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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. It was that airsoft society is more of a US based forum and have explained some US techy's hate G&G raise an enquiry about SHS DSG and enjoy the wrath as oppossed to seigtek for example (no I'm not having a go at airsofters across the pond but many feel very strongly about Riot's DSG) hence I just wondered about the forum & boneyard as it is typical american - we tend to say breakers yard I feel The enthusiasm part was gonna upgrade a rather bespoke gearbox as your first attempt rather than a convential v2 or v3
  2. So are you in US or UK coz kinda confused tbh kinda guessing UK but boneyard and other forum + higher fps makes me think USA G&G starters are still rated highly on Evike & AGI - by customers anyway just a lot of techy's like to pick holes in them but like I said they are not in same league as the higher end stuff but still fantastic value good reliable guns with very decent boxes - there are a number of less quality for more money guns out there up to the owner what they buy/use in the end - its their money so buy whatever you like/feel I admire your enthusiasm though
  3. First off - I don't know why but a fair amount of techy's on US forums hate G&G and also SHS - well anything from far east They like G&P, Seigtek, Lonex - yes very good but so they bloomin' should be for the extra you pay I can only presume you yourself are from the other side of pond as you are probably talking about Evike's boneyard items Which is fine coz UK sites have lower limits than stateside ones so you could use a higher fps gun But if you are lead to think that G&G boxes break like toothpicks then I suggest you may read on a bit more coz that forum has a great tutorial on build higher speed guns etc... clearly stating numourous times you don't need to go mad a lot of the time certainly don't need to have all hi end stuff to acheive an improved box/gun Yes TM are way better than a standard G&G starter gun - much like comparing a Lexus to a Kia/Hyundai so to speak I will gladly accept the TM is better - but hardly a fair match when they are at different ends of the spectrum Me personally I'll stick at the lower end for now and learn as I go, my actual skills in skirmishing certainly don't to me warrant a higher end gun just yet, I will need to gain a bit/lot more skill in playing and maintaining aeg's first I feel well tbh I'd probably just end up taking the cheaper guns as far as I feel they can go within moderation/reg use etc.... To each their own as they say, but me personally - I tend to think of the saying: Fine clothes do not make a gentleman, it is not the gun but the player holding it that can win the game (yes a fantastic gun helps a bit but don't guarantee jack - well that is just my noobish humble opinion)
  5. burst controller or delayer ???
  6. The good thing about G&G's is that you have a few good model/styles options for quite a reasonable price so you got change for batteries/charger/mags/eye pro etc.... ICS are nice and they start at around same price as G&G's at fire support but stuff in the £150 mark are very much the same just with long/short barrel or different stocks, think you gotta pay a little more to get the £200 mark with some nicer models I got a ICS 42W 2 -tone/clear - well a few and they are nice but most of those in that range were the same style like I said nice gun all the same, reckon a little quicker rof than G&G out of box, clever AR release etc.... But I just like the G&G starter (£120-£160) range of guns, a few choices what floats ya boat but effectively all the same inside just a CM carbine with tarted up front ends really - but all the same good robust build that work well and a dream to work on As for other makes/brands - well depends on your site.... if you was playing only cqb and close cqb then it could be semi only - pistols mp5k ???? if you was playing a mixture semi/auto cqb then stubby M4 - FireHawk/Short Raider or AK74 or G36 if you was looking to say also try out mid range woodland then maybe add on slightly longer GC16 CM18 or 300+ barrels (it don't mean or guarantee better range but if you got room out there then no point just using a smaller gun/pistol on larger areas) You can use anything really but perhaps go for 229-300 size guns for a general all rounder gun - well just my opinion
  7. avoid G&G BOT - no I ain't got one and probably won't reason their fet's haven't got the best reputation and much better ones out there from £10 or build ya own for £5 (plus their new FireHawk HC05 was crap so I don't think much of G&G's R&D dept lately) the GC16 30th offers the best value for must have metal peeps £150 airsoftworld.net short raider/firehawk are short - well yeah but being short they are not likely to bust unless you start using them as hammer/crowbar etc... other makes of plastic guns are very brittle but the abs or polymer or whatever it is used in the CM's stands up very very well if you have £150 to spend then either GC16 30th if you must have metal or CM18 - abs/polymer/plastic but sexy darling of a gun - crap mid cap - leave that in box coz G&G mid caps are not great like some of their fitted mosfets or £123 - short raider will do perfectly also people always think metal is a must - but numerous guns are polymer eg: G36, UAR, ST, ARX - sure there are loads of modern looking guns out there for cqb - short raider - 233 barrel, firehawk 110, cm18 or gc16 - 275 barrel (think that is correct aprox but don't sue me if I'm a tad out) though it don't matter that much but just saying shorter guns could be better suited for tight turns/corridors than a longer mofo but cqb most crap is under 50ft for example
  8. Bored, covered in printer ink trying to make 1 inkjet printer out of last 2 moody ones then fit in the CISS system once again. if this fails then gotta give up and buy new printer & new ciss

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      fingers crossed have transplanted a working inkjet head from faulty printer into a working printer with boned head - hell yeah

      I'm a tight greener recycler epson pile of junk bodger too

  9. Kinock was an ugly ginger bastid - he stood no f*ckin chance Maggie was no oil painting but deffo easier on the eyes than Neil
  10. http://www.cumbria-airsoft.com/dates.html May 16th - Saturday it seems, think about 2/3rds play Sunday but my local one also plays Saturday hope that ain't the one with lapse eye-pro safety
  11. I absolutely suck at airsoft but still good fun all the same...... If you can't skirmish very often, if you can fire a few shots off in ya garden its still good Not just talking about just pop shots at some target, there are loads of things you can do. using cover effectively is not as easy as people think, the experienced players are so damn good they hardly emerge from cover to take you out When you think you got that sussed - then try shooting with your other hand or peeking left as they say So as you emerge from cover on your left & shooting left to keep as much as possible behind cover - yeah that is not easy to master When you watch from the dead zone the pro's finish the game, jeez they are in a different league - they don't move they glide it seems Those people I watch and try to learn from. Kid myself that I might get anywhere near their level.... I know you get people all pulling in different directions, but reckon if you give it a few visits you and some others will soon put together a little squad Then you can all learn from each other, strengths/weakness and become more effective as you work as a small group of players trying to acheive objective Well that's the theory - even then the best players/teams can have bad days when nothing goes right for one reason or other Remember not to take it tooooooooooooooooooooo seriously - I know you can get all pumped up but it is still a game so try to have "fun" if possible It is a toy gun - and a load of people "playing" with toy guns, yes some are really nice expensive toy guns all the same but it ain't the gun, but the player holding it that helps win the game in the end (and it is just a game - so try not to get stressed too much if it ain't always going to plan)
  12. http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ couple up there in lake/cumbria though dunno if they are still going but its a starting point perhaps.... welcome to forum & nice gun btw
  13. They are a bit of a bollock ache v2's There are a couple of ways to route the wires in box and in grip most go for the standard wire each side in box but if using much thicker wire and 2 x fet wire's say on a rear wired box it can get a bit cramped by motor, so options are widen box at rear and run both motor wires down back, only fet wires go across motor entry in box G&G default is to run two seperate wires out of both sides of box, then run both at back of grip rather than either side of motor The DSG I ran both at back of box, both at back of grip, one laid low on negative terminal of motor, then positive ran the long way round motor on top of negative Reason being there is a blank or plate on bottom of grip motor plate preventing a shorter direct route - could cut a groove but routed it as was allowed.... It did actually lay quite well - was pleased coz thought it would never fit in on such thicker wire - but it did go in there quite easily in the end - well reasonably easy Still a bollock ache all the same, luckily there are a few options but yes you can solder on a v2 but is regarded as more of pain to remove & service box where as v3's remove frame/motor cage, and you got access to box - even solder/desolder the switch wires without needing to open box fitting a fet on a v3 & upgrade wire can all be done without opening the box - though as we know it don't hurt to crack it open and aoe,seals,grease to ensure she is fet & juice ready...... Yes only worked on a few v3's but I do like them as being a bit more user friendly to work on especially electrical wise & test purposes with motor cage on and test away deffo an improvement on the older v2's in my humble opinion. But that don't mean I prefer AK's over the Fords of Airsoft - M4's (I ain't joining the dark side just yet but admit they got a better build/layout)
  14. DOGZ NUTZ - get it snake skin looks really nice - not sure if its 101% vcra legit 2-tone but they have been doing these for a while so no worries - it is down to them Doubt very much if you could do better £150 metal G&G ok no loads of rails but the handguard - battery up front is very solid to mount a grip on etc.... or a Short Raider @ £123 if ya a bit strapped but if you can afford the GC16 30th - go for it ya Umarex G36 should be ok - might need a service but that ain't a terrible gun if ya get it serviced me thinks
  15. 101% agree if you are happy with setup/motor - solder is best but depends on ya gun/box V3 - nice n easy to do/remove - did solder motor on AK12, can always remove frame/motor option to work on box V2 - bit more of git to do - so soldered the connectors with extra solder on bends on recent DSG FH (or would have to keep desolder/resolder motor to work on box) Some guy did solder a v2 motor and had bananna type plug/socket in pistol grip but space could get tight for motor in there plus it's another join Hence did the connectors still - ensured tight fit on motor & extra solder on 90 degree bends - damn V2's
  16. No worries sir - I got LOADS of cheapo stuff or starter stuff I see another one, won't get rid of one I got but still need to have more crap I'm not loaded either, but mortgage free so I have a bit more to splash I guess mind you 3 kids (2 x teenagers - one of which is driving going to uni next year) With 3 expensive kids - it still feels like I have a mortgage jeez what I can't spend all my cash on me this month ??? (yeah dream on but wouldn't have it any other way) I know I am doing ok, and we all work hard etc.... but it is great we got all sorts of people on here - fantastic mix So if I ever I stop breaking my cheaper stuff then I know I can ask you & others on here what is a good higher end gun.
  17. I actually rather like it, looks the part to me but I'm no expert on the real thing but normal v2 box - up to say 465/470 barrel. rather than go down the custom 25 v2 box with its longer piston/cylinder/sector understand it just would look wrong with a 300+ hi cap on there though, spoils the look full fixed stock or crane - hmmm not sure might change full size to stubby but doubt if that would look right Deffo looks like the DMR part to this noob, more rail space to fill with almost any extra you will need (and add to the weight when you try to pick her up & leg it)
  18. Get down to poundland 99pstore by a sheet with all them watch batteries on there..... just above the mount rail there is compartment - shove in 2 cells (well open it up and see if there are any dead ones in there - but most likely 2 x 1.5v) EDIT - Mack is correct - I f*cked up in this post it is NOT AG13 - these went in my Eotech I used AG3's in the ACOG - way too small diameter wise but did the job to test it out my bad for saying you need AG13's - they will never fit in there - just checked Correct battery is L936 / LR45 / 394A / AG9 - cheers Mack for what its worth here is a chart with info on sizes/codes/different numbers etc..... Seems like me using AG3 is 7.9mm diameter instead of 9.5mm diameter - same thickness 3.6mm but smaller capacity So seems like I should also order up some L936 / LR45 / 394A / AG9's Thanks to Mack - soz for me talking out of my duck's ar$e once again - my bad
  19. I'm not sure exactly what all that is but I'm sure of two things: it will kick ar$e like all of your stuff & quite likely it will be out of my lower end budget range
  20. Wow, you mean there is some mofo weapon you haven't got yet ??? - kidding
  21. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/25800-general-election/page-11#entry195655 did say Clegg was the only one that admitted he f*cked up - even on the 7 leader debate he owned up and I really do think the Lib Dem's did a good job in keeping a balance or lid on things.... We wait n see if the Lib Dem's retain some power to assist in forming a coalition. But kudos to Clegg for having some honesty and integrity - though in politics, I think it is so rare he may be in the wrong job
  22. No worries m8, get ya exams sorted first. I'm sure I will be going back to Reading at some point soon after
  23. Thank Christ I never booked the Mall - lol Anyway - shopping & shooting, sounds like I best think about doing some overtime..... Nah.... - I thought about it and its the thought that counts as they say......
  24. I'm getting ready for this - all that backyard garden training is ready to be implemented at a moments notice No seriously - this is the real deal & forget using .12's this time I'm gonna be packing .20's
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