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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. yup not a big range of $hit at all but if you was local maybe ring and ask to collect don't like no addy or shop listed but am sure there are a few good places around that do mail order only and no problems..... problem is you ain't after any old G&G, Cyma or JG that most will carry so ya in a bit of a pickle - but they might just have one even ex-demo (slightly used or tested/skirmished) chances are the site n stock is out of date so they won't have it but hey - bunny - ebairsoft to$$ers say in stock, take ya money and still say processing weeks and weeks after ya ordered if it is any consilation - just cancelled an Evike order coz nearly 2 weeks and still not shipped so told them to ffffff forget it, and refund me coz it will get lost/delayed with xmas post etc.... (jeez you can see why taiwan & gunfire get a fair amount of business from me instead ffs)
  2. http://scarboroughairsoftsupplies.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=51 whoo the fook are these guys but hey I was bored so googled gun for laugh (probably out of stock but best of luck anyway)
  3. can't work out how the hell they can be burning out so much - even on low-mid range volts thought mosfet were for higher volts/amps setups My gut feeling is that G&G bought in some moody or a dodgy batch of fets most likely or the small circuit wiring is perhaps not the best & most effective design/layout some bloke in UK ONLY buys his fets from places like Farnell or RS as he has had too many cheapo clones when buying on cheap and these just burn or running very very hot too quick (he has a vid on youtube showing him firing on semi 120 shots in a minute and genuine fet temps are low) more fet stuff here: http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/196370-everything-you-need-to-know-about-mosfets/ and is a good guide - perhaps G&G should read up on it a bit coz on higher end stuff they should not be attempting to cut corners or improve their design better coz it seems to suck for some people's top-tech atm
  4. zero one sell 'em http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=2415
  5. ah dremmel - well I got 2 x cheapo ones but wonder how I got by without 'em another oshiboom - damn it couldn't resist the offer (now 2 oshi's impact + 2 timed bfg's) + tan G&G CM18 - just love the look of them and couldn't resist 15% off (new year resolution - "try" to spend less on airsoft - yeah don't think that resolution will last)
  6. Damn I spend way too much time on here but if you ask the guy nicely these just "might" - be still up for grabs ok only 30rd but jeez they are a bargain if ya into real sim stuff (could be sold already but knew I saw of them up for grabs a while back) http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/22776-x7-star-30-round-ak-magazines/ and yup I do live on here - might be plastic but worth a look and get 'em quicker than hong kong shipping PS - if they ain't 74 compatible then please don't flame me, just trying to help coz I have no other life
  7. http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/ fill ya boots with info n stuff on there sniping is not for everyone - many think yeah but few stick at it or really good & have money to burn for upgrades
  8. bit of both - some seem to run flawless others are not so good.... yes I've messed with stuff and made it worse too but also like to point out that sometimes have got 2 of same (wars break out between son & me otherwise) and we never get 2 perfect ones yes I know you never get 2 the same but quality control does vary a bit..... Yup I do fiddle or try to tweak/break stuff but if gun runs real sweat out of box then I leave alone (yes I don't try fix something that isn't broke and running really well - I'm a bit daft but not that stupid) Same as a lot of things - cars, consoles, kids - you never get two the same One can be really great and no trouble - other can be a right $hit (not just talking about kids but good example)
  9. there is another thread about boosting or increasing your performance alas no special offers for viagra
  10. I can take a hit but back - even with baggy clothes can sting Especially when your team don't notice you taking an extreme left flank then he must be enemy and fire - pop I'm crouched slowly moving in from side - if I get shot by enemy at least I'm drawing their attention any baggy clothes are stretched across my back - little flesh OUCH - WTF in the back - HIT - friendly ffs oh sorry m8 YELLOW FFS - check the band if you can - jeez dunno what hurts more - my back or being on the noob team again (wait - I'm a noob so fair do's it is my stinging back then) Back on topic - full face as he is kid, maybe helmet (bang your head hard and you wish you bought one) Think most of us are wearing another layer or two as it gets colder so reckon no need for juggernaut GLOVES - full finger ones to protect ya pinkies - that can hurt in colder weather too and a very generous of common sense for safety - eye protection ALWAYS ON (still see real noobs thinking they can remove these if in dead zone) If you invest in common sense then I'm sure he will be fine no point having some protection and ignoring basic safety rules etc....
  11. jeez - can we take a vote on this and ask this thread to close we all have slightly different takes on this and none will bring kid back really thought this was done by now lets be a tiny bit thankful it was over there and not somebody we know/love (still a sad loss but think you know what I mean) understand if we can't close thread but it is almost going on as much as me when I get on a roll
  12. uhm I had issues with LWA - bought n paid for one about 2.5 weeks before my ukara came through spoke to them and they said yup no problem fortnight later provided ukara details but they can't find it and was last one (fuming was an understatement) Eventually sourced one else - pro airsoft thanks to mack on here - was TT version ordered another from Zero One and just recently found out it the CM version Now I wouldn't put it past some retailers to suss this out early than us end users and maybe some were ensuring that batch of TT's were shall we say reserved This may sound a bit paranoid but reckon given chance some people will keep the really good ones back - might explain why my FH went walkies on LWA Alas - even G&G's site shows FH with standard pistol grip now maybe we got some US/Export models at first or G&G wanted great reviews on FH So I really reckon for around £140 we are unlikely to get a FH with TT box any more By all means try and ask what grip is on there - if any retailer has them in stock They are a very sexy little gun indeed - loud as f*ck - don't take it underground/tunnels/cqb coz after just half a day it will get on your nerves the loud mouthed baby Still a lovely gun even in CM spec - but as we have recently found out - just not quite as good as they once were still turns heads - and that is before you open fire - then you see loads of heads turn
  13. first batch rel at Easter did later batches seem to have normal CM gearbox check pistol grip - if it has a G27 grip then most likely to have TT box normal grip seems to CM gearbox we recently found out
  14. OK - I have not seen video nor do I wish to..... I have been following this a little closer as it is airsoft and have a son a little older I noticed just right before the ferguson riots started that a US news site said that the video had been viewed and showed kid reaching for his gun I can't remember the exact site as it was at work 3:00am on works pc Also nearly all my comments are NOT my own opinions or views but mostly what OTHER peoples comments that were left on both UK & US news sites may I add I don't know what colour the officer is nor do I care other people mentioned about tazer and the "middle class white kid" in comments Nobody needs to blame the parent/mum - I'm sure she is quite able to do that herself I too will not judge the kids family for as my own son leaves for school & cadets how would I know he is not taking in an airsoft pistol to "show off" to his mates (much like I did and perhaps some of us have done in past) Older ones out there - how many times we scorned drink drivers yet how many with 20 or 30yrs driving exp say the was always under the limit - far fetched maybe but we still could of killed ourselves & others like I say we have all done some dumb a$$ things I think if we are honest So I am not judging nobody, nor do I really want to blame colour or background ffs it is a very sad terrible and tragic thing to happen for kid, mum/dad, officer even and airsoft too I suppose We all have a little difference of opinion or views, but lets not judge anybody but try to ensure this stuff never happens to us or anybody we know & love I hope this will be my last on this terrible matter and hope to get back to my usual less serious rambling bollox fairly soon lets ensure we remain sensible and safe - even me
  15. most of them are clones so yours could be almost any clone or clone of a clone so to speak - the site lists some minor things to check n narrow the clone down a bit or tell you straight if yours is a good or bad clone plus what is/isn't compatibile for parts
  16. uhm have you tried this place: http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/identifyyourrifle.htm if they can't help identify it or narrow it down a bit then you best call CSI
  17. alas it doesn't always appear on database straight away
  18. wow that gun blends in real nice indeed you are indeed one with your gun sir
  19. I dunno where you brought it from but if local then it is worth a try yes it might seem a little dodgy perhaps and if it was £100 gun then ok I can write if off - the warranty I mean if I rounded screws etc off but these can be replaced with new screws..... fact of the matter is if it didn't play up then most people wouldn't be messing with it second skirmish and it goes pear shape - not a cheap gun - what is that a £300 gun yeah right ffs.... at very least if you opened it to ahem clean it you may say.... then if that place has ANY customer service they should fix the problem very cheaply if they don't then enlighten us a little and we will avoid them like ebola/plague You only find out just how good any retailer is - not just airsoft but anything we buy is when things go wrong or not according to plan - and yes aeg's are prone to going tits up coz they get hammered and in effect they are like little hammer drills going 10 to dozen BUT this was no JBBG pile of pooh either besides what have you got to lose at least by ringing them first A decent place would of imho treat a customer - a decent customer who spent £300 on aeg a little bit better than a JBBG £60 gun - well they better or that customer ain't gonna spend any more in their shop - it may be a real simple fix but us noobs gotta know our limits and you not ripped the guts out of it just yet
  20. Delay plate goes on sector gear and keeps tappet plate back a little longer to help ensure a bb is loaded - the tappet plate/nozzle returns well before the piston fires but even on semi sometimes the gears can overrun when it stops and by then the tappet plate is starting to pull back - but this can look like it hasn't returned properly when in fact it is now starting its next cycle - nozzle is pulling back I'm no expert but a complete noob - if you haven't opened box and still has seal on it then try to return it - you paid good money and that toptech box and gun that cost a few bob should have not gone faulty so quickly and should of been ok once dried out if the shop gives you any crap - well if it didn't screw up so quickly then I wouldn't have tried to clean it don't mention anything about damp or rain - it shouldn't have caused this much hassle once dried out but don't let the retailer fob you off as you got it wet - so don't mention that crap you paid good money and it should have lasted a bit longer and all that - try the return or speak to them I am still learning but even I only mess with cheapo guns coz usually so far i end up making them worse - lol don't put up with it or pay out to quickly coz it should be lasting better even with a bit of rain (don't mention rain ffs - it just jammed n all that, seemed to clear itself but then dry fired now n then)
  21. 24 guests offs go n skirmish jeez Oh n onlybbguns say they do check ukara even on face to face purchase... They are not ukara themselves but have said they check With other site/retailers Well they better or if they don't they are never gonna be ukara And face a visit from law or trading standards Just wondering how many kids or guests from media Are conducting an enquiry as to how easy a RIF is UK ? Just more of the wrong kind of attention airsoft is getting ATM Cmon chaps its all there for a reason so stop trying to dodge it OK think I will shut up now n perhaps be less helpful to noons Even if you do say you are retired army & experienced n Mensa And more blah blah blah - read Ian's guide and accept it Go n skirmish n learn it all properly n safely Plus its a right laugh too n guys/girls are good sports etc.. OK shut up now. Oi who cheered oh you all did
  22. Sounds a bit like what OnlyBBGuns "might" say TBH get a G&G Raider or Carbine at about £130 ish and can be 2-tone free at zero one Miles better AEG option or get a decent sniper and so what if it is 2 tone You said it is for back yard target so colour makes absolute no difference If you go for 2 tone and onlybbguns do quite a few in blue, then blue is not that bad Plus in light of what has happened recently black RIF are no doubt gonna get bad press And some places should be tightening up or ensuring the law is implemented much more than before Funny thing is many of us end up spraying our own camo or stuff like that or even go mad on pink guns for a laugh If you can avoid orange as it is a little too vivid to spot on skirmishes but back yard stuff Wtf does it matter especially if it works OK If it is 2tone then your neighbours might not call the SWAT so quickly too Far fetched - ask some 12 yr olds mum F@#K ME 17 guests looking at this post - jeez The law is to protect everybody - you n others around you Go to a skirmish site ffs, learn some safety n respect for sport And others around you. Please don't keep saying just for target must be in black - getting a little common line that one UKARA is there to help regulate it and is there for all of our sake This airsoft sport is no doubt gonna get some stick no doubt Go to site and if you enjoy then go for UKARA if you can You may pick up some common sense safety tips, learn a lot And enjoy it even more than you first thought. Besides shooting some targets in back yard means jack They don't move or shoot back or flank you with a simulated knife kill etc... So though you may think you are a good marksman at 25m Go to a site and see how it really is done in safety n legit Soz if any of this offends no real harm meant but getting a little concerned about how popular ways of getting RIF easily
  23. jeez - not trying to turn this into any race row or anything like that..... I was just asking the black guy at work his take on this coz yes the 12 yr old was black (dunno if cop was white - nor do I care) and the way things get blown or taken out of context in media n others opinions etc.... no blame lies with really anybody else but the poor dumb a$$ kid I admit I took my FireHawk & CO2 pistol into work to in effect "show off" to a few people one has a firearms license and has brought in his hunting rifle in the past (also showing off) I had both items in their boxes and in black bin bags in my car but wasn't being ultra stupid with it - though we fired some shots inside a closed warehouse - but all same Despite all this on here and all what is going on Stateside - none of it will bring the kid/guy back But hopefully we will ALL learn from this - young or old and try be a little more responsible
  24. I was just saying the cops could of considered other options but he made the best decision he thought at the time with limited info - the possible fake gun wasn't relayed to officers so he took it as real So if they fired as kid reached into his waistband of jeans then they wouldn't have seen an orange tip if still fitted They were not told it could be a possible fake gun but the dumb ass kid was pointing at people uhmm soz that is just asking for it but wait a sec - who never took out an old cowboy gun/water pistol that looked a little bit realistic and waved it in the air - alas the world has changed a bit and gun crime is common reality now Now at the risk of kicking over a massive hornets nest on top.... Daily Mail jumps on this as airsoft sport of terrorists/criminals Daily Mirror asks the question would police open fired if was a white 12yr old instead a black kid ??? WHOOOAAAAA - soz but I'm sure many lefty's may wonder that plus US are waiting to find out about a white cop shooting dead a black guy - and family telling all to stay calm & don't riot Soz but this is dumb tragic thing to happen and not the first time it has happened and won't be the last either Bad crap all round which ever way you look at it and all that EDIT just put the question to a black guy and without question said the would of shot if it was a white 12yr old. Them cops don't take no $hit or chances be said. It was an interesting discussion, yup kid f**ked up at least 3 times, taking gun out, waving it and not complying with armed officer The officer probably went home to his own 12yr old son and though it is unfair to judge rights/wrongs of parents teaching kids they can't watch them 101% of time and until my own kids grow up and see how they turn out - only then could I perhaps comment how other parents bring their kids up the officer's son or anyone of our kids or members on here could be in a similar situation Before anybody says no-way - did you not do really slightly dumb a$$ stuff when you was young ?? admit I doubt if I was gonna be that dumb to ignore armed police officer could of tazered the kid but a firearm info was given rather than possible fake firearm So due to possible risk to officer and public the possible fake info was not relayed - and rightly so Alas police arrive and they have video footage of kid reaching for a gun so officer fires - end of story officer did not sign up for this situation of killing a kid - he has to live with this and even though he acted on his best instinct it is nothing to be proud of on his record Kid's mum is gonna have a nice Thanks Giving as well - the whole thing is f**king tragic mess Plus as the guy at work was saying they in US have had kids of all backgrounds go on recent shooting spree in schools so he is quite sure the cop would of done the same on a middle class white kid And as the night continued we saw the developments over in Ferguson - which is another black vs cop more crap And lets not forget how the riots a while back started over here in UK too Basically - don't F**ck with guns real RIF or 2-tone anywhere outside or you may not live to regret yes I know Ferguson guy was unarmed before anybody starts to correct me but all kind of connected in a way being shot by armed police A terrible tragic shame and waste like I said - kid is to blame for his dumb a$$ mistakes but though a 12yr old knows right from wrong they may not fully understand his actions probably why criminal records are separate for kids/teenagers and adults etc.... but lets not forget that "could" of happened closer to home or even somebody we knew/loved trying to put a slight humour spin on this perhaps should of bought this 5-tone gun http://www.evike.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=22&products_id=42979 a nerf gun looks more lethal and this gundam would of perhaps been safer plus being SRC it would of been shagged after 3 or 4 skirmishes (sure it don't stand for Star Rainbow Co but $hitty Rifle Crap)
  25. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/umarex-elite-force-racegun-co2-airsoft-pistol.htm#.VHNTB8kknIU valid defense/UKARA req if you purchased from patrol base - very clear & vivid end of the day it is down to retailer - it is them that could be in "firing line" so to speak personally a non blowback £27 co2 will do me with a touch of blue on it or nearly half that in black once ukara'd but in the light of recent stuff in the news and the way some dumb 12yr kid shot dead plus the way that numerous anon/guests browse these forums I will leave it there
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