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The 'What have you just broken' Thread

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Tried to replace the dodgy nozzle in my Masada, ended up breaking the new nozzle so now I have to go back to using the old one until I get another new one!




(Note to self: just buy a gun with half decent internals next time)...

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I've not had much luck with air nozzles. None of them have broken yet, but when I first tried to replace one which had developed a tiny crack, it took 3 attempts to find one which did actually fit properly. The one I bought recently for my G36 doesn't fit either... and what is it with those ones which come with the little O-rings loose? I haven't yet discovered how to make them fit anywhere except in my bits box :(

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went to strip my mp5k down for a new air nozzel/piston etc etc .... found one of the bush bearing had collapsed ... bearings lasted less than a month! :angry::angry::(:(:(


i now have a wait till the new bushings turn up :(:(

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ya know this thread has compleately put me off trying to upgrade my guns...(at least til i get a proper main backup weapon...)

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^^Not a bad idea.

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Haha, it ought to be called, ''The how shit are AF-UK at owning nice things?' thread''


But yeah, as per with clicking on this and its sister thread, I just clicked on this thinking, "Oooo, what's Ian bought now that I can oggle at next trip down Skirmish?"

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Too skint, Ed. I shouldn't have bought the DPM gear I just picked up because I've just spanked a load on a Hilton Hotel and the Royal Shakespeare Company, so I'm literally down to my rent and meagre rations for a while...

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made a kiddy error whilst upgrading my l96. i upgraded the bolt with new piston and spring and that fired about 10 shots and the all hell broke loose!


back of the bolt snaped of

the bolt went flying into the hop up unit

sheered the screw holding the mag catch

and obliterated the hop up



all fixed now and better than ever

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so today in an attempt to get this CYMA 560rd mp5 hi cap working, i completely stripped it, cleaned it, cleaned spring, check all alignments etc ..... still wont feed properly in auto, it will fire 2 to 5 bbs in auto then nothing until i take my finger off the trigger .... then 2 to 5 bb's again.


works fine in semi, and i have no probs with a 2nd hand ebay 200rd hi cap i bought, or any mid caps.


i am at a loss with it. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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^^Sounds like the spring has lost some of its power. You could maybe try bending it.

On my G36 front, I made a really stupid error while trying to get it reassembled ready for this weekend just gone. In my own defence, I was in a lot of pain so I had a lot of painkillers on board, but TBH that's not so unusual so it's not much of an excuse. I forgot to hook the anti-reversal latch to release the spring tension before opening the gearbox shell -



Result: Sector Gear lost 1 tooth / Spur Gear lost ½ a tooth


The reason I was disassembling the gearbox, again :angry: even though it was perfectly shimmed, was that it had unaccountably jammed. The problem appears to have been that the Sorbothane pad I stuck to the cylinder head had come unstuck and got split - I'm guessing that it got jammed up with the airbrake piston head somehow. I've taken the opposite approach this time and, rather than using double sided tape to stick a pad to the cylinder head, I've used Evostick to stick a thinner pad to the piston head.


Fingers, toes, and testicles crossed...

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Fingers, toes, and testicles crossed...

don't cross them ... it brings no luck, just pain!!

^^Sounds like the spring has lost some of its power. You could maybe try bending it.



bend a hi cap spring? the mag isn't 6 months old yet :( , i suppose the spring could be shot .... any idea where to get a new one?

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No mate. I saw some replacement kits for the whole inner gubbins for a couple of hicaps a while ago, but I'm fcuked if I can remember where. I think they were just for STANAG and AK mags though.


You're right though, 6 months isn't much time for the spring to have got knackered. Unless you left it wound for a long while?


Oh yeah, have you tried oiling it?

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Well, breaking the problem down, there is enough spring pressure to feed BB's slowly, but quickly only briefly. So, if the spring is unlikely to have been damaged, and the moving parts are clean and siliconed, there must be a defect in the part that acts like a magazine follower, that actually pushes the BB's, or the slot/tube thingumabob that the BB's are pushed up...


I mean, by process of elimination, that must be right, eh? Perhaps a bit of filing/sanding will make it work more smoothly.

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I have checked the feed ways and got rid of any possible jam points. I'll check the follower again, I may have missed something.


I'll try borrowing the spring out of another hi cap as well so all bases will be covered :)

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File the follower so it''s a bit looser maybe?

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the follower might be the problem, as the bb's feel a bit on the loose when exiting the feed wheel :wacko: , which would make it only worth recycling.

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On my own mission: today i'm in less pain, so i can sit up at my desk and crack on, and my new Lees Precision Engineering piston O-rings have arrived too - woohoo! (I actually have no idea if they're any good :lol: )

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Just snapped a shoulder strap of my newly arrived WAS 901!!


Guess i am stronger than i thought......

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I will find a way to blame M_P.


everything is Marcus's fault!

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