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TAG innovation adaptation.


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Guest PT247

Aye, is a tight fit which is what you want as you get better range. Yup just push down on the tip with a twist in the direction of the rifling as far in as it'll go. I use silicone spray in the casing to aid. If you do push it in but aren't going to use it then you can unscrew the shell from the co2 part and then push it back out again

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fired the PECKER practice round today - I aimed it at the weatherporoof cover of my garden swing thinking it would absorb the impact as it does when hit by BBs. The round went right through it at a range of 10m so I now have a nice split in the cover. I can see why these need a minimum engagement distance. Despite the tight fit in the tube and its reluctance to screw down in the rifling, it pops out a treat.

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Guest PT247

utterly love the Reapers, and since getting the hang of them the Archangels are lots of fun too but limited in usefulness in woodland. I have 60 Reapers sitting in my kitchen ready to make some noise skirmishing! :D

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We are allowing the PECKERs at the Okto Eight Milsim next month and we will be trialling the REAPERS which probably means they will be allowed at the following game in August. However, we wont allow the Archangels or Paladins because we are concerned the impact grenades might deflect off someone closer accidently and go off and people arent happy about getting their gear hit with orange powder at the beginning of a weekender.

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I really need to get some of this kit :-|

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Guest PT247

slightly off topic, but I managed roughly a 30m showershell shot on a dug in defensive team on Sunday, mortared them in perfectly. Would be lucky to manage that at 30' using green gas.... CO2 rocks! :D

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Guest PT247

yup, use the same as I do to fill the TAG grenades. Have tried a couple of different brands but only the Madbull ones can take the extra pressure and one has already failed which needs repairing.

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Good point.

I think I heard it was 15m but still a bit close for us.



the archangels apparently don't arm within an MED but not sure how far that is!

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Makes me badly want an AK again =[

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Get your old one back off Joel, Ed!


That launcher does look TDB. Is it available or just a prototype? If so, where?

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Guest PT247

had a disappointing start today with mine as I didn't warm up the CO2 prior to filling my shells so had no range which resulted in 5 own team kills. After the first game though I warmed the 12g capsules up a bit before filling the shells and it was back to decent range again, think all in (not including the 5 on the first game) I managed 12 kills and 6 of them with just one grenade :-)

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  • 5 months later...

Nice. Are you able to clarify any of the 'insurance problems' other sites have been quoting when it comes to using them? I assume you've not run into this same issue.

I think it may have something to do with someone in an office being concerned that one of these pyros could go off when they hit someone in the face. To be honest, I'm surprised any site can get these covered for use in the UK. Which is a shame because the idea of using a grenade launcher in airsoft to actually launch pyro is a cool idea

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I understand the liability issues, I more wanted to know how any site could be covered as you say and the official line from insurers. They're essentially fireworks being lobbed at people.


And that's different from throwing a MK5 at someone how?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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