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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Think it applies to RIF - this is the main reason for UKARA like I said I bought an OshiBoom n blanks with no UKARA http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/subcateg/534/FLASHBANG-GRENADES/515/OH-SHI-BOOM/ plus they also seem to ship to Europe & Ireland - site has prices in Euro's but on ES site they don't seem to list BFG's - so maybe they don't allow them in Spain or don't wish to ship these BFG's overseas (some places prefer people to collect in person some pyro's rather than than post - even to UK addresses) Blow me - JambWow dressed as Santa on main page and some tart dressed up as Mrs Clause jeez that guy is desperate to sell crap on JBBG
  2. in UK "some" things - RIF = black guns require defense or UKARA database entry and maybe some retailers also might req a few checks on BFG's n blanks but think most don't as they are like fireworks on there own They might be some restrictions on BFG's in some countries like Spain but Spain seems less strict than UK on black Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIF) Either way - it would be worth given Zero One a call I reckon on Monday and they can advise you/brother on anything like this
  3. not sure if you need UKARA for BFG's tbh RIF - yes but 2-tone and some other stuff No I got my Oshiboom from JBBG and 2 boxes of 9mm blanks (100 9mm blanks) - before UKARA'd But when ordering Dynatex from zero one, the order was halted until I completed the form I had to d/load, fill out, scan & email back the pyro form from zero one even though they had my UKARA on file (not sure if it was coz of buying 300 x 6.02 primers with BFG - they were on crazy offer at time) Think there was no mention on the form if I was UKARA'd - just declaration I was sesnsible 18+ and understood the do's/don'ts safety issues etc.... basically zero one covering their ar$e I guess Have ordered primers from JD Airsoft but gave them my UKARA anyway.... LWA sell these primers too but when I looked they were out of stock a while ago So think the law on BFG's and blanks especially is a little unclear but think most retailers may not be as strict as when they sell RIF's and all that After all - the blanks & BFG's are sort of just a firework banger in the end and as long as you are 18+ you can buy thunderflash, bangers, blanks, rockets & catherine wheels etc..... As well as 2-tone IF & 2-tone blank firing guns I think I am not gonna use the word "flawed" but is kinda crazy why not all places check or fill out a form etc.... yes a little blank is quite safe if used correctly - but detonate 100 together like a box of bangers and that is dangerous much like a 2-tone IF can still have some sod's eye out I guess if used foolishly Soz for rant - end of day think Spain's Airsoft laws are not as strict as UK - seen loads of cheaper black RIF's and air pistols/rifles I think for sale in Spanish Toy shops for adult purchases so doubt if Spain req defense as such (Ireland doesn't req defense for RIF - but think Germany has a possible rule no full auto airsoft guns but dunno if that true) weird some of this defense malarky - but hey its still banned down under in Australia and blanks/pyro's BFG's etc.... is a little unclear - but think Zero One will know if they are ok to export to Spain
  4. as an alternative you could also look out for Dynatex Blank Firing Hand Grenade http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=2415 from that site we - in UK have to fill out a form & scan/email it back to them but maybe - and I do not know what their policy is for spain but they do ship overseas http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/delivery_info.php That BFG is a timed BFG taking 9mm blanks or will take 6.02mm shotgun primers with adpter (basically cut a tube about 20mm long that is 9mm outer dia & just over 6mm internal) Impact BFG I have Oshiboom as well as the timed BFG above - both types are good 9mm blanks are about 3 or 4 times as much to buy so worth getting/making 6mm adapter (think if you use imperial size tube it works best 3/8 outer & 1/4 inch inner diameter tube) Alas that site is closed until Monday now but worth looking at and they do ship overseas best of luck
  5. Well perhaps flawed is a strong word but I wouldn't say it is completely 101% perfect Already said I see both sides but we continue to abide by it Yes it can seem to suck or be a bit daft on occasiosions and have thought about this n that but any further checks will be more time/hassle/money We abide by it (UKARA) and that is that - already said about it is site putting their name behind the players and not just gonna do that for love. I retract my statement that it is deffo flawed - but I wasn't just moaning about it rather saying how grateful I am for it Though wasn't they going to implement photo id but that never happened ??? It is a basic database that is all it is, could be more involved but thankfully it isn't (besides even with additional checks that would cost it still would not be 101% perfect I guess) A thanks to all members & retailers - but its a supply n demand chain in the end. If retailers don't do this UKARA then they wouldn't sell so many RIF's and vice versa, we couldn't buy them - so both parties need each other in the end So who is scratching who's back in all this - we all are
  6. Oh it is deffo flawed - but then what ain't in this world ??? You abide by the rules to get something that does actually exist in hard real terms but the database is what is used by retailers to check/verify we have a reason or defense you could even do 3 x half day walk on's - than 3 full days (so the OP could play for 1 day but as 2 x half days if paid in 2 lots) The site may not be ultra $hitty, I mean they run site to make a possible small profit even sites that really enjoy airsoft can't do all the stuff at a loss & just love of it Plus they are the ones who are putting their name down behind a player Yup most places do make a small charge - my site does but they got pi$$ed with too many players doing 3 games get UKARA and just pi$$ off or hit n run so to speak So yeah I totally see both sides of this UKARA coin, and yes its far from perfect BUT though sometimes we moan about it, it could be a LOT LOT WORSE and more involved Heck CRB checks are not cheap - I have had to had a few over the years but my job paid for it plus CRB check is like a MOT - it is valid only up to that date of issue - could be going up for GBH or affray but my CRB 6 months ago says I no previous...... This could also leave to maybe or or two of us who may have done a small stretch or cautioned for a pub brawl when we was younger - that pops up and it could lead to unrealistic judgements perhaps.... I mean it a bloomin' toy gun ffs and if I was some mad sick physco with half a brain I really think I could make up a pain inflicting device - or just grab a tin of black paint and spray it all black etc.... (There a a number of things that can done and I am not gonna list or give anybody ideas) BUT back on topic, this UKARA system is some basic way to keep our crap kind of - sort of regulated a little bit atm we don't have CRB checks, no medical/mental health checks or photo id though photo id might not be a bad idea in my book - but any extra checks/info will cost time/money before anybody thinks I am taking the pi$$ or just moaning - I am grateful that we have this basic form of database and will continue to abide by its terms & conditions (not really much to ask & just common sense) Armed Forces & UKARA - still have to go by the rules - maybe possible a little daft when using real firearms on tour and that is why the UKARA lapsed but what in life is really fair - very very little Final thought - not to be taken the wrong way and in no way a pop at anybody.... Church going Christians - pah I know plenty of real genuine honest christian people with true integrity & morals do anything for anybody and they don't go to church but you don't need to go to church to pray or be a decent chrisitian By that I mean Armed Forces or UKARA'd or both does not completely guarantee anything like being a sensible airsoft player with a high level of safety awareness for those around them (none of that was checked and how could it be checked with just 3 skirmishes under ya belt) OK soz if I trod on any toes - please do not take any crap I say the wrong way it ain't perfect but we go with the flow and this UKARA stuff could be a lot worse in the end
  7. UKARA like many things is far from perfect.... Like many many regs n rules these days No CRB check or sanity check I'd fail that one I could of done a 10yr stretch for armed robbery Come out do a few games and go n get my next RIF for my next job - no I am a sort law abiding guy really Just coz you had it n in armed forces means little to UKARA I'm afraid and we all have to follow those rules You play at a few sites so ask a couple to see if they may help but doubt if they will coz they can't really Sucks but afraid few will do it if they go by the book Maybe the site might renew if you get 2 games in quick That sounds fair to me but each site operates differently But 2 games quick if you was a regular and only just expired this year coz you was away - well that is what I'd do
  8. Not taken any of my AKs apart yet so no AK expert BUT was just saying these cheapo guns are not designed to be taken apart regularly So say you change hop up rubber in 6 months time then these cheapo guns may and I say "may" not hold up well over time and like my B500A1 ooh it is a git to open where as a TM compat M4 pops open much easier to say change hop up rubber It is not gonna be an easy gun to maintain coz of its cheap build Just thought about stuff like changing hop up rubber and ooh crap its all gotta come apart again OK well you could pop in say a 400mm barrel and hop up n rubber, but still if it needs a bit of cleaning, servicing & tweaking then it is not same as servicing "normal" AEG's that was what i was meaning and thought it should be taken into account before buying c'mon CYMA knock out a new AK12 rear end by the New Year maybe ????????
  9. Got mine today, not really played or fired it but a quick couple of things Barrel is 100m shorter than it could/should be - chock did mention this I know BUT - one thing that should be noted and I never fully realised.... This is NOT gonna be a regular skirmish weapon I think coz it won't be so easy to service and maintain - eg: - hop up clean/replacement - the 2 halves will have to come apart again to replace hop up - so the threads will soon strip Now hopefullu somebody like CYMA or maybe JG may remake the ar$e end coz it is just a usual AK front end but more modern body - can't be that hard to remodel a reg AK47 body - I mean we have numerous options to replace a cheap plastic CM28 with a metal body so maybe CM or JG will remake a half decent plastic and maybe later metal body This will make the gun easy to service and maintain - atm don't expect this AK12 to last if you keep taking it apart like I said - but better body and you are onto a winner I reckon I like it - sort of modern AK - ergh yeah that was the idea I know but think it would be a good cross over from the normal M4 user to try out So c'mon on Cyma & JG - make a proper body and start making us a better AK12 reckon it will be a good seller - well I will buy one/two will play more with later but hopup replacement can be a bitch on this Viper one so don't rush out and buy it if you thinking of using it a lot chaps
  10. if its the one that long stick battery that goes down tube then do some checking first..... obviously it will be longer 7.2v = 6x1.2v 8.4v = 7x1.2v 9.6v = 8x1.2v if it is like the thin "stick" battery then be careful - you only have so much room like in some AK's where they use stick battery's depending on AK stock used it "should" fit but on longer batteries you may need to ensure the small tamiya/wires are short as there is gonna be less room left for wires. Also I would suggest sticking to well known makes like Vapex perhaps as some other makes may be a tiny bit thicker and can be difficult to fit inside the tube - it is tight even on good battery makes work out what room you may have by adding on 1 or 2 cells for 8.4v or 9.6v sticks first before you buy compact little gun but pi$$er for changing battery quickly & easily on them
  11. well done sir - if I didn't have so many guns I would be getting 1 or 2 not much to add but I think 5% off coupons are still valid = £66:50 delivered codes horse or coconut but if you wanna save a little more then crazyeyes = 7% = £65.05 delivered (£4:90 saved) dunno why Dom does those bloody daft youtube discount codes total tw*t on coconut - who the heck got his bird to do the horse one and crazy eyes will scare young kids - but hey they help get a few quid off so wtf AHHHhhh double wtf - ordered one - dunno when I will get round to swapping it out but for 65 I could not silence those "buy me" screams no more - damn it
  12. well she sounds quicker but vid sound & wobble is a shame what battery you running in that atm - don't matter coz stubby will let ya shove anything in with less messing about etc.... well done - see how she goes but she got some oomph in her now
  13. keep them well out of the way and remove all mag/batteries etc..... they are feckin dangerous even to drunk adults let alone young kids so always should be treated with respect when he starts school them maybe a nerf gun (5/6/7 yrs old etc...) around 10-ish then show him under close supervision airsoft stuff hopefully by then he would of learned some respect and common safety sense even with nerf some basic eye protection - blah blah blah and this respect will carry over when he is ready to venture into close supervised airsoft well that is my take on this - and perhaps a slow & safe(ish) way to introduce kids to sport if he don't like it then simply tell him this Christmas: Its Nerf of nothin' son
  14. indeed - G&G most fire @ 330 to be used at either 100m or 350fps (yeah I know 330 is over 328(100m/sec) but most sites aren't that ultra strict) either a very very lightly used possible import or 115/120 spring change end of day though it is to the SITE CHRONO - that is the final ruling even if another chrono says this or that the site goes by their chrono end of only way to be sure is to wait n see what that site chrono says before you go too mad opening her up and getting stuff changed - admit most chrono's should be fairly accurate but get it properly chrono'd first - tin cans means jack or low batteries in chrono can give inaccurate results soz if you have had it properly chrono'd already but the "was shooting around 370" seemed a little unsure you can leave gun nearly fully cocked/spring compressed and this can lower or take some tension out of spring if you have proper access to chrono try leaving it cocked overnight & see what she fires in the morning perhaps
  15. Dunno what I admire more - the gun or the ol' geezer's loadout Think it is called the South London Dodgy Car Dealer loadout I love it :) 'ave some of thaaaaat !!!! (in a Mike Reid / Eastender voice) Come to think of it I reckon it was the farmer who owns the land and all this lot are trespassing - and that is a REAL gun..... "Get orf my furkin land you barrsturdssss" - in an Emerdale voice
  16. box mags are 5k drum mags are about half that usually with battery seriously overkill and some sites/players can object even if used as a supposed support M4 gun as i said is a bit noobish - but used just for last game when usually the team results are all over and wtf - lets kick some a$$ for a laugh check with site/players and use sparingly coz it is noobish to use all the time BUT - end of day - last game - perfect for getting back at all them non-hit takers think Marshal's should have one in their M4 machine pistol and inform peeps they will taste HITS big time if they don't take their hits - bet that will ensure more fair play
  17. You don't normally use them for regular battles as they are a bit overkill or noobish - the last game of day is when it comes out as it is just a laugh and a free firing frenzy trying to take n hold positions on last game really (if peeps objected too much then it would stay in bag but normally is just for laugh) I have a couple of the manual wind ones - still holds about 5k but 1 wind is like a a M4 mid cap - about 100 or more before winding again it seems ensure your mag catch is good coz it is a full bag of bb's in there (1kg+ depending on bb weight) mental stuff but like I say normally used on last game coz if everybody ran with this then it would be a bit daft trying to emerge from cover & advance You may need to check with site and players too as some places do limit this sort of thing as is a bit ott - fun but ott - but hell ya,.... you lay down some serious covering fire
  18. AK should be considered too as it often matches or beats them out of box yeah it is odd terrorist weapon but airsoft wise the AK's do kick a$$ too now you are more confused about what to get....... easy get all 3 - job done
  19. Not being funny but why the sudden interest in G36's today or last 24hrs ??? don't tell me COD Advance Warfare has the G36 as one of the default classes/weapons and people have just discovered it coz this is about 4th G36 enquiry I mean its good for cqb the G36c but it doesn't walk on water though I know the 360 & PS3 versions got leaked over last 24/48hrs but can't see other reason why the sudden rush of interest all of a sudden well more than usual soz - no offense meant to the OP's didn't see G36 but saw AK12 - oooh & ARX-160 from BF4 http://www.theadvancedwarfare.com/aw/weapons-list/ soz for veering off topic but just wondered why so many G36 posts
  20. only possible reason I would say G36c if you do cqb & tight cqb that is where a g36 or mp5k or stubby M4 would be a tad easier to handle in tight corners/stairwells/corridors but Raider S - short version has to be a top serious consideration coz it will do so well in both cqb & out in woods They are very very popular and yes many may have them and you will be following the heard of M4 owners - mostly G&G but then why are they so popular and sell loads & often sell out quick when in stock Think that sums it up really - good things sell themselves very easily (usually) Raider S - if you hate it (unlikely) you should be able to sell it no problem if you find you really still want G36c but think you will be pleased with it
  21. want g36 but then look at fragile looking M4 - G&G Raider would be better or g36c http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=GE0636IIDT
  22. go for gears n mosfet then the box is sorted & shimmed might be alright after that for a while and not desperately need motor after all - see the rof & fps improve and you might be sorted The TT box might just have had a few tweaks and higher speed gears and they could of dropped in the reg motor even in the TT FH (got the paint on the TT FH so can't check motor used) reckon gears n mosfet may give her some guts she deserves
  23. Alas get UKARA and you can get it half the price SRC G36 are supposed to be good - well they are coz my site uses them as opposed to usual JG and it was sweet - abused chipped to heck but it was probably well maintained as well but fired quick and accurately when I used one for half a day - lucky they let me do a half day hire at time We pay a bit more over here for stuff - even though our VAT is 20% TW & GF is 23% but lots cheaper but need UKARA Don't think we are getting ripped by retailers so much probably a high duty on imports by HM Customs - wait until you import from o/seas and see what you get ripped off by ParcelForce bastids SRC M4's are deffo to be avoided - lame g/box poxy split hop-up's etc... SRC G36's are nice but not stocked everywhere but presume their v3 is better than ver2 g/box's perhaps - can't be no worse but either of those G36's will be good and able to upgrade/maintain the viper/well - nah don't bother shop around see what you can find - and in stock plus if you need 2-tone nice gun for cqb & up to say mid range outdoors JG Cyma SRC here ya go if they got it in stock - clear (miles better than orange) SRC g36c http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=GE0636IIDT Just don't buy SRC M4's - get G&G M4's instead (soz I know you want G36 but just saying)
  24. seperate 2 halves first and check lower gearbox still runs ok should do unless something broke or fuse blew in stock (10a car blade fuse me thinks) instructions/manual - pah who reads that crap that is for noobs or when you admit defeat ffs - I'm a bloke we don't do that crap (we never ask for directions or admit we are lost - god bless sat navs now) hopefully lower box will run ok - read - ergh check manual for gear postion and top half is released/correct position Hopefully she should then go back all timed up correctly and fire once more best of luck
  25. looks to me like a vapex smart charger that should be ok smart chargers turn off when charging is complete to avoid cooking the battery I say it looks - looks very similar to vapex smart charger google some pics and you will see if so then just leave it and it should go green after say 2hrs or so or invest in a good fire extinguisher - lol NEVER JUST LEAVE A BATTERY CHARGING - DEFFO NOT ON BED OR CARPET shove it on say a worktop on old table - coz they can get warm and don't pop out up the road use common sense and keep checking any battery on any charger at regular intervals but looks like smart charger rather than $hit cheapo battery cooker psu
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