anything else


we all gonna vote what we feel might be best - but in the end most of us we still be unhappy with those who govern

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Agreed. Best to drop it, people either side of the border will never understand the other fully. I was on the bus pre-referendum and heard some 14 year old kids talking about the referendum, they all said, and agreed, now this is a quote "Well We've owned Scotland longer than we've owned Wales, we should just let Wales go and keep Scotland" lol.


It's an arguement that will never be won, I argued with my whole college for 2 years straight about it and none of them understood any of the politics enough to say anything apart from "Yeah but (insert quote they dont fully understand and have repeated 10 times in the last hour)"


I think my suggestion earlier on about how we all should we governed would make a lot more sense. Regardless, we're together and we should be working together to make sure we're all happy. Lets hope whichever twat gets in this year is better for us all than the last two.

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honest guys - can we drop most of this, especially the scots/brits/english crap

coz it is only making more of a division that anything else


we all gonna vote what we feel might be best - but in the end most of us we still be unhappy with those who govern

We should all vote UKIP for a laugh. But this did turn into a bit of a Indy thread and it is supposed to be about the upcoming election. I still don't think it's been anti English or Scottish here it's remained pretty friendly for a politics thread.

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Current polls at least suggest no party that is directly intending to destroy our wonderful sport is likely to get a majority so on that front I am hopefully. I do feel like to some extent though the ban will come at some point. Not because it has to or that it would even help with violent crime but that in the end the idea that people enjoy shooting other people with air guns is against too many peoples idea of fun and its easy to ban things that too few people actually positively support.


I think we will survive another 5 years at this point, at least its looking hopeful.

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Um we do - go Google the Barnett Formula, I will wait.......


The UK Govt gives the Scottish Govt its budget for the year, same as the NI and Welsh. In fact Nicola Fucking Ugly Sturgeon is campaigning currently for an increase in the Scottish allowance.


Ok, so according to you an independent Scotland would get decide itself to keep the Pound? Either you are incredibly naive as to how politics works or you are living in cloud Cuckoo land.


I am sure you a nice guy and all that but you just seem to have bought into the rhetoric of an independent Scotland as peddled by the SNP without looking at the finer details and how what they preach would actually come about. You seem to have zero grasp of actual politics, and I don't mean that in an insulting or nasty way because 99% of the British public are the same, they think they know the issues and arguments and they really really don't.

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Um we do - go Google the Barnett Formula, I will wait.......


The UK Govt gives the Scottish Govt its budget for the year, same as the NI and Welsh. In fact Nicola f*cking Ugly Sturgeon is campaigning currently for an increase in the Scottish allowance.


Ok, so according to you an independent Scotland would get decide itself to keep the Pound? Either you are incredibly naive as to how politics works or you are living in cloud Cuckoo land.


I am sure you a nice guy and all that but you just seem to have bought into the rhetoric of an independent Scotland as peddled by the SNP without looking at the finer details and how what they preach would actually come about. You seem to have zero grasp of actual politics, and I don't mean that in an insulting or nasty way because 99% of the British public are the same, they think they know the issues and arguments and they really really don't.


Alastair Darling himself said Scotland could use the pound.

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Absolute shite, an independent Scotland cannot use the same currency as the rest of the Uk without express permission from the Bank of England and the Govt. And they wouldn't have let that happen

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Absolute shite, an independent Scotland cannot use the same currency as the rest of the Uk without express permission from the Bank of England and the Govt. And they wouldn't have happened


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End of independence debate.

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Yes really. What does it mean to be Independent? You have charge of all of your own affairs. Agreed?


If an Independent Scotland shared the Pound with the rest of the UK where would the major macro economic decision on Interest Rates be decided? London.


Scotland would have zero control over its own currency, zero control of how to manage its economy and would be at the whim of what the UK government decided to do.


If Scotland doesn't have its own currency there is absolutely no point in its being Independent.

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See what I mean no grasp of the real issues. I tried.

You picked one line from the whole article and ignored the rest.

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No go read the rest of the article and come back when you have

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But Mr Darling said this would leave Scotland at the mercy of a ‘foreign country’ telling it how much it could spend like Eurozone countries which have to get their budgets signed off in Brussels


However Mr Darling said: ‘The thing about a currency union is both sides have to agree to it. We are talking about a huge risk if we assume it’s going to fall into line.

Even if Scotland did keep the pound you have failed to acknowledge the issue of monetary and fiscal union without political. Again look at the Euro.

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At the end of the day it came down to 55% of the electorate saying no, in any election and especially one with 85% turnout, thats an arse kicking. What grates with us south of the border is the fact that the SNP and people like you keep banging on about it. You lost. Deal with it.

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That's ok if you don't agree with me. It's nice to see some admit they are wrong :D

No I'm just being the mature one and backing off as we could go round forever. I would like To be an active part of this Friendly forum so don't want to piss anyone off.

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