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First Skirmish soon... Yet confused about a thing!

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So 22nd is possibly my first Skirmish, rather a bit of time but I still do not understand one thing! I look and look on the forums about it but nothing, no results...

My question is rather simple one :)


How the hell are you suppose to arrive to the site? I do not mean transport but CLOTHING wise, Do you come with your gun ((soon)) and clothing in a bag and change in the airsoft site or do you come changed into the airsoft clothing and get transport to the airsoft site? O.o


Im confused... Can someone help me out in here?

Thank you!


((I rather not walk around on the streets with my Polish Uniform after what happened in Woolwich lol, especially I live in South East London shitehole >.<))

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Well i usually drive to an airsoft skirmish so i can just wear my gear on the way there if you dont have a car, then i suggest you put your military shirts and assault vests into a bag as you will get some stares lol and also make sure you have a bag that is secure and padded so it does not look like you are walking about with a gun as it wont take long for you to get slammed to the floor by a friendly officer of the law. so if your not driving to the skirmish i suggest you put your stuff into a bag

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when I play at the courthouse in bristol I typically have to walk a fair distance with my gear through central bristol. With that in mind and to not freak anyone out I wear jeans and tshirt (jacket if cold) and keep ALL of my gear in a bag til I'm in the site.


I've seen in the past people walking into supermarkets after a skirmish still wearing full camo with plate carriers etc on, mags still in pouches etc and I find it to be incredibly irresponsible as well as making them look like a bit of a walty dick. Military clothing is intimidating and to be safe I never wear it in public unless I'm working.

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I've worn my MC for Work before for Charity most other folk's are standing their in DPM's at work with ranks and shit I walk in with my MC everyone even currently serving start saying it's MTP and I go up the wall trying to explain to them the difference between MTP and MC aswell as talking about the Boot's that was the busiest saturday 4 hour shift I've had!


I don't see how cammie's are scary Cheese I mean I live around an Airbase and serve them all without a second thought! Full battle dress, the smart blue suit's, flight suit's, Canadian's, American's Pol's the lot

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If im driving or being driven i usually wear my gear.

Walking i wear my trousers but have a jacket over my shirt etc so i look less conspicuous.

Even though im no longer wearing DPM or any UK forces camo you still get mistaken for one which is rather embarrassing.

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Yeah, I live in a town where squaddies go to die it seems. So its just all 40+ year old men in their old camo.

Although I understand walking in in full gear with mags still in the pouches.

Although I will admit, I am guitly of doing that a few times. Mainily when I get a lift with a few friends we will stop at Mc donalds on the way home or burger and just jump out with all out gear on. get some funny looks but usually get people aking us whats wth the gear. caught a few officers once and had a pretty good chat with em about it all too. they tried to say about paintball, but they liked the idea of the better looking guns.

SO long as you remember to take pistol out of the holster and into your bag you wont scare people.
I mean have you seen fashion these days, Now that scares the shit outa me.

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As walkers tend to wear the old DPM I usually don't get a 2nd look if I stop off for a bite to eat. My chest rig is no problem either, Tactical Tailor made the Mini MAV for bodyguards so it could fit under coats etc, so I shove a fleece on over it

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I wouldnt worry to much about what you're wearing, camo trousers of whatever sort and a hoody or teeshirt would be fine, then get all your other kit in some no-descript bag and you are away.


A member of our team often travels by train and I then pick him up from the nearest station, he just has a big black holdall and wears camo trouses and a hoody or something rather than a full uniform look.

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Some sites may have a little area for stashing bags, but yet to come across one which offers a full changing room shower facility that would be nice

( the shower it self, not getting naked with aload of guys getting all soaped up)



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I have never been stopped by anyone when walking around with what obviously looks like a gun bag. I also wear British Soldier 95 and my patrol boots but the rest of my gear is in the gun bag (and backpack when I get one) and so I assume no one gives a crap because they think I'm either a cadet or a serviceman.

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I'm guessing where I live (Eastbourne) has quite a few cadets and/or instructors and so people may be used to it and not to mention I sometimes see this guy with a tan backpack and Soldier 95 and I wonder if he also plays airsoft.

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I nearly always travel by public transport so, with all my toys, weight is an issue. Extra clothes is a luxury I don't need enough to want to carry the weight. If I'm feeling strong, I may take a light pair of trainers to change into at the end of a day :)


I have travelled from St. Pancras Intl. to Waterloo on the tube in full DPM, boots, assult vest, and DPM bergen on my back with helmet slung on it and this was just the middle of a journey from Nottingham to Ringwood and back on trains and buses - no bother. I usually go to & from my home site on buses too. I don't wear an assault vest then, I pack it in my bergen, but I wear a drop leg holster and dump pouch usually, because they take time to get on comfy and take up a lot of room in the bergen.


It's just about keeping your guns and any plastic bayonets out of sight and not behaving in an intimidating manner, and/or like a dick. Even if they have never heard of airsoft, people have heard of paintball and know about re-enactment, etc. And let's have it right, terrorists are hardly likely to wear camo and mind their own business on the tube, bus, train, etc, are they? The only way anybody is going to call the police is if you do something to annoy them, so they'll do it just to piss you off.

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Ideally Yeah.

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I go with the rules we had for cadets, for me it makes sense. Camo trousers are fine in public, but I normally wear a normal tshirt or hoodie on top, this serves 2 purposes it gives me something to change into when I've gotten all hot and sweaty or covered in mud ( I like crawling through muddy places??! weird I know) it also means that from the outside no one can tell I've been doing anything like airsoft. If I get out of the car to get a drink or pick up food or something wearing an item of camo is relatively normal, the full kit in sussex looks a bit walty.


I also live in a very nice village and everything is packed away in a large mountain equipment drybag/holdall or my gun bag, mainly so I can get it into my flat but the curtains twitch enough if I walk out of the house at 7am in the morning at a weekend.


I don't get people who walk around after they have left a skirmish in full kit with their PC on.


Sometimes having something Camo might help, one guy at a skirmish was walking down the road with a big bergen and his gun bag in full 95's so I stopped and gave him a lift the last 2 miles to site.

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I'm guessing where I live (Eastbourne) has quite a few cadets and/or instructors and so people may be used to it and not to mention I sometimes see this guy with a tan backpack and Soldier 95 and I wonder if he also plays airsoft.

Is his backpack a sort of multicam colour? That might be one of my mates from Eastbourne, he bought one of those MTP issue daysacks for when we get the uniform change. Fancy you seeing him :D

@M_P it's only the slightly 'tarded ones and the newbies you have to look out for. The older they are, the less likely you'll be shot in a negligent discharge ^_^

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Is his backpack a sort of multicam colour? That might be one of my mates from Eastbourne, he bought one of those MTP issue daysacks for when we get the uniform change. Fancy you seeing him :D

I don't have great memory of the backpack so yeah it could be the person you're talking about. I never really see many people from Eastbourne do airsoft probably because there isn't any cheap airsoft site around here so it's good to see a fellow softer for a change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just came back from work from a EXTREME hot >.< and I just had my epic day finished, the skirmish was amazing and will continue on coming back, so many epic stuff going on, amazing people to play with and loads of fun and me falling down into invisible pits and sliding for cover :D


If anyone was at Tactical Warfare Airsoft I was the Polish guy obviously in Polish wz.93 :) Blue Team! :D


Thanks to everyone who helped me out! I enjoyed the hell out of it thanks to AF-UK and its users.

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Oh no, Alphabet! Say goodbye to all your money!



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Just came back from work from a EXTREME hot >.< and I just had my epic day finished, the skirmish was amazing and will continue on coming back, so many epic stuff going on, amazing people to play with and loads of fun and me falling down into invisible pits and sliding for cover :D


If anyone was at Tactical Warfare Airsoft I was the Polish guy obviously in Polish wz.93 :) Blue Team! :D


Thanks to everyone who helped me out! I enjoyed the hell out of it thanks to AF-UK and its users.

Have to agree.


Just back from my first one as well. Great day, amazing bunch of people. I have had a play with so many guns my head is spinning.


Airsofters are a great bunch. Going to have my 3rd shower now, sweating like a glass blowers ar$e it was sooo hot and the mossies' can bite in places you would not imagine.


Can only echo what Man said thnx everyone, keep up the good work.

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Ahhh..that first skirmish rush,does anyone remember their first one!!

Mine was at 10 in the morning on a very wet January Sunday,I remember thinking"wtf am I doing....i could be wrapped up in bed"....whistle blows for the start and im off like a robbers dog,30 seconds later im in a scene from a war movie with smokes and bangs going off and im thinking " this is fucking EPIC"...got me hook,line,sinker,rod,reel,the fisherman AND the boat!!!!

Glad you liked it bruv....now to start spending some dosh!!!

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