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  • Guns
    Custom AK
    TM Famas
    UMP G36C
    KWA M9
    Cyma G18C
  • Loadouts
    Mostly clean underwear, with clothes, mask and stuff to carry mags.
  • Sites
    Frontier Airsoft
    Hilton Park
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I like to sit.

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  1. Not dangerous...? I regularly get category 3 boo-boo's, nettles are abundant across most Woodland sites, and a bad fall can put your knee out for decades. Not too nerdy...? Have you listened to safezone conversations? Very social...? Haven't seen what Airsofters do to the only porta-loo on a game day have you? Social creatures they aint. Fitness based...? Most of my games are an hour long tops at most as people need to get a good sit down, cuppa tea and a drag on their roll-up or a puff on their vape... So to answer your question - probably not... But to answer your question again - yes - it's all of those things . Airsoft is largely a sport that gives you what you put in. I think you'll fit right in.
  2. I disagree with your logic good sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9UpK_uAPwI
  3. Surely capitalism and 'the market' make sure that things are as they should be? Presumably if UK retailers had a much more diverse stock offering - especially on accessories, they'd just have a warehouse full of stock?
  4. In days gone by, my pouches needed to be filled - otherwise it'd be silly having so many - so I was running with 9 Hi-caps. While I generally never needed more than 3/4 at most before returning to the safe zone, one game I was the last player on a timed defence game - no medic/re-spawn, unlimited enemy lives... I was on my last mag when I was finally hit - it was a tale of a last stand immortalised in song and interpretative dance.
  5. The way I see it, we each have primarily responsibility for our weapons, be they in a game zone, safe zone, car, wardrobe, whatever. If the kid had taken it, loaded it, primed it then pulled the trigger, then it'd be different. But all reasonable steps to make the weapon safe weren't taken I'm afraid, so primary fault rests with you. That being said, if the kid is old enough to Airsoft, they are old enough to get a clip round the earhole with a stern telling off for taking other people's stuff + being a moron with it. But one of the biggest things I see here is that you've coughed up publicly to it and that you're responsible enough to have learned from it. That's worth something to me.
  6. As it was sept 2015, I think you have up to 6 YEARS worth of some cover under the Sale of Goods Act, but whether you'd get a full refund - pass. http://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/regulation/sale-of-goods-act As a suggestion though, only refer to the seller as The Bunker - not some dude called Ray. The rights you have differ depending on whether a retailer vs. a private seller sold it you - I think.
  7. Did you get a receipt or any paperwork at the time on purchase? If so, what does it say?
  8. Welcome!! The nearest one will probably be Ace Airsoft - they run on the Warped Sports paintball site near Cosford. Further east on the M54 you've got Hilton Park Airsoft at the back of Hilton Servives on the M6. Both have better Facebook pages than websites. Hope that helps.
  9. My regular site always runs with at least two FirstAiders. They claim they are 'sports first aid trained', whatever that is. But I've seen them handle stuff like (what I was told was) a bad fall mid game where a chap fell and knocked himself out on his rifle stock as he fell. I have confidence in them as they handled that very smoothly and appropriately. But I also know another site where if you were bleeding out on the floor, the 1 first aider would be trying to apply the dried up Dora the Explorer plaster from their £3.99 first aid kit to your gushing would, while the other marshals stood around chortling and inhaling their vape pipes. Safety is not treated as it should. The bare minimum necessary is far too often the norm, and unfortunately the sheer volume of quasi-macho retards who gravitate towards skirmishes don't help. When all it takes is a high-vis vest and chumminess with site leaders to become a Marshall, principles of health, safety and wellbeing are just not being in-bed with the games - ass-baggery is instead. And yet, if such sites have a good game coming up - id still be interested in going - such is the human condition. Oh and to OP - if you want to offer up your expertise to a site, I commend you sir and would encourage you to do so. I can't see any logical non-moron player opposing such contingency planning. And if they do, next time they are bleeding out on the floor - let it happen. I'd call it an act of natural selection.
  10. He might have. But I bet they told him to jog on. Damage or injury caused by terrorism, war, civil war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, riot aren't covered. Plus - the vehicle is used for the transportation of high explosives or other similar explosive - this voids cover. And - he flies around with the doors open/off completely. Did he notify the provider of such after purchase modifications - no? Voids cover. Oh and did he/his employers/policy holders report the incident to the insurance provider within 24 hours? I doubt it. Ok - he was crippled and chained to a radiator at that time, but that doesn't excuse him of his obligations to his ba$tard insurance provider.
  11. I live in the country. My nearest bus stop doesn't start services until 11.40am weekdays. Sundays, it doesn't run. The next nearest bus stop operates in some distant village. The nearest train station is a £20 taxi ( each way) journey. If I didn't have a car, I think I'd have to give up playing anything like local games.
  12. I don't see why - even if the US Army had a comprehensive cover rather than just 3rd party, I can think of several exclusions from most policies that would have spared their insurance provider having to pay out.
  13. Welcome. Look around the side of barricades, not over the top, and don't shout at people to take their hits. If you think somebody isn't, keep shooting and inform a marshall.
  14. I didn't even know this company existed but they've just opened a new site in Madeley, near Newcastle-under-Lyme in Staffordshire. It's on the Unreal Paintball site. Details are on Facebook and here: http://www.wmairsoft.co.uk I missed their first game, but I'd welcome any reviews/initial thoughts if people here attended.
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