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Everything posted by Snakeeyes75

  1. Do you mean you want to change the stock spring in a TM VSR? If yes you need to see if your cylinder is the earlier type with a pin in the side (That ha to be carefully drilled out) or the newer version which cannot be opened as it's crimped. If it's the earlier then a stock vsr can run approx 400fps with just a spring change. If you add a type B hope lever you should find it's lift heavier BB's, although sub 500 a type A might be better as the power/weight ratio means .3-.4 would be a better option. If you're after looking at turning it into a 500fps beast then ideally you'll be upgrading the cylinder,head, spring, spring guide, trigger (Including sear) and swapping the hop arm to a type B. Check put ASPUK as they're the most reasonable cost wise although the company has just been taken over and stock is low. I know guys that have just changed the spring, spring guide, sear and hop arm and it works fine but remember the stress on that sear/trigger will evebtually cause a failure. But if funds are tight it's a great way to start!
  2. Well..... I bought a Nerf gun for my 5 year old, now for those that have no clue, you can do as many upgrades to a Nerf gun as you can an Airsoft gun. Within 6 months I was modding every gun avalable and I was messing around with a 100fps Nerf, I soon realized that it's not a precise sport unless you spend loads of time and money. Plus I could no longer shoot my kid in the face with a modded blaster anyhow, a friend of mine had been going airsofting for a few years with his cadet friends but had been left behind as he didn't want to join the army as his friends had so I got into a conversation that ended up with me trying out his AEG and pistol. A couple of scoutthedoggie youtube vids later I decided to give it a go! Havent looked back since
  3. I have a TM Scar L CQC, Bloody fantastic gun! Yes the TM hop unit is a thing of legend! Sure there's ways to make the gun better but I've kept mine stock save for a deans conversion and I run it on a 7.4v lipo. If you play CQB then this gun was made for it!
  4. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Didn't realize it was that price now! It was £65 back in January.
  5. ^^ That's my only issue aswell! I have the GoPro 4 Silver (Superb) but 1: the correct SD card is going to cost £60+ so I went for the Samsung Evo which will still allow me to film at 1080 but at a lower fps rate. 2: each video file is about 20-30gb so drive space is definately worth thinking about! After i've edited it all down to a 5/10 minute file I save at about 1gb then dump the original file. Gopro studio is great as there's plenty on YT tutorials and if you call gopro they're "Super helpful"...
  6. Yeah, I have the flip cover it came with but I'll probably buy a shield for it asap. What's a good one to buy?
  7. I have the Hawke Optic http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hawke-Sport-HD-IR-4-12x50-AO-Mil-Dot-Illuminated-Telescopic-Rifle-Scope-HK3019-/231256213901?hash=item35d7f1c98d I don't think they make it anymore but there's the "Updated" version on their website. I paid £65 for mine (Mounting rings sold separately) and it's a top quality piece of kit! Crystal clear glass with optic, Nitro gassed to prevent internal fogging, Paralax adjustment and more than enough zoom for airsoft! I know you can buy the cheapo £25 China scopes but when you compare the quality there's no question! In regards to bipods, perconal choice but on my VSR I don't bother! It's so light I can hold it steady naturally and I find it way more manoeuvrable that way! If you are really into one then Harris bipods are the best but be prepared to pay about £70+ for an original! (China clones are much cheaper)
  8. I lurve Mechanix gloves! I have the Mpact ones and the basic woodland pattern gloves. I have smallish hands and to coin a phrase they "Fit like a glove" plus! Good resistance to sparks unlike my Jack Pyke ones that caught fire when I let off a smoke grenade!
  9. Oh dear! TBH, I was so sick of my G&G T4 playing up that I ended up getting the TM Scar. Without trying to rub it in, it's perfect! Only once misfed but it was due to the Pmag sticking.
  10. New scope for my Scar, Yes I know "What's that bloody great thing doing on a CQB gun", essentially I don't play CQB (Yet) but the truth be told i'm only 5ft6 so the CQC is a good size gun for me. Being a sniper now I prefer to line up a good shot rather than spray the enemy. I don't want to write the gun off as I haven't used it in 5 months
  11. Plus for me being a sniper I prefer to cover/camo as much of my face as possible.
  12. Tried that! I find my solution is just more slimline plus the cheek weld is still good. I also use a sweatband to cover my ears and stop streams of wet getting in my eyes. Each to there own I suppose.
  13. Well, I'm glad to see that i'm inspiring everyone to hack up their face masks lol! Maybe I should make a tutorial? It's pretty simple tbh. If you use a heat gun to warm the fabric edging it peels back very easily. It's elasticated too so when it comes time to re-attach it, it's fairly simple as you just re heat the glue ond press it back on, if you have a glue gun you can make it as good as new. When I mentioned that I cut an inch off the bottom, I'd like to point out that it still covers my chin, if i'm talking I have to be a bit careful but good points > bad points I find the nuprol goggles perfect for this as you don't have to hack up the top edge. Since making this mask I've added a cut down Jack Pyke balaclava, It's hot glued to the top fabric edge and hides the lower (Making me appeal more hardcore).
  14. As there's no strap on the face mask it sort of floats. It's not got the horrible face squishing feeling because of it. I also removed about an inch from the bottom so I can look down without any problems. You can also see I've filled the gap between the nose and the goggles with foam and a glue gun. It's nice and comfortable! My aim was to make a perfect mask which for me it is! I also have another which is cut round my Wiley x nerve goggles. It's built in to a jack Pyke balaclava and can sit nicely up to the goggles.
  15. Hehe, yeah! It's sprayed with OD Krylon
  16. I made this myself out of a pair of Nuprol Mesh goggles (£15) plus a generic mesh mask (£12) and a couple of grip ties:
  17. I'm really baffled by the need for high ROF guns? I have a TM Scar which I run on a 7.4 lipo, I've had no issues in full auto running mid caps. Does everyone enjoy wasting money spraying foliage thinking there's someone behind a bush? (ooh err). I've been sniping for the last 5/6 months and my whole attitude has changed to now find that 1 or 2 well aimed shots is far batter than 50 "Sprayed" shots. I've now put a 5x mag scope on my Scar and again I'm finding that i'm wasting far less ammo now that I can see where my BB's are landing.
  18. Cheers! So the bulk of the grinding is to the opening, is there any further down?
  19. Thanks for the lengthy reply TBH this is all new territory for me. I don't want to say i'm made of money but I'm happy to spend whatever it takes to build not only a top performing gun but a reliable one too! The only people I've spoken too about this off the forum have P* settups and ALL love them to bits! however if there's an alternative that is better (Even if it cost more) I'll happily investigate it! Likewise if it costs less then again I won't pass it over One thing I will say is I have no care in the world what the thing looks like! From spending the last 5+ months with my VSR I think i'd like to go down the low weight (I never use a bipod) route. If you haven't seen the video I have linked to then here's the gun that I sort of have a "Gun crush" on lol
  20. After speaking to a couple of people on FB, The 1911 Serpa with a bit of dremmling should work! I'm also looking at a IPCS holster. I have the Viper universal holster which is fine but I prefer something a bit more techno cool! (Hey, I'm being honest)
  21. Sorry dude, as you can probably tell i'm new to P* so i'm still trying to learn about them! What I meant was, what is the best one to use if I intend to make a DMR? I take it that they all come with the same electronic fire selector tech and it's a case of selecting single shot? As I don't need high ROF I take it I don't need to go for the top of the line Engine? I found the build list your friend has used: P* FE V2 Gen 3 407mm Miracel Barrel G&G Green Bucking H Nub, Prowin hop
  22. I'm having a similar problem trying to find a serpa holster for my TM 5.1 Hi capa
  23. Thanks Lozart, I'll have a good read of the thread you've linked too! Here's a link to the DMR that I've seen on youtube, it's the one that Ed has mentioned. This is sort of my inspiration behind the whole thing. Yes, I agree that a DMR should look like a "DMR" so I won't be doing anything mental with my MP7 lol!
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