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Everything posted by Speedbird_666

  1. Just bought a few real steel parts for my air rifle (of all things) - there is something rather nice about them - just better than airsoft stuff. Almost makes me want to buy an MWS...almost. 😜
  2. @HuttArmouriesLooks like a Wraith PDW stock to me - minus the carbon cheek piece. Where the tank screws into the rear of the receiver is the regulator. there should be a pressure adjustment screw. Hopefully this manual should cover it for you: https://www.wolverineairsoft.com/files/documentation/WRAITH Aero %26 PDW Owner's Manual.pdf
  3. @Tackle Could be worse - it could be a Honda Jazz. Their drivers are worse than the Beemer/Audi lot around my neck of the woods, mostly wearing flat caps and driving half the speed limit.
  4. Is it really? I mean really, really? Stop to look at the context - we run (or amble with intent) around, playing dress-up pretend solders, with toy guns to shoot little plastic balls at each other. In the grand scheme of things - nobody else gives a shit about how the organisation handles their constitution. I know I don't. You've laboured your point - if you have an issue with UKAPU - email them.
  5. God - this is boring. At least Mr No_Face could throw a decent insult to get us old farts all riled up. This is just peddling pedantry.
  6. I can never quite understand why players bog themselves down with a ton of useless kit in CQB (i.e. plate carriers with hydration carriers etc) - you just end up making loads of noise and smacking into things. Now with a just simple micro chest rig, a handful of midcaps and your gun stripped of all unnecessary accessories - you can be very, very sneaky in CQB. UCAP Valiant (Dorchester Prison) lends itself brilliantly to this - epic flanks can be done if you maintain noise discipline and you can easily find yourself behind the opposing team who are completely unaware. Good times.
  7. Great news - thanks for the update. Fair play to the tech I suppose - if you are a one-man band, you are only one significant life event away from (inadvertently) wrecking your business and pissing off your customers.

    • Wanted
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    I am looking for a very good condition PTS grip for GBBR. Either version (EPG or EPG-C) is fine. Black Only.



    • Wanted
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    I am looking for a very good condition PTS EPS-C. Black Only. Not interested in the battery holding standard EPS (I already 6 of the things) Thanks.


  10. Since the HobbyKing UK Warehouse shutdown and Brexit - Turnigys are not viable anymore. I have ~30 Turnigy packs (for RC as well as Airsoft) but they will be reaching their end of life soon. It's unlikely that I will be replacing them all at current UK prices. Not quick from the HK warehouse in my experience - they used to send LiPos via boat (that might have changed though) and they last set I ordered from the HK warehouse took 14 weeks - but that was around 8 years ago to be fair. Never bought batteries direct from them again. Is the EU warehouse an option?
  11. BFGs are allowed for normal game days there. Don't know if that's the case for the NAF though.
  12. I would bet my left nut that some thundercnut will let off a pyro in the middle of the night for giggles. 3000 airsofters...in one place...with alcohol.....urghh. And those portaloos are going to be minging. 🤢 Have fun!
  13. Small CQB sites can work - it just depends on the numbers, how they've handled the layout/cover and the rule set they employ for the games. Might get pretty boring after a visit or two though.
  14. Nah - it's the site I don't like. If the NAF was held elsewhere I'd consider giving it a go. GZ is only 20mins away from me - there's a good chance that I would only play for a few hours, have a quick look around the trade stalls and then sack the rest of the weekend off as I would have no compelling reason to stay. Fair play if it floats your boat though.
  15. Yeah - like there will be any appetite from any MP or any other Government official to back that one. Airsoft the 'game' will continue even if all the defenses are removed. Many won't like the shape or colour of the guns we would have to use, but when it comes to toys shooting plastic BBs at each other - it will still happen. Airsoft the 'collectors hobby' on the other hand....
  16. Perhaps you could ask this newly-registered member... @UKAPU Press Office Do you represent UKAPU - or just using the name to take the piss?
  17. Cool story bro. Did you actually read what I posted? It was broken. Particularly the post first game use report - where the gun ran so hot it became unusable, the weird velocity issues and the trigger switch that was in self-destruct mode - all of which I have fixed. One look on the KWA Owners group will show that the stock piston is one of the most common points of failure and the first thing replaced - sometimes within a couple hours of use. Then there's the massive tappet-timing issue that will cut the power output in half as the nozzle and tappet wears. I'm glad yours is working fine. There have been plenty that haven't - right out of the box. I stand by what I've said - not recommended. At all.
  18. Sorry! Didn't mean to forget about you. 😩
  19. Yeah - it's been like whack-a-mole today with the Spammers. I've nuked some throughout the day - mainly the leftovers from @rocketdogbert and @RostokMcSpoons...😜 I think they've sussed the changes to the registration that @proffrink implemented.
  20. I've had one of these for years. https://www.military1st.co.uk/13532001-mil-tec-mag-carrier-chest-rig-olive.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1rqkBhCTARIsAAHz7K0zZE5JwihFAcWtvn4IqydQDCQ3-AGT5VD-X_47cCviYRnyrWFGqoEaAtA4EALw_wcB Not Cool. Not available in any gucci colours, but it's a slightly bigger 'light' rig that is cheap, well enough constructed for BBwarz and has an appropriate amount of coverage for more...ahem...'portly' gentlemen.
  21. The gearbox is proprietary on Ares EFCS guns. There are no drop-in upgrade options. You will need to undertake modifications to the gearbox and/or fabrication of adapters to fit anything other than the stock EFCS unit. Not saying it can't be done - but it's probably not worth the hassle.
  22. By DDPM I assume you are referring to Desert DPM? If so, the side pouches are probably for the 45L Day Sack available here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125122762851
  23. As @Lozart mentioned - Aliexpress is the best place for repo gear on a budget at the moment. I always pick a vendor that does the 15 Day delivery option - I've never had a problem and my last order arrived in about 10 days.
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