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Everything posted by Snakeeyes75

  1. Is that O ring from your speed loader? (I had that happen last Sunday)
  2. Right, I think I know what you mean. So, what cylinder/piston set are you using? If it's the stock one then a good test is to remove the cylinder and with a screwdriver pull the piston back about an inch, put your thumb over the nozzle and let go. Does the piston blow out or hold? if it blows out, air's escaping. (With a Laylax one it's designed to do this as the flimsy O ring is designed as a vacuum expanding seal). Either the O ring is crap or the head is leaking air, you can PTFE tape it to help. In terms of the rough pull/push, again what are you using? Could be the bolt stop grinding on the cylinder.
  3. What Battery?? Are you using some crazy translator as I can't work out what "After stripping cleaning living with silicon" means?
  4. Contact Paul Jakeman via Facebook. He seems to be pretty responsive to direct messages.
  5. First time out with my ASPUK Gspec I managed to hit 15 people in a couple of mins, I had myself well hidden and when someone finally spotted me (A sniper) I managed to get both him and the guy next to him that thought he would spray me with his AEG.... I love being a sniper
  6. 2 pennies worth... I have a Scar L in Black, wish I'd bought the tan one now as there seems to be more desire for the tan ones! (Plus ther real one is tan). Worth checking a few sites as both have been on offer this year for up to £100 off list price (Yep, I paid full RRP too).
  7. Pity, Darren from ASPUK (ex) just sold his upgraded VSR for about £375 on Facebook
  8. If I had the money and could find one then a Tanaka! I have a Gspec (485fps) which is my primary. I've also been toying with the idea of a P* DMR
  9. I have a VISIONKING 1.25-5x26 on my Scar L and it's spot on! I've gone from wasting mags of ammo trying to hit people out of range to now carrying 4 mids and a 1 Hi cap. A scope is great fun on an AEG (Unless your playstyle is to "Spray and prey").
  10. Maybe email Evike? There must be a US seller that can sell you some plastic flashhiders in orange. Normally they come with a tiny grubscrew, dare I say it but superglue it on Another option... break the gun down and send it to atleast 3 locations in the US. (Do you have friends or family over there?) use a different name and it should be fine!
  11. My point exactly! plus, you should build your rig to carry extra BB's! I've run out once in the last year and as bloody annoying as it was, I walked back to the safezone to refill.
  12. Yeah, most people prefer lighter coloured BB's to aid seeing the thing! Nuprol .43's WERE very good, infact i'd say they were the best I've used, unfortunately they have a problem with sizing! In a TBB they jam So far the rockets have had zero issues!
  13. Recently been using Gunfire rocket .43's. They're a creamy white and very good! I'm after the .45's they do also as I've been told there's a weight issue! (.43's actually weigh in at .41 etc)
  14. The correct FPS on a .43 in a 500fps (On .2) settup is 341. Other than R-hopping the thing then running an M130 i'm leaving it as is! I get 70-80 meters now nicely, before it would go further with overhop but that was with the +50fps joule creep. I switched to the Laylax settup because it uses the TBB to gain fps rather than running a higher rate spring (Which leads to Joule creep badly).
  15. With my aspuk settup, I was getting 395 fps with a .43!
  16. I have the TM 5.1 hi capa, best pistol I've ever had! I had to get a kydex holster made but it's the green gas friendly, easy to maintain, highly upgrade able if that's your thing and fires a .3 stock straight as a laser!
  17. Here you go, TM VSR GSpec, Full Laylax kit with a 430mm 6.03 barrel, Standard hop unit and rubber but with a shimmed Airsoft Pro hop lever. Hawke 4-12 x 50mm Scope, LLCS and Custom sprayed stock/scope Currently 485fps with .2's and 461fps with .43's so it joule creeps 20fps, better than before with my ASPUK set-up.
  18. Ok so serious subject here. I love Nuprols! Not in a sexy way but I've never found an equal to the .43's! However... I've now had about 3 bottles, first 2 were stunning! 3'rd one (From Landwarrior) was obviously a duff bottle and is horse sh*t! In a standard Gspec barrel they're ok although you get a few flyers, in a 6.03 they jam ever other shot! I'm now using Gunfire Rocket .43's which are "OK" not as good but probably about the best you can get in white.
  19. Oh Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
  20. Oh, I'm not miserable, infact i'm quite a happy chappy I have friends that play that take the piss because I always take a good stock of stuff. Makes me pretty angry when people start asking for BB's because they've come unprepared. I've even had a guy ask if he could borrow my rifle AS I WAS USING IT! I think that can be classed as downright rudeness? You can keep your fluffly unicorn flag though, the fact that you have one is worrying
  21. I'm now going to carry a "Special pot" of Nuprols......need i say more
  22. As I'm a polite person I normally say "Yeah, sure" but no more Mr.Nice guy, hold you're own f*cking gun ya' tool!
  23. I don't have any! next time some one asks me to hold their gun (Especially when I've taken the time to find a good spot) (Yes it's happened a couple of times) i'm just ignoring them!
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